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Anonymous No. 16227447

Do vaccines cause autism?

Anonymous No. 16227494

I would say that heavy metal exposure in early development is the greatest contributor to autism as the brain and nervous system rely on electric signals carried through neurons that are composed of minerals. When heavy metals begin to be stored on these connections, autism becomes present. Children with autism have more heavy metals in their hair (close to the affected brain) than controls: (READ THIS)

If heavy metals are present in the vaccines administered to newborn children (see the absurd recommendations for their immunization: |, then the conclusion is clear.

Heavy metals aren't the only contributing factor: "Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder with a vital hereditary element, but environmental factors, including toxicants, insecticide, infections, and medications, have been familiar to contribute to autism susceptibility." A toxic environment, to which vaccines contribute, potentiates autism.

Anonymous No. 16227619

>Do vaccines cause autism?
Can we stop pushing the boogeyman. It's stale, old and largely defunct.
>Children with autism have more heavy metals in their hair (close to the affected brain) than controls: (READ THIS)
The study hasn't been replicated nor is the conclusion drawn from it particularly valid as it fails to explain when these kids were exposed to heavy metal. It only proves, and this weakly, based on hair analyses that the children were, on average, exposed to more heavy metal than the control group within the last two years. The research was all carried out by what I assume to be Arabs.
>If heavy metals are present in the vaccines administered to newborn children then the conclusion is clear.
No, it isn't as the study above precisely fails to show what you claim it proves.
Chinese paper. The phrase: "A toxic environment, to which vaccines contribute, potentiates autism" does not appear in the paper. Please note the weird and also ungrammatical choice of words in the following phrase: "environmental factors, including toxicants, insecticide, infections, and medications, have been familiar to contribute to autism susceptibility."
The claim in the paper is not strengthened by linking to any studies which would prove "familiarity to contribution". This indicates a low-quality research paper.

Anonymous No. 16227633

Antivaxxers have consistently failed to prove a valid "disease pathway" in the case of autistic symptomatology.
Antivaxxers fail at properly defining autism and largely get confused over the concept, hence why they have kept spinning in circles for the last twenty years.
Antivaxxers have failed, consistently so, to bring up a chain of valid research that would strengthen their antivax point.
Antivaxxers, to this day, still want you to believe that ordinary vaccines contain thimerosole.
Antivaxxers rely on research carried out by institutions that they regard to be utterly compromised (such as the CDC, FDA, NHI etc.) and corrupt in order to prove their points.
Antivaxxers are publicly represented by figures all closely connected to Wallstreet such as RFK Jr., Peter Thiel, Steven Kirsch etc.
Antivaxxers do not understand that, for their heavy metal or vaccine hypothesis to be valid, they have to rely on medical and not behaviorally defined categories. This again relates to the issue that they are in general confused about very basic medical concepts.

Again, I would like to know where this autism-vaccine shit is coming from.

Simple: Controlled opposition, manufactured controversy. Brought to you by your financial sector.

Anonymous No. 16227641

I don't know, but my otherwise healthy brother just died of an enlarged heart.

Anonymous No. 16227658

No. This whole thing was started by a clear case of fraud and corruption (Andrew Wakefield).

Anonymous No. 16227662

Interesting, however the onus is on the so-called vaccine manufacturers and their supporters to demonstrate their safety. Do you have the RCT data for every vaccine on the CDC recommended list?

Anonymous No. 16227673

>Do you have the RCT data for every vaccine on the CDC recommended list?
No, but I'm smart enough to know that discussing le vaccine-autism meme has nothing to do with general principles such as legal liability or scientific rigor.
All I point out is the following: Any discussion about some vaccine causing autism, especially when the responsible vaccine keeps changing and when you don't have a functioning definition of autism in the first place, is both point- and meaningless.
-It's meaningless to cling to anecdotal evidence and pretend it's some big gotcha moment when all you can prove is that out of ten thousand "autism cases", a couple probably are brain-damaged cretins.
-It's pointless to claim that marginally heightened heavy metal concentration in some "autistic" kids, actually not even a third of them in the study, is due to vaccines when practically every kid gets them. Sure, it could be a metabolical reprocessing issue and I would be open to the idea... but again, 25 years passed, no antivaxxer ever proved anything in that direction. Or is Andrew Wakefield's study with the faked data, the children procured by lawyers and an inconclusive result still gold standard? Antivaxxers don't even get that right.
-It's meaningless to use data for your antivax points if they come from the very same authorities that you claim to be corrupted and under pharmaceutical spell.
-It's meaningless to openly distrust the CDC or any other federal institution in anything they do or publish except for the "muh rising autism numbers". You would have figured out the scam if you just understood where all that autism money goes to.

Anonymous No. 16227678

And I haven't even bothered with how this shit is just controlled opposition.
So many hedgefund figures and celebrity, just jumping in at the right moment around 2007, precisely when the first large-scale studies came in that conclusively showed an absense of association between vaccines and autism. Please, figure this out for yourself. Do you believe Jenny McCarthy cares about truth if she shills some homeopathic bullshit cure on Oprah that allegedly cured her "autistic" kid when it turns out that the kid never had an autism diagnosis in the first place?
To you believe that RFK Jr. with his multiple stays on Epstein's pleasure island, his connection to Wall street etc. proceeds in earnest when he warns us of the microchips in the vaccines and still claims there's Thimerosole in our vaccines?
There's asking questions. And then there's being a dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16227679

Yes, dipshits obsessing over vaccines turns them into autists.

Anonymous No. 16227682


Anonymous No. 16227689

It is all cope and sneed if you can't prove medicine safety my nigger.

Anonymous No. 16227697

Vaxxies deserve their retard vaxxed children

Anonymous No. 16227715

>"A toxic environment, to which vaccines contribute, potentiates autism"
That's what I typed--it's clearly outside of the quotation marks.
The thing is that anti-vaxxers--unlike their counterparts--have nothing to sell you. The recommended number of vaccines to have in order to achieve "immunization" has increased over the years. You're telling me that the companies supplying increasingly more shots are doing it for our safety and not greed? Naivete. Do you truly believe that injecting numerous doses of a mystery fluid developed in a lab miraculously makes you immune without any negative side-effects?
The genetics of their credulous parents is enough to doom them to retardation.

Anonymous No. 16227731

The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. The people making the claim (i.e. that vaccines cause autism) have provided no credible evidence to support their claim.