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🗑️ 🧵 why am I alive

Anonymous No. 16226959

I'm covid-vaccinated, so why aren't I dead yet?

all my covid-vaccinated friends are also alive

Anonymous No. 16226966

Another vaccine survivor reporting in. The shots each made me feel like crap for about 24 hours, but I got over it.

Anonymous No. 16226975

The death rate of the vax was only something like 1%, if you are reasonably healthy young man which statistically you are when you are working in an indian shitposting center then your chances are basically 0. Instead it cuts your life short by few years due to a cancer or a cardiovascular issue you would otherwise not have. Kinda stupid thing to do still but your body your choice.

Anonymous No. 16226982

From safe & effective to surviving russian roulette. Your scraping the bottom of the barrel for arguments against the onslaught of bad news about your stupid decision.

Anonymous No. 16227038

i didn't get any vaccines, and i never got covid. didn't know anyone or hear about anyone getting it either, other than the news. weird.

Anonymous No. 16227369

Two more weeks

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Anonymous No. 16227383

What if you are wrong and we are all already dead ?

It is unthinkable that the elite didn’t plan to kill in mass the people who work and make them rich. It’s well known that parasites always try to kill their host as fast as possible.

Anonymous No. 16227397


Anonymous No. 16227459

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media