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Anonymous No. 16227320

If global warming is real, how come theres still snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro?

Anonymous No. 16227325

We found a rare specimen of a sub 50 IQ brainlet right here

Anonymous No. 16227363

That's not a nice thing to say about the man who invented the Internet.

Anonymous No. 16227424

I was in school around 1996. Our textbooks said that fossil fuel would end by 2020 with the then current rate of consumption. Consumption rate has increased by many orders of magnitude since then. We are in 2024 now, fossil fuel doesn't seem to end???
Now maybe a top climate scientist will come and say fossil fuel will end by 2040.

Anonymous No. 16227609

Al gore isn't a climate scientist.

You can thank fracking and natural gas. Why don't you look up when we'll run out of fossil fuels? Fossil fuel companies have all made their own independent predictions.

Anonymous No. 16227674

Fossil fuels are renewable, fight me.

Anonymous No. 16227716

they're not and you can't prove it

Anonymous No. 16227910

No. I'm not even going to tell you to prove it because I know you'll post that paper about a hypothetical mechanism for the formation of hydrocarbons in the mantle that conveniently ignores that those hydrocarbons would crack into natural gas. It's a narrative for morons advanced by people who have an agenda of inaction to maintain the status quo.

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Anonymous No. 16227912

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Anonymous No. 16228026

>If global warming is real, how come theres still snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro?
Global warming refers to the overall increase in the Earth's average surface temperature, which doesn't necessarily mean that every location on Earth will experience uniform warming or a complete absence of snow and ice.

Nonetheless, Kilimanjaro’s glaciers have shrunk by 82% since the first survey of the summit in 1912. Even since 1989, when there were 3.3 square km, there has been a decline of 33%.

photo: Little Penck Glacier deglaciation progress

>Al Gore in 2005
Gore might have quoted something wrong, maybe he was careless in that one sentence, misunderstood something, the prediction he was referring to might have been off being 20 years ago, or with such a simplified statement maybe there was an unstated margin of error to that prediction itself. Focusing so much on Gore's precise words, who is a science communicator, not a scientist himself, is not the way to go about this problem.

Anonymous No. 16228705

>Al gore isn't a climate scientist.
he won a nobel

Anonymous No. 16228708

>who is a science communicator, not a scientist himself
a science communicator communicates science, hence his word is science

Anonymous No. 16228748

The Peace Prize isn't for science it's for activism shit.
>"who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses"

Anonymous No. 16228822

theres no peace without climate peace.

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Anonymous No. 16229846

al gore is a fat oil billionaire
lol that the global warming hysterics worship him like a god

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Anonymous No. 16230802

They worship the whole private jet corporate tycoon class

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Anonymous No. 16230825

heres a pic from 2008 btw. looks like all snow is seasonal
im more sad about blue glacier on mt olympus in wa state, its only 30% of the size it was 100 years ago

Anonymous No. 16231156

>glacier is smaller now than it was at the end of the little ice age

Anonymous No. 16231173

I also remember all the talk about "peak oil." I even played a video game that used it as part of its plotline.
What happened is that technology advanced, and thanks to stuff like fracking we are now able to recover oil reserves that we previously couldn't access.
There is actually still quite a lot of oil, it's just that it gets harder and harder (and more expensive) to get it out of the ground. At some point (the exact point changes with the price of oil) it's not worth it to try and extract it because it costs too much.

Anonymous No. 16231218

>we are now able to recover oil reserves that we
previously couldn't access cost effectively
there is no oil field that has ever run dry, every single field that ever been tapped is still currently in production. even the western Pennsylvania field that kicked off the petroleum industries in the 1870s is still producing.

Anonymous No. 16232004

>If global warming is real
It isn't.

Anonymous No. 16232130

>hence his word is science
no: just as journalist who communicates politics is not a politician.

A scientist communicator's word is the message about what scientists are sciencing about, he is the liaison between the laypeople and the professional specialists.

Barkon. No. 16232131

Can Barkon save sci? Or is there always going to be posts like this?

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Anonymous No. 16232155

>they're not and you can't prove it
Depends on your definition of "renewable" and the time-scale you consider.
Life created all the fossil fuel (hence the term "fossil") and it can do it again.
>Why don't you look up when we'll run out of fossil fuels?
It's basic chemistry.
Almost all of the fossil fuel was created by photosynthesis.
There must be enough carbon in the planet such that if we reverse photosynthesis via combustion, that we would use up all of the oxygen in the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16232161

What is this image trying to prove?

Anonymous No. 16232174

It's sugar.

Anonymous No. 16232199

>We should spew less toxic gas in the air
>No wayyy if we spew less toxic gas in the air then mega corporations make 3% less profit, we can’t have that
Climate change deniers are literally just contrarians. It’s more important to them that they’re right than anything else. Even if it cost them literally nothing to pass greener laws they will never vote for them because “muh global warming is fake”

Anonymous No. 16232202

Fossil fuels if fossils by definition must be renewable. If it is baked algae and dinosaurs down in the geothermal pressure cooker it is renewable.

Abiotic oil is different.(And also proven real)

Anonymous No. 16232204

>ignores that those hydrocarbons would crack into natural gas
Natural gas can be converted back into oil.