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Anonymous No. 16226906

why do people believe this? >nah, man, energy isn't real it's just symmetry in time
complete mental illness, if energy isn't real, how come energy fluctuates due to uncertainty principle even though nothing changes in time?

Anonymous No. 16226938

CONSERVATION OF energy is part and parcel of time-translation symmetry, anon. Try understanding what you're complaining about first.

Anonymous No. 16226950

>Try understanding what you're complaining about first.
This is /sci/, that's impossible

Anonymous No. 16226951

Ah, touché.

Anonymous No. 16226955

don't be a retard. you can conserve energy even if time is not symmetric. just don't spend it bro

Anonymous No. 16227416

It's just lie algebra bro

Anonymous No. 16227433

The universe is symmetric under exchange of conscious observers. The Noether charge of this symmetry is consciousness. Consciousness is a conserved quantity.

Anonymous No. 16227742

its so insane to me how all the developments after newton are basically just reformulation of his equation

Anonymous No. 16227754

Physics peaked in late 1800's