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🧡 Vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker

Anonymous No. 16227150

Past research in adults has linked vegetarian and vegan diets with a greater risk of heart disease and a greater risk of fractures, caused by low calcium intakes.

>researchers found a link between shorter heights and lower bone mineral content among vegan children, compared to meat-eaters.

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Anonymous No. 16227846

it also causes low IQ

Anonymous No. 16227858

My parents were divorced and my mom was a bpd-psycho with a masters in fine arts and only ate and fed me vegan ingredients when she had custody. I'm also ~6 inches shorter than my dad and ~2 inches shorter than my mom.

Anonymous No. 16227871

That's child cruelty.

Anonymous No. 16227886

I would never forgive her for that

Anonymous No. 16227902

vegans are extremely cruel, mean-spirited people

Anonymous No. 16228862

Your mother passed on her inferior genetics to you and then wisely insured that you would never pass those inferior genetics down further

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Anonymous No. 16229855

Well known fact

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16229862

Fake or broken link.

Anonymous No. 16229879

>straight up posting non-functioning links hoping no one would actually click it
lmao, shills are getting desperate

Anonymous No. 16229882

working link

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16229932

So, eating meat makes you fat, and grow a big ass?

Anonymous No. 16230842


Anonymous No. 16230854

We had a similar mom and my youngest brother experienced similar malnutrition. He's 8 inches shorter than the rest of us. I'm sorry anon.

Anonymous No. 16230866

/sci/ gets filtered by the monty hall problem? Why would I trust you fat asses on health and nutrition?

Anonymous No. 16231909

people on vegan diets are underdeveloped in all aspects, not only physically, but also intellectually as well as sexually. their reproductive organs work as poorly as their brains and the rest of their bodies do

Anonymous No. 16233633

Thats good though. Veganism is just another way that evolution rids us of inferior genetics. People dumb enough to become vegans should become genetic endpoints.

Anonymous No. 16234825

>everyone on this board is sooooo dumb except for me
>I'm a super special snowflake unique genius

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Anonymous No. 16235491

Anonymous No. 16235660

>vegans should become genetic endpoints.
Said the fat midwit as he gorged on burgers and other fried "beef products"

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16236664

Anonymous No. 16236667

Both anti-vegan threads bumped together. Either the dairy lobby is real, or we have some fatass here afraid the Nazis are going to take over and make him eat vegetables.

Anonymous No. 16236706


Anonymous No. 16236788

If you are vegan and have children... let them have a normal diet with vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy, eggs, cereals, etc.. Let them choose the vegan lifestyle once they are already grown up. Kids aren't small adults, they are in constant development and growth and their nutritional needs can't be neglected as much as we do to ourselves.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16236812

What you need to avoid the most is excess iron, both for the child and the mother.

Anonymous No. 16237073

/sci/zo posting at its best.

Two threads on a similar topic on a slow board getting posted in at the same time. Could it be that the people partaking in one are also interested in the other thread?

Anonymous No. 16237605

there's no such thing as eating too much iron or too much of any nutrient if they come from natural sources (animal foods)
what you are talking about is eating an excess of supplements which you shouldn't be eating in the first place if all you did was eat a natural human diet (animal foods)

Anonymous No. 16237611

Hitler was a vegan and pushed vegan diet to the citizens

Anonymous No. 16237624

he was also childless and ended up killing himself
what's your point?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16237631

That's bullshit, and iron is being added to cereals flours etc.

Anonymous No. 16237734

>That's bullshit
look into it
every study that claims a "nutrient surplus" is dangerous uses them in supplemental form (pills, powders, oils)
>and iron is being added to cereals flours etc.
yes exactly more supplementation because those are not foods meant for humans
if you eat a natural human diet there is no need for supplementation

Anonymous No. 16238383

vegan diets cause brain damage so it should be expected that vegans will leap to dumb conclusions and make stupid posts

Anonymous No. 16238393

hot potato with hitler

Anonymous No. 16238396

I mean nature tries to kill us at every turn, it's just we've selectively bred and figured out what's safest over the millennia

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Anonymous No. 16239006

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16239098

No. Both too much meat and fortified cereals can make you poisoned with iron. The body can't regulate the absorption well enough to eat those.

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Anonymous No. 16239148

>Both too much meat and fortified cereals can make you poisoned with iron
synthetic nutrients are not the same as naturally occurring nutrients, simple as
you can never get iron poisoning from eating naturally occurring meat, our bodies can regulate an excess of nutrients on its own as long as it's not coming from waste products like the synthetic nutrients that are added to our foods
you shouldn't be eating fortified anything but especially not cereal and definitely dont give them to your kids (fortified or not)
they're fortifying these foods because they're deficient in nutrients - which means you shouldn't be eating them at all, ever

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16239157

>you can never get iron poisoning from eating naturally occurring meat
You can, and do get poisoned. Just because something occurs in nature doesn't mean that we can handle eating it.

Anonymous No. 16239174


He was vegetarian but vegans don't like this fact and tried rewriting his Wikipedia article by claiming he was not trve for over a decade. It's pathetic and tells you a lot about the tribalism and bending of truth in these communities

Meanwhile they cite Einstein as a vegetarian. In reality he ate (according to his housemate) copious amounts of smoked fish and cold meats and cheese, and snacked on eggs. He was only vegetarian for two years at the end of his life due to health issues and then died

Anonymous No. 16239181

>You can, and do get poisoned
what makes you believe this? and link to 1 case where this happened to someone who ate naturally occurring meat?
>Just because something occurs in nature doesn't mean that we can handle eating it.
that wasnt my claim, my claim was naturally occurring meat specifically will never cause you to suffer from iron poisoning but I do agree that synthetic iron (supplementation) will

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16239187

It's near universal among daily meat eaters. We don't have any good way to regulate heme iron absorption, the only viable way is regulating intake. People get brought up on a high meat diet, and assume that it's completely normal to feel lethargic and "depressed" all the time.

Anonymous No. 16239193

>It's near universal among daily meat eaters
where did you learn this?
>We don't have any good way to regulate heme iron absorption, the only viable way is regulating intake
interesting, where did you learn this?
>People get brought up on a high meat diet, and assume that it's completely normal to feel lethargic and "depressed" all the time.
that's crazy, where did you learn this?
everything I have read about iron poisoning sources studies with pills, tablets, powders etc but you have read somewhere that eating meat causes the same issues?
I wonder where you learned this from, any chance you could share?

Anonymous No. 16239203

Is this some weird kind of satire posting to make fun of the frequent anaemia among vegans?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16239258

They only count the most extreme acute poisoning, not the chronic poisoning that most people suffer from. Iron deficoemcy is virtually nonexistrnt, the "healthy" numbers are made up. I appears it happened during the WW2, where poorpy researched standards were patched up, and since then taken as gospel by people who don't know that it was an emergency guesswork.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16239260

They only count the most extreme acute poisoning, not the chronic poisoning that most people suffer from. Iron deficoemcy is virtually nonexistrnt, the "healthy" numbers are made up. I appears it happened during the WW2, where poorly researched standards were patched up, and since then taken as gospel by people who don't know that it was emergency guesswork.

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Anonymous No. 16239704
>Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most serious complications of vegetarianism and its variants. Infants born to vegan mothers are at greater risk of serious deficiency, being more vulnerable to their effects.
>B12 deficiency is not usually suspected by the pediatrician in healthy infants with neurological symptoms. The manifestations are nonspecific: apathy, rejection of food and loss of maturational patterns. A nutritional history of the mother, mainly if she is vegetarian, to estimate her reserves is fundamental to detect risk of deficiency of this vitamin in the small child.
>The objective of this work is to describe a group of infants, children of vegan mothers, with B12 deficiency and serious neurological compromise: central apneas, seizures, hypotonia, loss of connection with the environment and maturational patterns. Our purpose is to alert about the importance of supplying vegan mothers with B12 before conception until the end of breastfeeding.

Anonymous No. 16239941

>B12 deficiency is not usually suspected by the pediatrician in healthy infants with neurological symptoms.
Why not? It should be one of the first things they suspect

Anonymous No. 16241640

That along with maternal iron deficiency are two of the three most common causes of reduced IQ in children, the other being maternal alcohol or marijuana abuse.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16242154

Iron is harmful, abd causes psychosis >>16240546

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16242155

Iron is harmful, and causes psychosis:

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16242158

Iron is harmful, and causes psychosis:

Anonymous No. 16242215

You don't know what IQ is.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16242242

I do. Wonder why they use such a restricted ramge of tasks. When people are chronically unable to understand things, they learn to compensate using patterns - they will look some pattern that will help them to predict what comes nex, and it somewhat works, but it's unreliable, and there is no inderstanding. And such a person will find it extremely easy to fill the Raven's matrix tasks, as they are used to do it throughout thier life. Or their try to predict things statistically, A occurs with Z with that probability B occurs with Y with such probability, but again, there is no understanding if any mechanics that occurs, as with the AC-sunburn example.

Anonymous No. 16242252

I'm pretty sure 'tarded is also commonly caused by iodine deficiency.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16242266

Now imagine that iodine was called a hyper toxin, there were chexks everywhere to detects its presence in foid toys, and soil, and you would called an animal and treated as such if you weren't at least a little bit cretinic (or even just not sufficiently so), your boss would be a bigger cretin than you are, science and politics was done by ultracretins (insufficiently cretinic would be removed as populist fascists, regardless of what they say) science done by ultracretins, and girls forced to have sex with cretins, or stay alone.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16242267

Now imagine that iodine was called a hyper toxin, there were checks everywhere to detect its presence in food toys, and soil, and you would called an animal and treated as such if you weren't at least a little bit cretinic (or even just not sufficiently so), your boss would be a bigger cretin than you are, science and politics was done by ultracretins (insufficiently cretinic would be removed as populist fascists, regardless of what they say) and girls forced to have sex with cretins, or stay alone. And that is the world we live in.

Anonymous No. 16242760

These studies are financed and commissioned by a meat industry that has felt its market monopoly threatened for some time, since more and more people decide for a vegan diet. However, these are not objective studies, because the results are supposed to be in the interests of the funder. But there are people who do not eat meat for religious reasons and do not give it to their children either, and have done so for many generations without any problems. Humans are not natural carnivores, they have merely been imitating real carnivores since the last ice age, but that does not make them real carnivores. Nor is it part of the natural human diet to have to drink the lactate of an alien mammal in order to avoid dying of malnutrition. Milk is baby food and nothing else. Humans do themselves no favours if they continue to consume lactate after the age of 3. The human organism cannot obtain any nutrients from pasteurised, homogenised cow's milk, it only gets fat and sick from it. In fact, the phosphorus contained in animal milk removes calcium from the bones instead of adding it to them. This is why osteoporosis is most prevalent in countries where animal milk is consumed the most. The connection has long been known. In addition, the human organism is not designed to eat bird's eggs, the exogenous colesterol leads to heart attacks in the long term and the fact that many people eat bird's eggs every morning on daily basis is directly linked to the fact that heart attacks are one of the most common causes of death for the modern man. A purely plant-based diet does not make children smaller or weaker. Articles of this kind are atrocity propaganda that are only intended to pump more money back into the meat industry.

Anonymous No. 16242761

These articles are always only celebrated by those who eat mainly unidentifiable rubbish, who then feel less bad about their poor diet or the fact that they only stuff their children with fast food. After all, there's meat in there somewhere, it makes you big and strong, because television has said so, ooga booga.

Anonymous No. 16242791

You don't know what IQ is.

Anonymous No. 16242806

>But there are people who do not eat meat for religious reasons and do not give it to their children either, and have done so for many generations without any problems.
Wrong. The people you are thinking of got sick as soon as they left India and stopped eating foods contaminated with animal matter in a country that washes its produce.

>Humans are not natural carnivores, they have merely been imitating real carnivores since the last ice age, but that does not make them real carnivores.
Nobody is claiming humans are carnivores. We are omnivores with a strong preference for meat. Our usage of fire has allowed us to externalize lots of food processing steps that other animals have to do within their bodies.

>Milk is baby food and nothing else. Humans do themselves no favours if they continue to consume lactate after the age of 3.
Lots of people have no issues consuming milk and milk products. Humanity has at least 7.000 years of history consuming animal milk in one form or another.

>A purely plant-based diet does not make children smaller or weaker.
We have too many skeletons and historical sources by which we can compare the effects of animal heavy diets and plant heavy diets for this to be anything but a falsehood.

Anonymous No. 16242912

>there's no such thing as eating too much iron or too much of any nutrient if they come from natural sources (animal foods
You are misinformed and/or retarded

Anonymous No. 16243221

what makes you believe this?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16243684

They got sick because they started eating nutririonally worthless goyslop. (goyslop is at the level of ingredienrs, so it doesn't matter that you cooked an indian dish from it.)

Anonymous No. 16243711

The fact that they feel driven to lie about vegetarianism like that only demonstrates that their diet is rooted in virtue signaling.

Anonymous No. 16243805

They got sick from a lack of B12, something which is found in animals and on plants contaminated with animal matter.

You don't turn a cucumber into goyslop by washing it. You do it by adding chick peas and artificial JUST EGG and additives to turn it into a trans-sausage.

Anonymous No. 16243807

Veganism is satanic.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16243858

You can get your b12 as long as you eat enough cobalt. No cobalt, no b12.

Anonymous No. 16243881

What are dietary sources of cobalt?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16243886

Plants, I don't have exact numbers which would contain the most, but most can survive with very little when it's absent in soils. Even animaks are supplemented, the only difference that ut makes is that the animals took the supplement instead.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16243887

Plants, I don't have exact numbers which would contain the most, but most can survive with very little when it's absent in soils. Even animals are supplemented, the only difference that it makes is that the animals took the supplement instead.

Anonymous No. 16243936

Lmao, wrong.
>Trace amounts of cobalt are found in most foods. Foods high in vitamin B-12 are the only source of cobalt used by the body.
What foods are high in B12?

Anonymous No. 16244308


Anonymous No. 16244860

thread title should be
>Vegan diets make kids shorter, weaker & stupider

Anonymous No. 16245912

Vegan diets also reduce fertility

Anonymous No. 16245933

>then died
What a chump.

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Anonymous No. 16246162

Anti-human death cult

Anonymous No. 16247134

he died on the young side because he was a piggish overweight slob who was too lazy to exercise.

Anonymous No. 16247174

Killing/eating humans isn't considered a violation of vegan principals since within that ethical system humans are a separate matter from animals.

In fact, cannibalism is arguably the *most* vegan diet since plants are only excluded from protection from harm out of necessity.

Anonymous No. 16247196

>answers like a retarded bot

So THIS is the power of carnifaggotry?

Anonymous No. 16247395

Coming back a week later for an ad homine? Pathetic.

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Anonymous No. 16247499


Anonymous No. 16248845

That should be expected behavior from vegans, see >>16227846 for why

Anonymous No. 16250299

Its weird how vegans openly deny basic nutritional science

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Anonymous No. 16250546

Anonymous No. 16251582

this goes hard

Anonymous No. 16251858


I still remember when in one of my first MRI brainscan training sessions I had this militant vegan coming in and the MRI guy with ten years experience proclaimed "Wow, why is this brain so small?"

I should check whether someone did research on this in the meantime

Anonymous No. 16252452

I am 6'4 and have nevet eaten meat in my life

Anonymous No. 16253943

>I still remember when in one of my first MRI brainscan training sessions I had this militant vegan coming in and the MRI guy with ten years experience proclaimed "Wow, why is this brain so small?"

Anonymous No. 16255424

was the patient getting scanned able to hear that comment?

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Anonymous No. 16255609

Anonymous No. 16255671

I think this probably has to do with the fact that Vegans do not get DHA or EPA Omega 3 fatty acids which are crucial for fetal brain development (and fetal development in general).

Anonymous No. 16255690

Lmao Vegans are so stupid. They praise Bryan Johnson, but he's not even Vegan. Bryan eats collagen peptides which is basically cow protein, but they don't give a fuck so long as their ideology gets good media coverage so they can circle jerk.

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Anonymous No. 16256894

Eventually their brains decay to the point that they're no longer capable of maintaining their stupid habits

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Anonymous No. 16257376

why do vegans even want to eat burgers to begin with anyway?

Anonymous No. 16257461

fucking kek

Anonymous No. 16257590

Why do they want to drink milk?
Why do they want to eat cheese?

Anonymous No. 16258616

Vegans also have substantially lower overall life expectancy

Anonymous No. 16259436

Einstein worship is cringe. Its always done exclusively by people who don't have the educational background required to understand his work. The Einstein cult doesn't have many members in the physics community.

sage No. 16259466

>Vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker

Anonymous No. 16260030

Grainbrain soiboiii

Anonymous No. 16260037

Longer life expectancy by over a decade
There aren't any they made it up
I'm not even vegan or vegetarian

Anonymous No. 16260165

They have a shorter life expectancy by about 6 years

Anonymous No. 16260168

The data shows a longer life expectancy by 6 years not shorter

Anonymous No. 16260609

Low calcium intakes were the cause, not whether someone ate meat or not.
With an equal nutrient intake, there could be no difference between a vegan and a non-vegan diet.
This only tells us that, proportionally, more kids on vegan diets are unhealthy than kids on non-vegan diets.

Lets say we have 3 possible diets.
Diet A is non-vegan, and healthy. Diet B is vegan and healthy. Diet C is vegan and unhealthy.
In order to have a healthy diet, you should select either Diet A or Diet B.

Anonymous No. 16262009

>Diet B is vegan and healthy
not possible

Anonymous No. 16262064

>With an equal nutrient intake, there could be no difference between a vegan and a non-vegan diet.
Impossible to achieve on a vegan diet.

Anonymous No. 16263325

This, veganism is a mental illness, its an eating disorder, so its fundamentally impossible to have a healthy vegan diet.

Anonymous No. 16263372

You don't even have to go as far as calling veganism a mental illness. As there is no non-animal source of B12 veganism is not a diet. It is starvation and is only survivable thanks to medicine.

Anonymous No. 16263379

I don't know a single vegan who doesn't supplement B12. I don't know a single meat eater that ever checked their B12 levels (in B4 holotranscobalamin).
You guys probably don't even know that the B12 in your precious meat comes from supplements anyway.

Anonymous No. 16263395

Weird. This study says the exact opposite
>vegetarian children were taller than their meat-consuming classmates (2.5 and 2.0 cm for boys and girls, respectively). These results did not change materially when adjusting for other food groups. Nor did adjustment for parental height and socioeconomic factors
And if you kick out the retards not supplementing vit B12 in OP's study, the effect vanishes and the only thing left is that vegans have vastly better cardiovascular health. But hey, why do I expect paper literacy in this place lmao

Anonymous No. 16263496

>I don't know a single vegan who doesn't supplement B12
Exactly. It is an absolute necessity for vegans.

>I don't know a single meat eater that ever checked their B12 levels
Because it is not required.

You didn't actually answer my point. Veganism is not a diet. It will kill you if you do not take pills. Veganism makes you sick.

Anonymous No. 16263500

>comparing public school pupils to private school pupils
Bullshit study.

Anonymous No. 16264559

"mental illness" and "brain damage" are synonymous phrases, both mean the same thing - a poorly functioning brain and reduced mental capacity.
veganism is an eating disorder, its a form of mental illness, which means that vegans are low IQ. their brains don't work right.

Anonymous No. 16264587

No, some people can have one without the other, they just tend to correlate. Mental illness is a symptom thing, brain damage is a structure thing. Some people even lose part of their brain without getting mental illness, and a lot of mentally ill people have typical-looking MRIs.

Anonymous No. 16265537

"mental illness" and "brain damage" both mean the same thing: low IQ

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Anonymous No. 16266386

this is what a vegan looks like

Anonymous No. 16266851

>Indians have the smallest brains in the world

Anonymous No. 16266859

>He was vegetarian but vegans don't like this fact
God I hate to even say this because it makes me sound like them, but vegetarians are not vegans. These are two separate things.
Hitler was not a vegan. He also was not vegetarian for most of his life. And every time some retard makes a "that's what Hitler did" argument, I am forced to reflect on how stupid everyone is.

Anonymous No. 16267572

>reflect on how stupid everyone is.
Hitler did that too.

πŸ—‘οΈ sage No. 16267617

>Vegan bad

Every time

Anonymous No. 16267821

Lots of reasons in this thread.
It is unnatural.
It leads to starvation and death without medical treatment
Veganism limits the resources we can use, putting a higher strain on the ones that remain
It is a lot harder to remain healthy on a vegan diet.

Anonymous No. 16268551

>It is a lot harder to remain healthy on a vegan diet.
its impossible

Anonymous No. 16269778

they should be proud about being able to claim hitler as one of their own

Anonymous No. 16270833

People who have something to prove, such as vegan, always decide that they need to have something to prove because they assess themselves as otherwise lacking.

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Anonymous No. 16270969

The only risk of a vegan diet is living longer and therefore suffering longer in this nightmarish, retarded world.

Anonymous No. 16270976

Thats what leftists do, most of the time inadvertedly cut off their own trascendence

Anonymous No. 16271030


Anonymous No. 16272394

>and is only survivable thanks to medicine.
more dysgenics thanks to medicine, allowing the stupidest people in the world to survive and breed

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16273529

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16275102

why do vegans hate plants so much?

Anonymous No. 16276294

>I'm also ~6 inches shorter than my dad and ~2 inches shorter than my mom.
You also have reduced IQ compared to your parents

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Anonymous No. 16276859

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Anonymous No. 16276986

>hi i'm a vegan

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16278211

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16279681

same vegan?

Anonymous No. 16279922

no, theres tons of vegans that look like that, the meme about them all being thin and healthy is just a media meme, most of them are slobs who live off of potato chips, candy and soda

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Anonymous No. 16281117


Anonymous No. 16282008

>decide to become a vegan so you can become short, weak and low IQ
presumably you've have to be low IQ to begin with to make that call

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Anonymous No. 16283258

>Vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker
and uglier

Anonymous No. 16284553

> linked vegetarian and vegan diets with a greater risk of heart disease
steaks are good for your heart

Anonymous No. 16285218

Or maybe veganism is legitimately retarded

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Anonymous No. 16285572

Anonymous No. 16285749

isn't that an appeal to nature fallacy

I was wondering is the only reason to eat meat pre formed creatine

I don't see any other reason to eat meat

Anonymous No. 16287560

>every time some retard makes a "that's what Hitler did" argument, I am forced to reflect on how stupid everyone is.
Hitler was awesome, when he took over Germany it was the weakest economy in Europe and within 5 years Germany was the world's strongest economy. Thats why the international banking community had to start wars to destroy Germany.

Anonymous No. 16288194

Malnutrition causes growing issues, who could've thought
t. A regretful 2 year vegan

Anonymous No. 16288201

>comparing public school pupils to private school pupils

Is this your only criticism? I understand the implications.

Anonymous No. 16288995

"It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes. " need i say more you fucking retards? dont talk about topics you know nothing about

Anonymous No. 16289034

Do you have more than an appeal to authority? Grow the fuck up. These organisations always follow some political goal.

And also
>appropriately planned
They aren't saying that vegan diets are nutritionally adequate. Just that they can be. Which is a lie since vegan diets always require pills.

Anonymous No. 16289039

The criticism is that the study is bullshit. It's comparing a specific and established religious community with the general public. Members of that community have -beyond their diet- a different genetic profile, have a different lifestyle, different backgrounds,live in other places and invest a lot more time and effort into their diet than the general public. Crap study.

Anonymous No. 16289349

So i'm not really interested in debating a flat earther (*All the major institutions are lying to us*). Also... i advice you to not adher to a vegan diet since stupid people can't appropriately plan.

Anonymous No. 16289461

major organisations have political goals =/= everything is a lie.

Treat big orgs and NGOs like you treat political parties. I even went beyond that and showed you where you misunderstood what this particular org stated to fit your own politics.

Anonymous No. 16289523

Imagine a flat earther coming to you saying "NASA has political goals so we can't trust them on the earth being a sphere" - would you think he made a case for himself?
Fact of the matter is that we already have vast amounts of research highlighting the healthfullness of whole food vegan diets including randomized controlled trials and meta analysis. And imagine that - not appropriately planned omnivorous diets arent nutritionally adequate aswell - who would have thought ... Also, how does having to take a pill lead you to the conclusion that a certain diet is not nutritionally adequate when the necessity of those pills are a direct consequence of our modern agriculture? Are you even aware that the majority of cattle gets Vitamin B12 supplementation to begin with? Do you actually know anything about nutrition at all?

Anonymous No. 16289950

>flat earth
Not everybody who disagrees with you is a flat earther.

>the healthfullness of whole food vegan diets
There is no whole food vegan diet, because every vegan diet requires pills to not make you sick.

>Also, how does having to take a pill lead you to the conclusion that a certain diet is not nutritionally adequate when the necessity of those pills are a direct consequence of our modern agriculture?
Oh, you are the schizo idiot that thinks plants in the past contained B12. You are a fucking retard. There is no plant source of B12. I won't entertain any of your mumblings until you have come up with a theory on how and why every crop thatis grown globally lost its B12 contend. You can't because that is a claim on the level of flat earth retardation.

Anonymous No. 16289990

lmao, you butthurt?

Anonymous No. 16290118

The stance of the dietetic association was my first post on this thread so... i'm not sure who you are talking about.
Oh my god you really are clueless about nutrition. It's gonna be really hard to combat your stupidity but i'll try to debunk your ridicilous nonsense.
Whole food diet =/= Diet where you only consume whole foods. First thing u got wrong.
Second thing u got wrong : I did not claim that crops lost their b12 content - strawman
Also i don't think that they ever had B12 to begin with. B12 is synthesized by a bacteria that inhabit soils, rivers and digestive tracts of animals. Back when we didn't purify our water and wash our vegetables, we drank and ate food that was "contaminated" by these bacteria, leading to a sufficient dietary intake of B12.
Also... you have not adressed my point about there being a myriad of evidence proving the healthfulness of vegan diets. So what, are you gonna claim randomized controlled trials (which are regarded as the golden standard in clinical research) are bullshit? Additionally you did not adress my point about cattle recieving B12 supplementation. Explain the significant difference between Animals recieving B12 Supplementation with us eating their supplemented flesh or me drinking plant milks that are fortified with B12.Enlighten me. Not that i'd expect anything more than flat earther babble from you.

Anonymous No. 16290134

>Are you even aware that the majority of cattle gets Vitamin B12 supplementation to begin with?

Anonymous No. 16290586

Cattle gets cobalt supplementation (to heighten own B12 production) and majority of livestock (includes chickens, pigs) get B12 supplemented in their feed.

Anonymous No. 16290722

>B12 is synthesized by a bacteria that inhabit soils, rivers and digestive tracts of animals. Back when we didn't purify our water and wash our vegetables, we drank and ate food that was "contaminated" by these bacteria, leading to a sufficient dietary intake of B12.
>just eat soil haha then you don't have to eat meeeaaattt
this is what vegans really want you to believe
you don't even get to eat bugs, just soil

Anonymous No. 16290869

>Whole food diet =/= Diet where you only consume whole foods.
I know. I said there is now whole food vegan diet. Because if you eat only vegan foods you are going to starve to death. Medicine is not part of a diet.

>back when we didn't wash our vegetables
If you don't wash vegetables/fruits you are going to consume a noticeable amount of insect matter. You are no longer vegan.

>a myriad of evidence proving the healthfulness of vegan diets
There isn't. Vegans are either slowly dieing or put in a lot more effort to remain healthy. None of these studies acknowledge that fact.

There are tons of people whose diets are just fine and who eat healthily without being vegan or vegetarian. Consuming a healthy diet hardly takes any thought as an omnivore. Vegans however always have to put in effort, supplement and closely monitor their nutrient intake.

But whatever, your defensive reaction is to call me a clueless science denier. You're a boring tool.

>cattle has own B12 production
So our ancestors didn't have to slurp dirt from vegetables to get their B12? Amazing.

Anonymous No. 16290975

Supplements =/= medicine
Eating insects by accident =/= no longer vegan
to name a few high-quality studies highlighting healthfulness of vegan diets :
The Adventist Health Study-2
The EPIC-Oxford Study
The Nurses health study
Well i'm gonna call you for what you truly are if you reject the findings of those large-scale studies : a science denier.
How am i ever gonna convice u, if you reject peer reviewed papers and positions of major nutrition associations on that matter? Additionally, i reckon, judging from your responses, that you don't have any valid arguments against the points i made about B12 supplementation in livestock and why our modern society ultimately needs such a thing.
That sums it up - case closed

Anonymous No. 16291027

more like it turns normal/good genetic stock and makes it degenerate
I means it's epigenetics, the genes are like the tools that builds adult (you), but it still needs a solid foundation and good materials... otherwise "well the king said I was mad for building my castle in swamp..."

Anonymous No. 16291882

>Eating insects by accident =/= no longer vegan
I ate half a chicken by accident today, am I still vegan? ooops I had steak & eggs for breakfast too

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Anonymous No. 16292784


Anonymous No. 16293234

Supplements are most definitely medicine. You do know that many sicknesses are treated with medicine that is nothing more than a supplement, do you? Thyroid under production and schizo pills are lithium. If you need to take a pill for your diet to not kill you, your diet sucks.

Eating an insect by accident does not make you no longer a vegan. However it does mean your diet for that day contains animal.

If you however regularly consume insects as part of your diet then you are not following a vegan diet. If you have precluded anything but plants from your diet you will have to eat a much larger volume of food. If all of that is unwashed (you fucking Pajeet) you will consume quite a bit of insects.

Yesterday I bought a pack of blueberries in a super market. They were packaged and washed. Blueberries are also very easy to wash. They're round berries with a smooth surface. Still there was a live caterpillar in my blueberries. Now imagine how many insects you would eat if your calories came from unwashed raspberries, heads of lettuce and cauliflowers.

You can wipe your ass with your studies. Give me a study that compares vegans who put x amount of effort into maintaining a healthy diet with non vegans that put x amount into their healthy diet.

Anonymous No. 16293265

>The Adventist Health Study-2

>The Adventist church [...] promotes a healthy lifestyle. Church members are expected to be non-smokers and non-alcohol users, and are encouraged to eat a vegetarian diet. Many also avoid caffeine-containing beverages. However, adherence to these recommendations is quite variable.

No confounding factors at all in this study. No sir.

You don't think that those Adventists who become strict vegetarians out of religious reasons are also the ones that follow the other rules for health more strictly?

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Anonymous No. 16293272

>These studies are financed and commissioned by a meat industry that has felt its market monopoly threatened for some time, since more and more people decide for a vegan diet.

Well i'm gonna call you for what you truly are if you reject the findings of those large-scale studies : a science denier.

Anonymous No. 16294411

maybe you can get away with rape accusations by claiming to have put your penis in her by accident

Anonymous No. 16295427

>Additionally, i reckon, judging from your responses, that you don't have any valid arguments against the points i made about B12 supplementation in livestock
Every aspect of factory farming is strictly controlled. And? At best that's an argument against factory farming, not meat consumption. The total lack of B12 in a vegan diet however is a critical issue with veganism as a whole.

Attacking meat consumption based on supplements in animal feed is like attacking veganism by bringing up tomatoes grown in nutrient slurries in greenhouses. Potentially a problem but we all know that lots of animals are kept differently just as lots of veggies are not grown under artificial conditions.

>why our modern society ultimately needs such a thing.
Food was a lot more healthy when our Indo-European ancestors were still hunters and pasteuralists. Fucking agriculture, man.

Anonymous No. 16295439

i am 6'4 and exclusively ate ultraprocessed foods until after my puberty
some have lucky genes but to think meat (ie the most nutritous and bioavailable food for humans) doesn't help you grow stronger is a massive cope

Anonymous No. 16295781

Vegan lifestyle associated with reduced risk of erectile dysfunction.β€œBy%20contrast%2C,reduction%20in%20animal-based%20foods.

More plant-based diet intake was associated with a reduced presence of ED and less severe ED in China. Committing to plant-based diet can be encouraged for many health benefits and to lower ED burden.


Anonymous No. 16295784

Consumption of a Healthy Plant-based Diet is Associated With a Decreased Risk of Erectile Dysfunction


Anonymous No. 16295787

Encouraging a healthy plant-based diet may be an environmentally sustainable intervention for men interested in maintaining erectile function.


Anonymous No. 16295789

Animal products clog arteries, hence the increased risk in erectile dysfunction. It also inhibits blood flow to the brain, leading to lower IQ.

Anonymous No. 16295821

Because humans need meat. And sane people know it.

Anonymous No. 16295831

I don't like sucking on cow tits, can i just drink plant drinks?

Anonymous No. 16295835

Kid : Mom i don't like sucking on cow tits.

Anonymous No. 16295872

Remember guys, if you wanna FUCK better stick to the plants xD

WORL No. 16295875

Meat is worse for you than veg.
No-one NEEDS meat, it's just tasty. Meat is more a pleasure food.

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Anonymous No. 16296334

You're such a faggot vegan.

>Consumption of a Healthy Plant-based Diet is Associated With a Decreased Risk of Erectile Dysfunction
>of a healthy plant-based diet
>healthy diet
First of all, that excludes all vegans who eat an unhealthy diet. So this study only presents results from success cases who were smart and dilligent enough to eat a healthy plant-based diet.
Second, plant-based does not mean vegan, just plant-based. Just as meat-based does not mean only meat.
Third, this again does not take into account the effort required to maintain a healthy plant-based diet in comparison to any other healthy diet.

Anonymous No. 16296343

The only meat good for you is Wild Fish, Wild Animals and Wild Birds (because these specimen of life go through all the correct mental phases as well as physical phases). Farm animals barely go through only the physical phases. However you can simulated wild on a farm. You are wrong if you think subtracting the good of life from an animal does nothing to the food quality. Wild Meat is good for you, but vegetables are better. As the previous poster implied, a wild meat diet is much easier the maintain than a plant diet.

Anonymous No. 16296347

If you knew about science you would know how quickly animals change every day, and how the meat changes daily.

Anonymous No. 16296471

umad or something? Perhaps your dick isn't working anymore. I'd be mad too. You can keep sucking on those cow tits but it'll only make your problem worse

Anonymous No. 16296476


Anonymous No. 16296530

I accept your concession of defeat. It was fun talking to you. You have once again perfectly played the role of a braindead vegan, Mr. Troll.

Anonymous No. 16296950

You are making this more complicated than it really is.
1. The studies established that, the more % of your diet consists of healthy plant foods, the less likely you are to develop Erectile dysfunction
2. Vegans, by definition, have the highest % of plant intake.
3. Vegans, just like omnivores, can follow a healthy or unhealthy diet but since they are required to eat more plants, its even more likely that they ll be consuming more healthy plant foods than omnis (even disregards the fact, that vegans on average follow healthier lifestyles hence probably even more healthy plant consumption)
Now that we have established that, we can safely conclude that Vegans risk of ED < Others risk of ED

Anonymous No. 16297014

Profile of omnivores:
-Stabs innocent animals, that wont fight back, to death.
-Sucks on cow tits
-Doesn't have a functioning dick.

Manly as fuck

Anonymous No. 16298459

how come you're unable to accept people with diverse diets that differ from you own? why so intolerant of diversity?

Anonymous No. 16298680

If your diet wouldnt include victims, i wouldnt give a shit. trust me. You cannot justify killing someone for the sake of your own freedom of choice (exception being self defense). does that make sense to you?

Anonymous No. 16298740

veganism is required for the spiritual and mental development.
Hedonists are materialist and so they hate to hear this. they want meat and suffering. It improves their orgasms to know they make animal suffers.
This is why eating meat is so associated with atheism: atheist are sadistic hedonist, they love to inflict torture and death upon other living beings.

Anonymous No. 16298808

As a vegan i have to disagree with this bullshit. Overwhelming majority of humans don't like suffering

Anonymous No. 16298843

Look in the mirror to see how healthy your diet is.

Anonymous No. 16298853

Stupid comment right there. You can't look in the mirror and verify if you have clogged arteries, which could kill you by giving you a heart attack. Thats why we look at large populations to see health outcomes. More plant consumption = healthier, longer lifes

Anonymous No. 16298856

Doctor: I'm sorry but you have cancer
Him: But doctor... i looked in the mirror and i look healthy

Anonymous No. 16298896

>I go through life weak, skinny, pale, anemic, asexual and depressed until I die in my 70's like McDougall
>but at least I don't die of clogged arteries and cancer like those who abuse drugs and consume a gazillion calories like bodybuilder influencers
Wow you're so scientific with your critical thinking skills.

Anonymous No. 16299934

>More plant consumption = healthier, longer lifes
wrong, thats not what the science says. science says vegans have life expectancies about 20% shorter than everyone else

Anonymous No. 16300375

lmao, who said anything about vegan. You even quoted me "More plant consumption". And of course you dont provide scientific evidence for your claim, as expected.
Adventist Health Studies: These studies have shown that vegetarians, including vegans, tend to have a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and some cancers. Adventist vegetarians, including vegans, have been found to live longer than their omnivorous counterparts.

Meta-Analysis on Vegetarian and Vegan Diets:

Study: A 2017 meta-analysis reviewed multiple cohort studies to assess the impact of vegetarian and vegan diets on mortality.
Findings: Vegetarians and vegans had a 15% lower risk of all-cause mortality compared to omnivores. The reduction in risk was particularly notable for ischemic heart disease .

Anonymous No. 16300836

This thread is specifically about veganism, dumbfuck. So post studies that don't lumb vegetarians and vegans together.

Hang on, all your studies have been smelly. Just stop posting.

>adventist vegetarians
The guys that take their religion strict enough that they become vegetarians? The guys that are also more likely to follow the other health related rules of their religion more strictly?

Your conclusions are stupid.

Anonymous No. 16300937

LMFAO you are so stupid. How about you read the study before making any remarks. All of the participants were seventh-day adventists. There were nonvegetarian, semi-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, lacto-ovo–vegetarian, and vegan people. The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for all-cause mortality in all vegetarians combined vs non-vegetarians was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.80–0.97). The adjusted HR for all-cause mortality in vegans was 0.85 (95% CI, 0.73–1.01).
so yeah... they basically looked at vegans separately too and they had better health outcomes than omnivores and vegetarians while all of them were seventh-day adventists. So your "Guys that follow health related rules blablabla" is fucking retarded. How about you provide some studies highlighting, that vegans live much shorter lives than omnivores. oh wait... you can't because there is none.

Anonymous No. 16300969

Associations with increased mortality have been found for a high glycemic load, meat,red meat, processed meat,eggs,potatoes, increased energy intake,and animal-based low-carbohydrate diets.
-Adventist health study 2 (peer reviewed)
Conducted by experts in nutrition science, epidemiology, Public health, preventive medicine, and biostatistics.

Anonymous No. 16300973

Can anyone actually challenge me with sound, peer-reviewed science where they clearly demonstrate vegan diets are detrimental to health? anyone? Or are there just going to be flatearther replies

Anonymous No. 16300992

one last remark i wanna make in case you are not properly educated : Adjusted hazard ratio means they accounted confounding variables that might influence mortality risks. So your comment about "following other health related rules" is even more stupid LMFAO.
1. they accounted for confounders
2. all of them were of the same religion
maybe its time to look for another, more challenging thread

Anonymous No. 16301006

>2. all of them were of the same religion
That you believe pointing this out helps your position is hilarious. Are you a diagnosed autist? Because thinking that two people sharing a religion and therefore following its rules with equal strictnessis lacking an understanding of subtlety.

>How about you provide some studies highlighting, that vegans live much shorter lives than omnivores
No need to. A vegan diet is lethal without close monitoring and nutrient supplements. Find me a study that compares vegans to omnivores that put in the same amount of effort into their diets.

Can't wait to not read the next 6 posts you're going to sperg post.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16301028

>The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for all-cause mortality in all vegetarians combined vs non-vegetarians was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.80–0.97). The adjusted HR for all-cause mortality in vegans was 0.85 (95% CI, 0.73–1.01).
Like you would expect to see if the vegetarian and vegan members were following the rules of their religion more strictly than the other members, no?

You can regurgitate data, but fuck up processing it. Your conclusions suck.

Anonymous No. 16301030

you are not reading what i m writing. THEY ADJUSTED FOR COFOUNDERS. With your view its literally impossible to prove that veganism can be healthy. Because oh well... if we see positive outcomes its probably because of their other healthy habits. Ridicilous. so again. you cant provide studies - i can. And those studies demonstrate positive outcomes. who gives a fuck about effort

Anonymous No. 16301031

You sure showed those Nazis.

Anonymous No. 16301035

i wont reply to you from this point on until you provide peer-reviewed scientific evidence for the detrimental effects of a vegan diet

Anonymous No. 16302213

so you're saying that hitler was awesome and we should all be more like him, adhere to his ideology, vanquish the jews an other degenerates from our midst and conquer the world for the exclusive benefit of the white race?

Anonymous No. 16302239

vegan here, high IQ, 6ft tall, will feed future children a vegan diet

Anonymous No. 16302757

There's no peer-reviewed science that vegan diets are healthier in the long term.

Anonymous No. 16303743

They are the same for muscle synthesis. Omnivore diet, that means with vegetables, I saw elsewhere is best .

Anonymous No. 16304641

B12 isn't much of a problem with plants grown in healthy soil.
Also not a problem if you eat eggs once in a while

Anonymous No. 16304762

Plant products are infested with worms and worm eggs.

Anonymous No. 16304803

Shalom rabbi, you forgot to censor the buck broken IOF logo lol

How is the 2 day Gaza special operation going?

Anonymous No. 16304806

>You guys probably don't even know that the B12 in your precious meat comes from supplements anyway.
Retarded nigger. Wild animals including wild ruminants don't need B12 supplements.

Anonymous No. 16304809

>B12 isn't much of a problem with plants grown in healthy soil.
Fucking imbecile. Can you cite a single study that says that vegans can get clinically meaningful amounts of bioavailable B12 from "plants grown in healthy soil"?

Anonymous No. 16304973

And we all eat wild animals right? Not that factory farmed bullshit thats most likely made up by NASA to mindcontrol us

Anonymous No. 16305271

Nigger there's a thing called grass-fed beef. It's not wild but it doesn't need supplements to grow.

Anonymous No. 16305733

yes, i give you that. They probably dont need supplements. But who cares? Considering grass fed beef makes up around 4% of beef consumption (probably even less because they looked at market share and grass fed beef usually is more expensive) and probably less than 1% of total meat consumption?
Fact is most of meat consumed nowadays is supplemented with B12. Humans might aswell take the supplement themselves.

Anonymous No. 16305827

It's kinda hard to find the right proteins and other foods when it is winter 3-5 months out of the year.

Also don't forget it's capitalism, the growers are growing food for profit. So they tend to deplete soil or grow bigger (larger volume so they can sell it for more $) volume but lower vitamins and nutrients foods.

>I think this probably has to do with the fact that Vegans do not get DHA or EPA Omega 3 fatty acids which are crucial for fetal brain development (and fetal development in general).
This, also corporate agriculture destroys nutrients and reduces mineral content of foods. So you have hard times getting what you need from wheat, corn etc. vs what you were able to get from non corporate barley, rye , buckweat, beets , potatoes etc . grown in your own field or by the local village farmers.
>at least 3 field farming and 1 field was always resting was a required thing by village farmers
>you'd be beaten to death if you didn't do it and did what modern day corporate faming does for the most possible sheckel / dollar.

Anonymous No. 16305830

>retarded recycled old crap
Are you aware that B12 is everywhere? In bacteria in your mouth, in your gut? Your gut bacteria produces B12?
Have you actually noticed what animals do in the spring - horses, cats, dogs? They go out and lay in the dirt. You know why? they are getting plenty of B12 from bacteria that is outside.
If you eat unwashed fruits / vegies that aren't sprayed with chlorine etc. you will get plenty of B12. Your gut bacteria produces it.

Anonymous No. 16306009

>If you eat unwashed fruits / vegies that aren't sprayed with chlorine etc. you will get plenty of B12. Your gut bacteria produces it.
Fucking imbecile. No one wants to eat worm eggs infested feces to get B12, but can you cite a single study that says that vegans can get clinically meaningful amounts of bioavailable B12 by "going out and laying in the dirt"?

Anonymous No. 16307767

Vegans have atrophying brains due to their dietary choices, so they're bound to be posting stupid opinions

Anonymous No. 16307775

*rubs hands*
Easier to rule...

Anonymous No. 16308043

>there's fecies on fruits and veggies
>but there aren't any in meat
Who is actually an imbecile?

As long as you avoid licking the toilet bowl and door nobs you should be fine. The body is designed to handle the rest.

Anonymous No. 16308134

I ate raw meat during middle school almost every day and I'm the tallest man in my family.
I do think this is not genetic.
I'm sorry anon.

Anonymous No. 16308138

I am going to feed my children pounds of meat every day.
They will grown into warriors, ideal examples or human physique, just because they get enough steak.

Anonymous No. 16308155

According to archeological finds humans have very likely been hypercarnivores for over 2 million years, but you are ignorant, so either the studies are wrong or archeology is false or you move the goal posts.
That's because you're a science denier.

Anonymous No. 16309369

>The body is designed to handle the rest.
designed by who?

Anonymous No. 16309416

But also combine that food with veggies and macro and micro nutrients , fruits and leafy vegetables that are organic and copius amounts of exercises.
Your subsequent generation will thank you.

Anonymous No. 16309749

Kids exercise by themselves given the proper environment. If you train kids you end up stunting their development every single time.
Only during the latter part of puberty will boys become more competitive and interested in performance.
As for the vegetables, they will get fruit, honey and probably some primitive veggies to snack on, but I am not feeding them your leafy vegetable or other highly cultivated crap. They will get stuff we would have had access to in nature, so no brassica, no grains, no sneed oil, no industrial candy, etc.. Kids when fed broccoli or spinach will spit it out because it disgusts them. There is nothing of value in those foods, they are low-calorie, low-nutrient foods that are hard to digest, prevent vitamin uptake and act as physical laxatives. Grains and legumes lack vitamins, high DIAAS protein and prevent mineral absorption. Nuts can't even be digested unless they are ground into powder or paste. And candy is just sugar, salt and seed oil. Most people overeat it because they don't get enough healthy fats and lack important minerals like iodide, which are added to salt in products such as chips.

Anonymous No. 16309916

so you wont give your kids antibiotics? because they wouldnt have access to that in nature
your kids will die of a bacterial infection is my guess then

Anonymous No. 16309920

>Kids when fed broccoli or spinach will spit it out because it disgusts them
this is brilliant. do they also spit out candy? because to my knowledge, kids love candy. so candy is good for them right?

Anonymous No. 16309930

>vegetarian diet causes hair loss

So that's why despite being on finasteride and minoxidil, I still have hair loss huh..

Anonymous No. 16309957

>>but there aren't any in meat

And that wasn't even the claim I was responding to, which was the idiotic idea that vegans can get clinically meaningful amounts of bioavailable B12 from "going out and laying in the dirt".

Anonymous No. 16309991

>Anti-rapist forcing their beliefs onto other people
>People who simply don't care and continue raping whoever they like

Anonymous No. 16309997

based. Thank you

Anonymous No. 16311563

Children need to get a lot of exercise to help build up their growing bodies, thats why they have a taste for sugar, because sugar gives them the energy to be rambunctious which in turn leads to them becoming strong, coordinated and more intelligent

Raphael No. 16311751

This is cope

We don’t need vegetables

Just orange juice

Meat and grain is enough

Anonymous No. 16312236

Fuck animals and fuck you too.

Anonymous No. 16312331

>because sugar gives them the energy to be rambunctious which in turn leads to them becoming strong, coordinated and more intelligent
just so that i understand correctly... you are implicating that candy is good for kids?

Anonymous No. 16312346

Why do you use "kids spitting out broccoli/spinach" as an argument for cruciferous vegetables being useless food when you just admitted its because of the calories. Potato chips have alot of calories tho. should i give that to my kids because they wont spit it out?

Anonymous No. 16312347

Anyone wanna debate ethical issues of being omnivore? Because in my opinion, not being vegan in developed countries is ethically undefendable. I would like to hear some serious arguments for not being vegan aside from health concerns

Anonymous No. 16312350

ok and american diets make children fatter and more retarded.

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usa wins again.jpg

Anonymous No. 16313830

Americans are the dominant culture and nation on this planet, you are not smarter than them even if you want to believe you are

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Anonymous No. 16315503


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Anonymous No. 16316307


Anonymous No. 16316507

Of course it does, you don't need to be very smart to realize that. Look at what meat gives you and then look what veggies give you. Obviously you should eat everything. I eat more meat, beef, pork than veggies. But I include them often sometimes in large quantities. I don't feel strong when I don't eat meat. This is normal, my died gives me a lot of power and I am a very strong man. When I marry a woman, I will feed her right and she will be fit and strong so she can dispence my healthy children.

Anonymous No. 16316509

They bought the best horse for the race. In this context the horse is the best nigger. They also bought the best scientists around the world. You will hear a german name but it will say "American". America on it's own cannot acomplish anything so they have to find another way to do so.

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Anonymous No. 16318156

>the horse meme

Anonymous No. 16318172


China+Hongkong has more gold medal than US

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Anonymous No. 16319615


Anonymous No. 16319828

So basically we shouldn't condemn/try to force a peaceful view if someone rapes babies, enslaves blacks, commits holocaust on other ethnicities because morality is subjective?

Anonymous No. 16320248

>you should eat everything
No. Every species has a species-appropriate diet, including humans. Should we eat bark? Or bugs? How about grass?

We can argue about what the optimal human diet is, but stop spreading this stupid meme that we should "eat everything" or "eat a balanced diet." Those are literal propaganda phrases.

That being said, I agree with you that meat is extremely healthy and everyone, especially women who want to get pregnant, should be eating a lot of it.

Anonymous No. 16320321

Candy is only available through industrial processing. It isn't "food" in any meaningful sense of the term. By your logic, we should also give children crack and meth, since they'll enjoy it and want more. It's a stupid argument because everyone knows candy isn't real food, whereas vegetables like broccoli are considered "healthy" and are at the very least grown out of the soil. Presumably, some animal out there can eat and thrive off of broccoli.

However, the other anon is correct. Humans instinctively spit out things like broccoli and spinach because we've evolved to recognize them as poisonous and not as food. You should offer your children a variety of REAL FOOD (no processed slop) and let them choose what they want. They will gladly eat fruit, honey, meat, and organs (especially liver amd bone marrow). Teach your children to follow their instincts so they will never be indoctrinated to think that leaves or seeds are good for them.

Anonymous No. 16320338

>aside from health concerns
Your post implies that you're fine with eating a vegan diet even if it's detrimental to your health, which is patently retarded. Why should I (or anyone) starve or torture myself for the benefit of other animals? If we evolved to eat meat (which we did), how is it immoral to eat meat? Is it immoral for a lion to eat a gazelle? Is it immoral for a chameleon to eat bugs? At some point, your worldview devolves into a hatred for all animals, because animal by definition have to consume other living organisms to survive. No organism wants to die, but every animal has evolved to eat certain organisms in order to be healthy. There's no way around this other than complete animal genocide. If you want to genocide animals or even just humans for eating their evolutionarily appropriate diet, that's weird, but I won't join your gay cult, amd I'll fight against it with every cell in my well-fed, carnivorous body.

Tl;dr: unless you can prove that it's possible to be in optimal health while eating a vegan diet, there is no ethical dilemma here. No one should feel guilty for eating what he's designed to eat.

Anonymous No. 16320949

Yeah i agree. It's a stupid argument. I was just pointing out how it was stupid by giving this exact example. You can't define a food as being good/bad by looking at wheter kids spit it out or not. That was my whole point

Anonymous No. 16320964

>Your post implies that you're fine with eating a vegan diet even if it's detrimental to your health, which is patently retarded.
I think that is where our values differ. I think a human sacrificing himself for the sake of someone else is the most beautiful thing someone could possibly do (See Jesus).
I would never promote an unhealthy diet, which is why i advocate for a whole foods vegan diet. "The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for all-cause mortality in all vegetarians combined vs non-vegetarians was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.80–0.97). The adjusted HR for all-cause mortality in vegans was 0.85 (95% CI, 0.73–1.01)."
Lowest rate of all-cause mortality in vegans across a diverse set of diets while accounting for cofounders. (Adventist health study)

Now that we have established that vegans not only do not drop dead immediately, but in fact live even longer than carnitards, we can move on to ethical arguments.

>Is it immoral for a lion to eat a gazelle?
No, it isnt because the lion would die if he didnt. We would not die if we dont eat meat as i have just demonstrated.

>because animal by definition have to consume other living organisms to survive.
Weird ... i always thought the fried chicken on your plate was already dead.
Also... there are animals like flies that feed off of shit. Is shit a living organism? Your comment is sooooo fucking stupid i cant-

Anonymous No. 16321172

Sugar was important in prehistory to build fat, which would later prevent starvation.
There was no excess and so no problem with consuming too much of it either.
But vegetables? Those didn't even exist.
Try again.

Anonymous No. 16321209

You clearly didn't understand my point. Your entire comparison between candy and real food is retarded. Kids should absolutely eat what they crave, with the OBVIOUS exception of fake food like candy, ice cream, pizza, etc. Vegetables are at leasr real food, just not human food because humans are carnivores. The fact that you can't distinguish between processed slop and actual natural food is disturbing.

Anonymous No. 16321227

>I think a human sacrificing himself for the sake of someone else is the most beautiful thing someone could possibly do (See Jesus).
Then sacrifice your health for "other people." I won't join you, and neither will most people. Just don't try to force your religious beliefs onto me or my family. Also, animals aren't "people." They're animals.
>Lowest rate of all-cause mortality in vegans across a diverse set of diets while accounting for cofounders. (Adventist health study)
This argument has been deboonked many times. Correlation =/= causation, and these pro-vegan studies don't account for confounding variables like healthy-user bias.

Meat also contains tons of nutrients and amino acids you either can't get from plants or that aren't bioavailable in plants: choline, carnitine, taurine, creatine, iron, vitamin d, vitamin b12, CoQ10, retinol, zinc, and more. Vegans are emaciated and sickly because not only are they not getting these nutrients, they're also not getting enough of the basic building blocks of their cells: saturated fat, cholesterol, and protein. Since we aren't ruminants or hindgut fermenters like gorillas, we don't have the bacterial load to break plants down and convert them into saturated fat. Our cecum (which is where bacteria ferment plants in gorillas) is so atrophied that we call it an appendix, and scientists actually thought it was a useless, vestigial organ for years (it's not, of course).
>No, it isnt because the lion would die if he didnt. We would not die if we dont eat meat as i have just demonstrated.
Lions would fare just as well as humans if they ate a vegan diet. They would become sickly and emaciated and slowly deteriorate. It's just as fucked up to force a lion to go vegan as it is to force a human to do so.


Anonymous No. 16321228

The study in question:
>The scientists collected blood samples from 500 infants in Bhaktapur, Nepal, to measure their B12 status.

>Around five years later they contacted more than half of these youngsters to conduct various tests of their mental ability.

All recent studies show that vegan kids in developed countries do not have lower B12 levels. It makes no sense to assess malnourished kids in Nepal and draw conclusions on vegan kids in the UK.

Anonymous No. 16321231


>Weird ... i always thought the fried chicken on your plate was already dead.
You are so fucking retarded. Was the chicken alive? Did it need to be killed in order to be consumed? Stop being a disingenuous piece of shit. All carnivores have to eat animals in order to thrive. All herbivores have to eat plants (they're alive).
>Also... there are animals like flies that feed off of shit.
Are you actually retarded enough to think that flies eat exclusively feces? They also eat decaying corpses. Funny how you didn't mention that.

Anyway, you're obviously a retarded vegan and you probably won't read all of this. Go eat your salads and enjoy being an anorexic subhuman while I eat my steak and enjoy life.


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Anonymous No. 16321258

>They probably dont need supplements
They do. Grass fed cows typically go through a fattening period during their last months where their weight doubles. During this period they are fed grains, onions products, hay and supplements. In many areas the grass is poor in nutrients in the spring, and the cows can't graze in the winter. Most soils are poor in cobalt anyway, so cows that are not fed B12 get at least cobalt and calcium stones.

Anonymous No. 16321272

>animals lie in the dirt to absorb B12 through their skin
You do not believe that yourself.

Plus B12 deficiency is a problem for vegans in every country. Most of the world does not spray its fiod with chlorine.

Anonymous No. 16321273

You do know that nearly all meat is fried or boiled precisely to sterilize it, do you? an egg a day instead of the worm in the dirt of an unwashed carrot.

Anonymous No. 16321281

>Kids when fed broccoli or spinach will spit it out because it disgusts them.
Learn to cook. Kids love spinach, potatoes and fish sticks.

Kids eat what they see their parents eat. But kids mouths are also a lot smaller and they are not good at chewing and portioning what they put in them yet. So plan accordingly and prepare food in a way that is suited for the more sensitive mouths of kids.

Kids do love sweet foods. That is true. Because those foods are energy dense. But foods without raffinated sugar are never as sweet as candy, coke or sweets. Just stay clear of those and give your kids fruits to snack on.

Anonymous No. 16321284

Anon, factory animals are mostly artificially inseminated. That's not rape.

Farms that inseminate their animals the natural way make sure the animals are willing.

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Anonymous No. 16321296

>Farms that inseminate their animals the natural way make sure the animals are willing.
While the animals are locked in what the farmers literally call a "rape rack"

Anonymous No. 16321307

1. An omnivorous diet allows us to make use of more resources than if we only ate vegan foods.
2. Our environmental foodprint is therefore more spread out and thus less impactful.
3. Not eating animal products closes many, many ecological niches to other species.
4. Maintaining a diet that is possible to stick to in times of collapse is a moral good within itself.
5. Keeping our traditions of meat eating and animal rearing alive is a moral good.
6. Animal rearing gives us a lot more than just food. For example a mink farm is basically a machine that allows us to turn inedible bio matter into high quality, long lasting fur.
7. Vegan alternatives to animal foods and products are more costly and more difficult to produce.
8. Veganism requires us to make heavy use of the available farmland and would preclude the majority of land and the oceans as sources of food/materials from us.
9. Animal products are all 100% renewable and produce no waste that is not bio degradable.
10. Vegan alternatives often require resources that are not replenishable and leave waste that can not be recycled.
11. Most of the people lack the knowledge and discipline to stick to a healthy vegan meal plan as it requires nutrient counting and specific supplementation. While most people do not stick to a healthy omnivorous meal plan either, failing at veganism results in health defects while still carrying all the risks of overeating.
12. Enforcing a vegan diet goes against human nature and instincts. While our nature is not a priori good, making people deny it as totally as veganism does requires force and is thus immoral and will lead to social strife.
13. The only way to make veganism widespread is by a small clique of elitist moralists forcing their will on the rest of the people via state means. That is immoral.

Conclusion: Vegans need more resources, put more strain on our limited arable land, harm animals and support a morally wrong ideology.

Anonymous No. 16321324

>Adventist health study
Again, dumbfuck, the adventists religion contains many rules for a healthy lifestyle. The adventists that follow a vegan diet do so out of religiousity. They are also the subgroup of adventists that will follow all their religions rules on healthy living more strictly.

Finally, the adventists that can not stick to the discipline required for a healthy vegan diet (with supplements) most likely return to a vegetarian diet after health problems begin to show. This filters the vegan adventists to be those that are intelligent and disciplined enough to follow a strict vegan diet succesfully and it filters out those adventists that have other types of health issues that would make following a vegan diet even harder.

I'd whipe my ass with your study if it was worth the effort to clean my phone screen.

Anonymous No. 16321332

Reread what I wrote. You are having trouble with simple English.

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Anonymous No. 16321402

Rape racks are used for both "natural" and artificial insemination.
>that's not rape
Care to reply?

Anonymous No. 16322190

1. actually its the complete opposite. The days where livestock roams freely under the sun are over. they are fed crops grown by humans and only 10-20% of caloric input gets converted in meat - really inefficient. We should eat the crops ourself and save more land.
2. Because we have to feed livestock crops, we have to use much more land. Leading to deforestation and increase in Greenhouse gas emission by cows. (leading to increased environmental foodprint.)
3. i dont quite understand what you mean with that.
4. Times of collapse? All you need to do is get a b12 supplement and eat variety of plants, just like you d need to on an omnivorous diet so stay healthy.
5. "Keeping our traditions of enslaving black people is a moral good" (used to be tradition ;) )
6. Who gives a fuck about fur. Just use cotton without having to skin a sentient being
7. noone advocates for vegan alternatives (mock meats) - they are unhealthy. Which leaves you with the cheapest options available - Beans, potatos, rice, lentils, vegetables
8. See (1.)
9. Dont really get this because plants are also degradeable but sure. I guess good luck degrading cow farts
10. If you are talking about mock meats etc... again, nobody advocates for that
11. Its really not complicated. In the adventist health study, vegans had the lowest all cause mortality risk. If vegan diets were as complicated, why do vegans on average live so long? are they all nutrition experts?
12. In a crib put three things. A human kid/baby, an apple and a rabbit. If the human decides to kill and eat the rabbit and play with the apple, i ll concede that we have carnivorous/omnivorous instincts
13. You are making the same argument pro-slavery people would have made back in the day. It was normal to enslave people, then people like vegans came across and told you - no its actually not.
Any more arguments?

Anonymous No. 16322212

Wtf are you rambling on about? You are just making assumptions about the study without ANY basis whatsoever. Its easy. Lowest rate of ADJUSTED all-cause mortality in vegans. There you go.
But you know... you could convince me that vegan diets are unhealthy by citing large population studies where they found vegans do indeed die earlier and have worse health markers. Just show me and i acknowledge you re right on that matter. BUT if you cant... well then that leaves me with peer reviewed science supporting my claim and you with frankly... yea nothing aside from your opinion

Anonymous No. 16322239

To all carnitards on this thread. You d do good by supporting your claims with peer reviewed scientific evidence. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your anecdotes/opinion

Anonymous No. 16322386

I was raised vegan, my mother was 5'2" and my father was 5'6", I stand at 6'1". I despise being raised on this diet but still I don't think it has much to do with height

Anonymous No. 16322423

What should be done about cultures or religions that mandate the use of leather/other animal products for specific things?

Anonymous No. 16322425

>only 10-20% of caloric input gets converted in meat - really inefficient.
You know what's even more inefficient?
Crop residue being burned or wasted, and marginal land producing zero food via grazing.

Anonymous No. 16322441

What if my religion told me its okay to enslave black people? are you gonna hold me accountable or urge me to question my religion? Because you know ... black people are just animals, like cows and pigs. Here for our amusement surely

Anonymous No. 16322452

>What if my religion told me its okay to enslave black people?
Does it?
The hypothetical is useless if it doesn't feasibly happen in any scenario. On the other hand, some people do require specifically leather products, and harvesting it from animals that have already died isn't a moral wrong.

Anonymous No. 16322453

Reforest marginal land and combat climate Change. There will be more than enough food using the arable land. 99% of meat production is factory farmed anyway. Even if we take your points into consideration, it still is not as inefficient as producing meat for the current demand since crop residues dont make up the majority of calories given to livestock.

Anonymous No. 16322467

>Does it?
Obviously not.

>The hypothetical is useless if it doesn't feasibly happen in any scenario
I'd have to disagree with that. My hypothetical is not about whats realisitc, rather its questioning how much "religion" as a justification should weigh. Surely you would not accept me saying "I enslave blacks because of my religion". The question is ... why do you not accept my religion as justification in this case?

Anonymous No. 16322476

Agreed, harvesting it from animals that have already died isn't morally wrong

Anonymous No. 16322482

I don't accept your justification because having the product - the black slave - is the wrong in itself, whereas the end-goal of having a leather product can be covered through means that don't necessitate killing the animal. If their death is inevitable and they aren't killed for the product in itself, is it wrong to use it?

Anonymous No. 16322502

>whereas the end-goal of having a leather product can be covered through means that don't necessitate killing the animal. If their death is inevitable and they aren't killed for the product in itself, is it wrong to use it?
No it's not wrong to use it if the animal has died of natural causes. I was actually assuming you were talking about actively killing an animal to obtain said materials.
I guess we don't have much of a disagreement then

Anonymous No. 16323220

>isn't that an appeal to nature fallacy
do you think synthetically made "nutrients" are the same as naturally occurring ones because they put the same name on the label? you have to be 18 to post here btw
>I was wondering is the only reason to eat meat pre formed creatine
there are a dozen or more nutrients in meat that isn't found in plants at all, so I would say there's at least a dozen reasons to eat meat

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Anonymous No. 16323224

>but vegetables are better
since you're talking about wild meat I'm assuming you're also talking about wild vegetables, not cultivated ones
Please can you name some good wild vegetables

Anonymous No. 16323231

>healthy plant foods
That's a misnomer, there are no such thing as a healthy plant food
>but since they are required to eat more plants
not a cult btw
>Now that we have established that, we can safely conclude that Vegans risk of ED < Others risk of ED
vegans have no libido, why are we even talking about ED, if anything they have no ED because they have no desire to procreate anyway kek (thanks to their deficient diet)
they have no libido because their diet is missing a lot of micronutrients, nobody seems to know what that is
Besides there is not a single vegan who didn't cheat on their cult diet

Anonymous No. 16323232

Does not surprise me, never did. You cannot get certain important nutrients from plants in a big enough amount

Anonymous No. 16323288

Nobody gives a flying fuck about your opinion/anecdotes. Support your claims with scientific evidence or you just make yourself a clown.

Anonymous No. 16324321

I've collected wild mushrooms and pine nuts as well as wild berries, but I can't think of any wild vegetables except some kelp I used to flavor soup once. Other than the pine nuts, you'd starve to death pretty quickly trying to live of wild plants. If you have a rifle you can fatten yourself up off wild animals pretty easily, their skins make nice clothing too.

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Anonymous No. 16326189

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Anonymous No. 16326312

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Anonymous No. 16326751

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Anonymous No. 16326753

Anonymous No. 16327402

Lacto-vegetarian diet, without eggs, makes you peak human.

Anonymous No. 16328509

india is a 3rd world hellhole with an average iq in the 70s

Anonymous No. 16328757

what exactly are you trying to say?

Anonymous No. 16328771

>1. An omnivorous diet allows us to make use of more resources than if we only ate vegan foods.

"Omnivorous diet" is a monoculture of eggmilk and milkegg.

Anonymous No. 16329833

epidimiological studies weigh just as much as opinions and anecdotes (probably even less though)
you should go back, then neck yourself, nigger

Anonymous No. 16329836

taste is irrelevant when there's no food (meat) on the plate, do the needful and kill yourself shitskin

Anonymous No. 16329839

you all want to eat meat but you can't afford it, stop coping rajeesh

Anonymous No. 16329845

you can't mention a single wild edible vegetable except for kelp that you used as a spice for what i assume is a meat soup, yet you think vegetables are better for you than meat? You're a retard, stop peddling vegan propaganda you colossal faggot

Anonymous No. 16329903

>epidimiological studies weigh just as much as opinions and anecdotes (probably even less though)

Provide evidence for your claims you fucking clown. Nobody gives a shit what kind of ideas your clogged brain comes up with.
Every credible healthcare organisation i ve looked at rates cohorts higher than anecdotal evidence

If you re unsatisfied with cohorts, i can give you a systematic review:
"Accordingly, the present systematic review provides evidence that vegan and vegetarian diets are associated with lower CRP levels, a major marker of inflammation and a mediator of inflammatory processes.[...] Given that CRP is an established biomarker of systemic low-grade inflammation linked to various diseases, e.g. atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, the results of this review support the suggestion that vegetarian or vegan nutrition habits might ameliorate inflammatory processes and decrease circulating levels of inflammatory biomarkers. These anti-inflammatory properties might reduce risk of chronic inflammatory diseases in vegan or vegetarian populations"

Not one of you carnitards have provided any studies suggesting vegans die of starvation or similar bullshit.
Support your claims with evidence. Nobody gives a fuck about your opinions

Anonymous No. 16330069

Man, that post went right above your head.

Certain things are so far beyond your mental horizon that you can't even conceptualize how they disprove your vegan positions.

>efficiency of vegan crops and animal products
Animals provide us with a lot more than just food and by them we can exploit a lot more resources than if we were vegan. A cow eats a lot more of a plant than we do, for example. Chicken and fish eat foods that are inedible to us. Sheep produce wool from plants that grow in regions unsuitable for farming. The oceans provide us with about 1/3 of all calories we consume. A vegan system would not only have increase farming of human edible crops massively, it would also have to farm alternatives to leather, fur, wool, blood, bones and all other animal materials that are used in chemical industries. That's impossible. The fertile farmland veganism requires has been in use for centuries. We can not expand our available land for farming by as much as needed. So veganism would lead to an intensivation of agriculture by an increased use of fertilizers and factory farming. Those techniques require non renewable resources. While agriculture combined with animal farming is a lot less resource intensive.

Our livestock species are extremely succesful in evolutionary terms. They have entered a symbiosis with us and seen a spread they could have never achieved without us.

>cow farts and greenhouse gases
Everything that a cow farts out has to come from the feed. The feed of livestock reabsorbs what cows later fart out. We are talking about a process that happens in months. Moreover since our livestock numbers remain consistent year round, the reabsorbtion rates also remain consistent year round.

>baby, rabbit and apple
Pointless moralising. A human baby is not a fully formed human and not responsible for its own food.

You got anything else apart from not understanding simple points and implying that livestock has the same value as black people?

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Anonymous No. 16330080


A healthy vegan diet/lifestyle sees results because it cuts back on all the things that are unhealthy in the modern diet/lifestyle.

The downsides of veganism are a lack of critical nutrients which has to be answered with close monitoring and supplements and severe risk of nutrient insufficiencies due to the lower bioavailabilty of certain nutrients in plant based foods.

Resulting from this are several risks and bad health outcomes, such as issues with bones and an increase in mental issues.

A healthy omnivorous diet on the other hand also cuts out all the risk factors of the modern diet/lifestyle while steering free from the health downsides associated with veganism.

I.e. there is no point going vegan for health benefits, since all the benefits of veganism can be achieved as an omnivore. Without requiring supplements or closely watching specific nutrients.

Anonymous No. 16330155

I'm kind of missing the "vegans starve themselves to death" in your study. Can you help me find it? One thing thats really striking to me is that you seem to think that simply eating animal products is an adequate substitute for nutritional mindfulness. You will develop nutritional deficiencies on either diet if you dont appropriately plan. A study with 70,000 participants found that only 34,5% had sufficient vitamin d levels
And here goes your study talking about how vegans may be deficient in Vitamin D. Kind of discredits your study. We should look at general health outcomes not "potential risks if x or y or z".

>Resulting from this are several risks and bad health outcomes, such as issues with bones and an increase in mental issues.
Reading this made me realize i m probably alot more educated on this topic than you.
Regarding bone health - commonly measured in bone density or amount of fractures. Do you think vegans have lower BMI on average? And do you think the amount of weight your body puts on your bones contributes to bone density?
Do you think vegans are more physically active? And do you think being more physically active can lead to more fractures?
Do you think being a minority in a society that deems things you consider wrong as acceptable could be a risk factor in mental health? I'm sticking to general health outcomes - vegans re winning hard

Anonymous No. 16330164

first of all we're one race the human race
secondly if the meat eating kids aren't B12 deficient but the vegan kids are, it proves a vegan diet sucks
there's no other source for B12 and it doesn't just magically appear because a diet is western
it only appears in meat or fish which vegans do not eat

Anonymous No. 16330204

I won't bother replying to your next answer if its as retarded as this shit.
>Chicken and fish eat foods that are inedible to us.
Chicken get fed primarily corn and basedbean meal, both of which are edible by us. Fish get fed byproducts derived off other fish, onions protein, corn gluten, wheat, and other grains, which again, are edible by humans.
Why would humans need wool? If anything its one the more rare materials used by humans.
You can eat from the ocean if you re ready to ingest small amounts of Mercury,Lead,cadmium,arsenic,PCBs,dioxins and of course microplastics.
>it would also have to farm alternatives to leather, fur, wool, blood, bones and all other animal materials that are used in chemical industries
yeah... which is exactly what we are doing right now. lol...
>That's impossible.
Agreed if every human was as retarded as you are. Luckily there are ingenious minds out there and we are seeing more vegan alternatives by the days.

>Our livestock species are extremely succesful in evolutionary terms. They have entered a symbiosis with us and seen a spread they could have never achieved without us.

Why do you even make the argument that they are "extremely succesful in evolutionary terms"? Why does that matter? Should they be happy to be factory farmed by us? I have never encountered such psychotic views you are spewing right now.

>Pointless moralising. A human baby is not a fully formed human and not responsible for its own food.
you are missing the point. You said we had some sort of instinct, leading us to consume animals. Instincts are innate, therefor a children would want to eat the rabbit. But why doesnt it?
I suggest you read "livestock's long shadow" by the Food and Agriculture Organization, where they, in detail, explain why farming animals is stupid and how that is detrimental to food supply and environment. You could use some education because you apparently have no fucking clue of what you are talking about.

Anonymous No. 16330215

>One thing thats really striking to me is that you seem to think that simply eating animal products is an adequate substitute for nutritional mindfulness.
Never said that. Just that if you eat a healthy omnivorous diet you get all the benefits a vegan diet could possible give you while not giving you the downsides of a vegan diet.

>We should look at general health outcomes not "potential risks if x or y or z".
Vegans have to supplement their diets. Everytime. For omnivores that is a maybe.

In the rest of your post you bring up a lot of conflating factors that others and I have also brought up in response to your studies. Points you have discarded arrogantly.

>vegans more active, therefore more fractures
>vegans lower BMI therefore less dense bones
As we already explained, vegans have to be very health conscious to have a chance to remain vegans. That filters for healthy individuals. Omnivores are required to put in less effort to remain healthy and their group includes those who fail at remaining in good health.

>Do you think being a minority in a society that deems things you consider wrong as acceptable could be a risk factor in mental health?
Absolutely nobody gives a shit about vegans as long as these vegans don't try to force others to conform to their morals. Vegans are not a persecuted minority, at all. If vegans suffer from mental health issues because other people do not conform to vegan morals then the root cause of the vegans issues is veganism and the unhealthy obsession with what other people eat.

Anonymous No. 16330226

Most fish are not farmed but wild caught.

>why wool?
It's a great material, renewable and a byproduct of shepherding.

>you can eat from the ocean
Yes, but what do we eat from the ocean? Fish.

>we are already farming alternatives to animal products
It's an issue of scale. For most animal products there are alternatives that can be farmed. But without animal sources we would have to intensify farming by a lot.

>I have never encountered such psychotic views you are spewing right now.
You should listen to some of the vegans. They actually believe that animals should have the same rights as people. No wonder they have such a high incidence of mental health issues.

> Instincts are innate, therefor a children would want to eat the rabbit.
Not all instincts are active all the time and human children go through a long development period where they learn techniques and behaviours to navigate the world. You can't expect a baby in its crip to kill and skin a rabbit just as you don't expect it to talk like an adult or walk upright.

I actually enjoy trouncing these positions so hard. Thanks for playing the role of the brain dead vegan fanatic. Your trolling is appreciated.

Anonymous No. 16330258

Personally I'm opposed to helping vegans or even sharing this type of information
keep this esoteric information in your family so they continue to eat meat
meanwhile vegan families will become dumber and more malnourished so my children will seem chads in comparison with zero effort
this is how the elites stay on top
by misinforming the general public while nourishing their children
just see what the elites are doing (not what they're telling you to do) and copy that

Anonymous No. 16330307

kill yourself you absolute mentally ill faggot
none of these "studies" have any value whatsoever, they're not scientific by any means
nothing positive about veganism is backed up by actual replicable scientific studies
post 1 study that isn't an association study and I'll have a look
until then shut the fuck up and get down from your high horse

Anonymous No. 16330498

I already thought of you being a retarded science denier, so i think we re done here.

Anonymous No. 16330515

>Yes, but what do we eat from the ocean? Fish.
Wild caught fish contains heavy metals.,structural%20lesions%20and%20functional%20disturbances.
- Got anything to say to that?

>It's a great material, renewable and a byproduct of shepherding.
So is Cotton. Why would i use something that stinks of animals when there are better plant alternatives.

>It's an issue of scale. For most animal products there are alternatives that can be farmed. But without animal sources we would have to intensify farming by a lot.
like i said... read "Livestocks long shadow". Its basically one of the most in depth analysis on impact of animal agriculture on environment and food supply. They agree with my view on that matter and not yours. I think i might argue with a flat earther/ climate change denier, that doesnt like to use science based evidence for his claims.

Anonymous No. 16330527

>Vegans have to supplement their diets. Everytime. For omnivores that is a maybe.
Does using plant milks fortified with b12 also fall under supplementation for you? And if yes... how is you eating Chicken, which in most cases gets b12 supplemented in their food not supplementation, if you compare those two scenarios.

> As we already explained, vegans have to be very health conscious to have a chance to remain vegans. That filters for healthy individuals. Omnivores are required to put in less effort to remain healthy and their group includes those who fail at remaining in good health.

Look i m kind of tired explaining to you that vegans have better overall health outcomes than most diets, including vegetarian and omnivorous, as i have demonstrated with peer reviewed Cohorts/Systematic reviews, where they adjusted for cofounders like healthy habits/bmi/smoking/physical activity.
You keep coming with the same argument of healthy user bias and i repeatedly tell you that they adjusted for these cofounding variables. I get the impression your mind doesnt want to accept vegan diets are healthy, no matter what kind of evidence i present you.
What exactly is your critisism of systematic reviews/ cohorts, where they found vegans were healthier on average while adjusting for cofounders like bmi/smoking/physical activity etc.?

Anonymous No. 16330534

>Absolutely nobody gives a shit about vegans as long as these vegans don't try to force others to conform to their morals.
but they are not only our morals but yours aswell. Are u against torturing animals? Is an animals, or a dogs life worth more than the 15 minutes of pleasure you get out of consuming their bodyparts?
If you answer yes to those questions, then your morals are basically vegan. We merely reflect our morals in our actions so we re not hypocrites

Anonymous No. 16330537

Please present evidence that vegans have worse overall health outcomes. Are there no studies showing that?

Anonymous No. 16330549

There's proper and improper vegetarian/vegan diet. You can have also improper diet eating meat also, but for avg. monkey meat is a solution.

Anonymous No. 16330553

Yeah some people are not smart/educated enough for vegan diets

Anonymous No. 16330557

>headbanging fish
Why do you even post a study for that? The heavy metal contend of fish is not a matter of contention. Fact is that the human species gets around 1/3 of its calories from the oceans. Those calories come from fish. If we were to feed the population by vegan means we would have to intensify our farming to make up for those calories.

>Why would i use something that stinks of animals when there are better plant alternatives.
I explained several times already why animal products are valuable. Also, wash yourself, street shitter.

>can't formulate your own opinions
You concede the rest then.

>vegans have better overall health outcomes
They don't. I gave you a devastating study. You refuse to acknowledge the most simple counter points. By the way, cholesterol is important for brain development. Start eating eggs, dude.

>You keep coming with the same argument of healthy user bias and i repeatedly tell you that they adjusted for these cofounding variables.
You can't adjust for healthy user bias unless you include amongst the vegan group those that tried to be vegan but flaked out again.
Under Mortality
>Although some studies indicate a reduction in mortality associated with vegetarianism and VD, the larger body of evidence indicates that the health benefits associated with vegetarianism may be due to other β€œlifestyle” factors associated with socioeconomic statuses, such as adequate physical activity, low alcohol, and drug consumption, or avoidance of tobacco products.

Eat shit.

Anonymous No. 16330567

Normal morals are not 'basically vegan'. Don't presume to decide for others how to think and feel. It's a core vegan trait to impose ones own moral sensibilities on others.

>torturing animals?
Food production is not torture. No food production hurts animals for the sake of making the animals feel pain. Pretty much all farming techniques aim to keep animal suffering to a minimum. If not out of animal welfare considerations then out of a desire to not harm the quality of the end product and to keep the process as simple and light in work as possible.

>using dogs as an example
You have nothing but appeals to emotions. Weak faggot. And yes, human life comes before animal life. Consuming animal products is not immoral. If you want to weight the animals suffering versus human pleasure then at least do it right. A cow can lead a good, carefree life and feed a lot of people after the cow has been quickly and efficiently dispatched.

An animal kept in a well run farm is having a better life than an animal living in the wilds, fending for itself. The death is quicker and less painful too. Eating animals enables more animals to have better lifes. Being vegan is morally wrong as it directly harms animals.

Anonymous No. 16330571

I dont give a fuck about other populations. Americans only get about 4-5% of their calories from seafood. Nobody eats fucking fish, they all eat Beef/chicken. The devastating effect of removing seafood doesnt exist for americans.
> I gave you a devastating study
I m literally laughing my fucking ass off. This review written by two retards, only talked about potential nutrient deficiencies. There was nothing about overall health outcomes. Also nutrient deficiencies dont necessarily lead to detrimental health outcomes. Meanwhile i m delivering studies written by over 20 nutrition/health experts that clearly show positive health outcomes in vegans. But i have to admit, its probably impossible to deliver me studies where they compare health outcomes and found vegans did worse.

>You can't adjust for healthy user bias
Source - trust me bro. yeah... i think i d rather trust the many experts in their field, who conducted those studies.

My conclusion is that you dont have proper critisism about my studies where they adjusted for cofounders except "You can't adjust for healthy user bias" - Which is basically the opinion/anecdote of a single retarded person online. Pretty much sums it up

Anonymous No. 16330582

Just answer the question. Are you against torturing animals?
And do you think living confined in a cage where you cant move is torture?
Do you think ripping testicles off of pigs is torture, and do you think cutting off chickens beaks so they dont peck each other is torture? If it isnt for you, i honestly wanna know what is.

>If you want to weight the animals suffering versus human pleasure then at least do it right.
You didn't read correctly. I asked whether an animals life is worth more than your sensory pleasure. Not their suffering or whatever.

Do i again have to repeat that 98-99% of meat comes from factory farms? Why are you so retarded and keep talking about "well run farms".

>An animal kept in a well run farm is having a better life than an animal living in the wilds,
You also get that completly wrong. We breed livestock into existence. Without us, they would not exist, and certainly not in the wild.

>Being vegan is morally wrong as it directly harms animals.
You would have to explain that one

Anonymous No. 16330658

>only nutrient deficiencies
>nothing about health outcomes

"In contrast to the above study, subsequent cross-sectional studies showed that vegetarian and/or vegan children had a lower bone mineral density (BMD) [41,42]. Desmond et al. observed that vegetarians and vegans were shorter than omnivores (-0.32 and -0.57 height z scores, respectively), but the difference was non-significant in vegetarians [42]. The research showed that after controlling for body size, vegan children had substantially lower vitamin D levels and BMD than omnivores. It is suggested to maximize childhood BMD to promote peak BMD and therefore reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fracture in adulthood. The authors concluded that vegans had lower BMDs even when body and bone size were taken into consideration."

"The most thorough research found that meat-avoiders (i.e., "full vegetarians") had a 7.4%, 24.1 %, and 35.2% 1-month, 12-month, and lifetime prevalence of unipolar depressive disorders, respectively. In contrast, meat consumers had a much lower prevalence: 6.3%, 11.9%, and 19.1%."

"While veganism has been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome, it also carries the potential for micro- and macronutrient deficits. It should be noted that vegans often have better socioeconomic levels, live a healthier lifestyle with more physical exercise, and tend to smoke less compared to non-vegetarians, making it difficult to isolate the effects of veganism in observational research. Existing research is often skewed by selection bias, which is when the study sample is chosen based on prior eating patterns and such studies are often recruited in environments with a high level of health awareness."

At least read the studies you demand before you make claims about what these studies say.

Anonymous No. 16330667

>Are you against torturing animals?
I don't need to, since animal farming is not torture.

>And do you think living confined in a cage where you cant move is torture?
Not for many species of animals.

>I asked whether an animals life is worth more than your sensory pleasure. Not their suffering or whatever.
You know that I am a meat-eater, yes? You already know the answer. Therefore I went to a point that is actually worth discussing.

>factory farms are never well run
Simply wrong.

Here is a link that should thoroughly disprove veganism. No seriously, just watch it to the end.

Anonymous No. 16330695

I read the study wdym.
> The most thorough research found that meat-avoiders (i.e., "full vegetarians") had a 7.4%, 24.1 %, and 35.2% 1-month, 12-month, and lifetime prevalence of unipolar depressive disorders,
If you read it, it says meat avoiders - encompasses all forms of vegetarianism. I'd also like to add that vegetarians=/= vegans.
Lower BMD in vegans i could get behind. But where is the negative health outcome?

So again, primarily talking about potential deficiencies, not going in depth into actual health outcomes, and you still not adresssing my studies adjustments to healthy user bias and finding positive outcomes. I agree that vegans on average live healthier in general, but when you have a study explaining, that they adjusted for various cofounders you just cant make this shit up. Your study says that research is skewed by healthy user bias - and everyone agrees that it skews results - but my studies adjusted for those biases. Nuff said?

Anonymous No. 16330706

I am coming to terms with the fact that your ability to combine data presented to you is very limited.

>where is the negative health outcome of nutrient deficiencies
The study I linked lists its sources. Read up on it in those yourself.

Anonymous No. 16330714

I never said "Factory farms are never well run" you are again putting words in my mouth, as you have previously.
>Therefore I went to a point that is actually worth discussing.
And now you try to backtrack like a clown. Stop misrepresenting what i said.
>Not for many species of animals.
Wtf are you talking about? We re talking about livestock here. Are you dodging the question?
This kinda leads to nothing...
Lets say for the sake of argument, the animals are indeed tortured and then killed for food - would you have a problem with supporting that industry then? I m asking because we dont seem to agree on whether or not torture takes place.

Anonymous No. 16330716

if you have scientific evidence which says that vegan diets make you stupid then its irrational to expect anything other than stupid behavior from vegans, thats why they don't "At least read the studies they demand before they make claims about what these studies say."
they're probably too low IQ to comprehend any scientific publications.
dumb things are dumb

Anonymous No. 16330719

I'll make it simple so someone as retarded as you can understand. Nutritional deficiencies exist for all diet spectrums. Only 34,5% of americans have adequate vitamin d3 levels (see study above) suggesting a deficiency in omnivore diets. What we now have to establish is, that a properly planned vegan diet is nutritionally adequate, as is a properly planned omnivorous diet in my opinion. Sure vegans have to supplement b12 but there are more severe downsides to eating meat
"This comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis study showed that high red meat intake was positively associated with risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, lung cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma, and high processed meat intake was positively associated with risk of breast, colorectal, colon, rectal, and lung cancers. Higher risk of colorectal, colon, rectal, lung, and renal cell cancers were also observed with high total red and processed meat consumption."
Taking all of this together, and considering that all diet spectrums suffer deficiencies in certain nutrients. Wtf is even your argument now

Anonymous No. 16330729
"Higher scores for IQ in childhood are associated with an increased likelihood of being a vegetarian as an adult."

KEKW Meat eaters have low iq

Anonymous No. 16330739

If you don't think factory farms are never well run, then why is pointing out that most meat in the US is from factory farms a refutation of the claim that meat production does not equal torture?

You can't keep your points straight.

Anonymous No. 16330742

Again you show that you do not understand the confounding factors of vegetarianism and veganism. Vegetarians are a self-selected group.

Anonymous No. 16330746

If 95% of factory farms arent run well you still cant make the claim "factory farms are never run well". So i can make that argument by assuming most factory farms are run unwell
You are stupid holy Shit

Anonymous No. 16331318

>can't link even one study that is not an association study
thats what i thought, sit down retard

Anonymous No. 16331330

>So again, primarily talking about potential deficiencies, not going in depth into actual health outcomes
You're a dumb nigger
your cult sings the praises of a diet that's missing over a dozen nutrients, this is called a starvation diet
a diet that requires you to pop pills is never a good diet, you can eat 100% whole meat and never be deficient in any nutrient whatsoever
your cult diet becomes even worse when you realize that the vast majority of supplements are synthetic and thus cannot be utilized by the human body
if you're vegan and were ever wondering why you're feeling lethargic instead of euphoric like every other vegan cult grifter told you you would feel, It's because you're nutrient deficient
Maybe decide for yourself what to eat (whatever you crave as long as it's natural whole foods) instead of listening to vegan cultists who are missing braincells thanks to their nutritionally insufficient diets

Anonymous No. 16331333

SAD (standard American diet) is a plant based diet you dumb nigger (same goes for most western diets)
the small amount of meat most of these people eat is processed
Still cracks me up how you keep linking association studies thinking you can convince yourself (much less anyone else) that your cult diet is healthy kek
get out of here retard

Anonymous No. 16331444

Friendly reminder that flies are just as attracted to shit as they are to meat and dead fish

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Anonymous No. 16331478

>even flies know that literal shit is more nutrient dense than a vegan diet

Anonymous No. 16331748

Animal farming is not torture. Neither is factory farming. Some, maybe even most farms may be run poorly, but animal farming is not inherently torture. These moralising a priori assumptions is where vegans break with normal morals. You have trouble keeping your points straight because your morals force you to jump to conclusions and because you are honestly too low IQ to be a deep thinker.

Anonymous No. 16331857

I ve already demonstrated how you re stupid as fuck. No need to further debate a mongoloid

god No. 16332079

all of you niggers are wrong

eat small fish like sardines and makerel

we need fish for preformed creatine and b12

the only vegan source of b12 is natto

Anonymous No. 16332098

There are vegan sources of vitamin B12, so this only affects people who were retarded in the first place.

There are many readily available vegan sources of ALA, which has lower bioavailability but is converted in DHA and EPA in the body.

I'm not arguing in favor of veganism, but there's no reason to invent fake arguments that will only convince people who weren't considering veganism anyway. Instead, why not point out that the inevitable outcome of everyone becoming vegans is the extinction of the cute farm animals they're trying to protect? There are ways to protest factory farming that don't ultimately result in the genocide of cows and chickens.

Anonymous No. 16332531

>There are vegan sources of vitamin B12
no there aren't
there are synthetic vit b12 which do not look like or behave as natural b12, those are vegan but those shouldn't even be called b12 because they aren't
if you have a b12 deficiency, you need to consume animal products or you will stay b12 deficient

Anonymous No. 16332607

ALA has an extremely low conversion rate to DHA and EPA in the human body. It's impossible to get enough long-chain omega-3s on a vegan diet without supplementing. You need to eat salmon or take a supplement, or your brain won't function properly. And the same is true of many other nutrients.

Anonymous No. 16332665

source proving, that taking synthetic vitamin b12 has no impact on serum b12 levels?