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🧵 Reheating Food in Microwave

Anonymous No. 16227425

Please red pill me on the health effects of reheating food in the microwave. Here’s my situation: When I eat brats or steaks cooked on the grill, my stomach never gets upset. When I reheat those things in the microwave, I sometimes get an upset stomach that reminds me of when I eat too much low quality food like cheap Chinese food made with low quality ingredients. Is the microwave degrading the nutrients in the food I reheat or something?

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Anonymous No. 16227601

The published studies showed that microwave heating at a high power level can cause greater AA formation in products than conventional food heat treatment.

Anonymous No. 16227649

i'd venture to say that reheating your food in the microwave is probably the best way to retain the nutrients, assuming you're using a microwave-safe container/plate. a shorter cook time (i.e. less nutrient breakdown) and high moisture retention (low nutrient loss) is probably the way to go to maximize nutrient retention, with a crock pot or a titanium/enamel-coated steamer being the next-best choice.