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๐Ÿงต How much does religiousness increase iq over time?

Anonymous No. 16226680

Why would being religious lead to selection for increased iq?

>Does Conservative Religiousness Promote Selection for Intelligence? An Analysis of the Vietnam Experience Study
>Dutton & Kirkegaard

Anonymous No. 16226688

Religion doesn't increase your intelligence, it selects for mental gymnastics. Low IQ people are worse at justifying crazy nonsense so they realize that the church is bullshit. High IQ people rationalize all the inconsistencies until they're bat shit crazy and don't see the issue with creating a fake pseudoscientific narrative like young earth and then insisting that not teaching in schools is religious persecution.

Anonymous No. 16226742

I don't buy it, dumber people are easier to indoctrinate

Anonymous No. 16226760

That's not what the graph is saying. It says that intelligent religious people have more children at 38 than intelligent non-religious people, and that unintelligent people have about the same number of kids regardless of how religious they are.

Anonymous No. 16226773

Are you stupid? The graph is about fertility at least read your sources you dumb fuck
Religiousness is just denial of reality, when people get smarter they usually have less children because they know the implications whereas religious people just think it's "holy" and "godly" to have children justifying having more children despite not being sustainable for them

Anonymous No. 16226780

Not checking the paper but are those one sigma or two sigma bands? Either way the title quoted doesn't support the conclusion since the number of kids at all iqs for high religiosity are within error bands of each other. that is, it's a tiny effect size

Anonymous No. 16226853

Did you miss the x-axis entirely?

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USA homeschooling....jpg

Anonymous No. 16228084

There are too many variables involved, but succinctly, conservative religious people (of any religion) MIGHT have more demanding habits when it comes to school performance, and therefore their children MIGHT be exposed to more critical reasoning (IQ goes up through neurogenesis and reinforcement), who would in turn likely become, at least, agnostic atheists, ironically.
On the other hand, non-religious people MIGHT be a more informal, more loose, more hedonistic set of people, who MIGHT permit their children to have more freedom in how they use their time and, instead of doing homework, their children MIGHT spend their days on TikCock. These kids would also likely turn into, at least, agnostic atheists, but would not be as bright.
Within each of those groups, there is too much variability though. Some religious parents MIGHT insist on homeschooling, which is not regulated in many regions on earth (pic relevant), and therefore not promote critical reasoning, only religious memorization. That'd not promote a high IQ.
By the same reasoning, non-religious parents MIGHT be themselves demanding and strict. That would lead to high IQ.
It all comes down to the character or the parents and their expectations, and what each group culture believes in and promotes, and as you might be aware, there is so much variability out there... religious conservativism in one place or country is not the same as religious conservativism in another place, and another country.

Anonymous No. 16228140

which means that if we have an atheist population and a religious population then the religious population will maintain or increase its intelligence over time while the atheist population declines due to the high iq failing to breed.

so what's going on to cause the effect?

Anonymous No. 16228142

>Religiousness is just denial of reality,
atheist cope

Anonymous No. 16228152

Atheism tends towards nihilism and provides no moral incentive to do difficult things, like sacrifice your time and money to raise kids. Religious people often view having a family as a duty. Stupid people don't really have their behavior influenced as much by their philosophy.

Anonymous No. 16228154

Yeah, he's off the left side a bit.

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Anonymous No. 16228179

let me break the HYPOTETHIS down for you

Anonymous No. 16228185

>high iq failing to breed.
no, in today's protective society, in which fertility DOES nor depend on IQ anymore, that is not the conclusion.
In fact, what we are observing is actually the opposite: high IQ people have less children than simpletons.

Anonymous No. 16228190


Anonymous No. 16228218

Did you fail to read the graph that's the subject of this thread?

Anonymous No. 16228219

Is the Internet the one and only correct source of The Truth, free of any and all false information?

Anonymous No. 16228761

I just read the paper you imbecile instead of using my own bias to read a random graph

Anonymous No. 16228770

>not sustainable
And yet here you are

Anonymous No. 16228782

Look At these demon possessed shills leap and bounds convincing anyone desperate enough to be convinced that religion bad

Anonymous No. 16229390

>Why would being religious lead to selection for increased iq?
This depends on the religion in question.

Anonymous No. 16229401

And yet you still missed the x-axis and have zero understanding of what you claim to have read but didn't actually read which is why you keep making claims from authority (I read the paper) instead of adding anything to the discussion beyond your off topic rant about your dislike of religion.

Anonymous No. 16229433

such as?

Anonymous No. 16229437

Judaism mogs any other religion as far as performing eugenics.

Anonymous No. 16229444

wasn't that more because the dumber askkenazi got pogrommed and the smarter ones left before the people figured out the interest rate con?
I'm sure we could consider it a way to raise iq but it doesn't seem very rounded looking at the results, they're very skewed..

Anonymous No. 16229450

Islam would select for a few higher IQ families to be rule makers while everyone else select for 85 IQ rule followers.
Catholics would do a better job, but would still have a herd of lower IQ followers with small minority higher IQ leadership.
Protestant reformation really allowed people to move upwards, because they moved past the need for strict hierarchical structure in the religious and got to the meat of the matter.

Anonymous No. 16229462

Catholicism seems to have produced many artistic genius types looking at the art, music, and grand buildings?
But it's an interesting point for debate.

what of buddhism or the orthodox? let's ignore hinduism for now.

Anonymous No. 16229464

Catholicism forces high IQ people to be virgins.

Anonymous No. 16229465

Who cares? Communism is the best religion.
Don't answer. This thread will be moved to /pol/.

Anonymous No. 16229473

The pogroms only accelerated evolution. Think about it like this: what might have taken 10k years of evolution to achieve instead only took 1k years with the pogroms. Either way, Judaism is almost explicitly set up to allow for Eugenics.

Anonymous No. 16229482

but the mizrahi and sephardi are still kinda dumb it's only the ashkenazi with any real intelligence so I'm not sure I buy that theory entirely.

Anonymous No. 16229485

They don't exactly encourage family formation around strength, so it's a moot point.
No idea. Mostly traditional stuff without over bearing influence of Rome, I guess.

Anonymous No. 16229491

Mizrahi/Sephardi rituals are different than Ashkenazi's, but they are noticeably more intelligent than their surrounding groups.

Anonymous No. 16229492

So what do we need in a religion to select for actual intelligence? is it just giving smart people more of a reason to have a family instead of wasting their life hedonistic abandon?

Anonymous No. 16229501

This is where judaism, even with their completely inverted mentality and matriarchal bullshit, manages to succeed. They always socially rewarded the intelligent, learned men as much as they rewarded joshuas and davids.
Protestant reformation freed people from previous shackles of the corrupted church, and really allowed people to expand their thinking from 15th century onwards. It is chiefly responsible for the Great Divergence and the success we enjoyed until present day. It's all really protestant work ethics and godly behavior bearing fruit.
The tipping point came in late 19th century and 20th century with disastrous, self-defeating wars encouraged by jews and other malicious old world powers who never really believed in personal agency, at least not to the degree it would threaten their own base of power. They are players of the Old Testament, as highlevelinsider mentioned. They believe in minority enlightened rule supported by majority ignorant and distracted slave class, in one form or another.

Anonymous No. 16229509

ban usury for a start

Anonymous No. 16229510

Also, it's true Catholic church encouraged certain projects that enabled people to regain some free will, such as massive cathedral building across Europe. Freemasonry really started off as free thinking, brilliant engineers who moved across all boundaries and brought about the genius that was buried under the chaos of the Dark Ages.
In chaotic times, you need strict, hierarchical discipline with a steeled fist in order to ensure security and stability first before anything else is feasible. In that regard, Catholic church, even with its strange beginnings and countless civil wars fought internally, did a lot of good for people.
Collapse of the Roman Empire and the Dark Ages really set things back by 1000 years.

Anonymous No. 16229515

Have you read gunnar heinsohn's theory about the 1st millenium?

Anonymous No. 16229529

Is this the relevant book?

Anonymous No. 16229553

Low IQ atheistard take.