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Anonymous No. 16227608

>muh thought experiments

Anonymous No. 16228059

>thought experiments
They still need to be verified empirically. Until then, they're just ideas, hypotheses.

Anonymous No. 16228199

One Jewish thought is worth thousands of goyish experiments.

Anonymous No. 16228416

they are called a hypothesis
no such thing as a thought experiment

Anonymous No. 16228571

It’s examining the logical conclusions of a postulate.

Galileo did thought experiments about gravity before he ever rolled shit down ramps or threw shit off balconies. He examined the logical conclusions of Archimedean gravitation and realized it was inconsistent.

Anonymous No. 16228576

>Galileo did thought experiments
These are called hypothesis
A thought experiment is jewish newspeak

Anonymous No. 16228616

Every experiment starts out as a thought experiment.

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Anonymous No. 16228670

All real world experiments start life as a thought experiment.

All real world science starts as philosophy.

Stop being simplistic fucktards, honestly how fucking stupid are you cunts? No, honestly.

Anonymous No. 16228844

>s a thought experiment.
as a hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16228935

"thought experiment" is a philosophy term. it has no relation to the scientific definition of the word experiment.

Anonymous No. 16228936

OP is literally filtered by thinking

Anonymous No. 16229497

>These are called hypothesis
No, that came later. He started off doing literal thought experiments - considering what would happen if you cut a weight into pieces and tethered the different pieces together. The Aristotelean model of gravitation stated that heavier objects should accelerate faster than lighter objects, and from this thought experiment Galileo deduced that Aristotle’s model made two contradictory predictions for what would happen if you tied a heavier and lighter objects together: One prediction states the tethered masses would accelerate slower than the heavy mass on its own, and one prediction stated it would accelerate faster than the heavy object on its own. Since both predictions can’t be simultaneously true Galileo then developed the hypothesis that objects in freefall must all accelerate at the same rate, which he then tested through experimentation.

But the thought experiment came first.

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Anonymous No. 16229595

I can tell you're upset and angry by your use of profanity, however that not meaningful on an electronic communications platform. In an in person discussion the use of profanity suggests a possible escalation to physical violence, however on the internet the step in anger isn't possible.
pic is what you look like

Anonymous No. 16229949

No, it takes more than just a hypothesis to develop a viable experiment.

Anonymous No. 16230663

"thought experiments" are just exercises in confirmation bias, they're similar to computer modeling in that fashion.
>start with the precondition that you understand how things work
>"do things really work the way I presume them do?"
>yes, turns out they do according to my imagination. gosh I'm so smart!!

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Anonymous No. 16230790

Yeah but that is actually very easy to do in practice, you just gotta start. Like the thought experiment in pic related would be very easy to try out in practise for anyone. And then it is easy to see how NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it:

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"The minute that I kind of woke up on that hillside in heaven I knew that that was more real than any time I've ever spent here on Earth. And I knew instantly that my time here was really but a dream. It's real to us when we're in it, but once I was there in heaven I realized that's more real, that felt more real, and it made much more sense to me than anything here. This is kind of nonsensical at times. In heaven, it's so clear, so real, so rational, so logical, but yet emotional and loving at the same time. Immediately I knew that was real and this was not. Immediately."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

So NDEs convince people who have them, and so does the extensive scholarly literature on NDEs for the people who actually reads it. The problem, however, is that so many pseudoskeptics never actually read the scholarly literature on NDEs and instead just assume, based on their materialist dogma, that since there can not be any evidence for the reality of NDEs, there is no point actually learning more about NDEs.

Anonymous No. 16230792

>If I throw enough shit at the wall pretty soon it won’t add up

Anonymous No. 16230881

>He started off doing literal thought experiments
Theres a term for that, a hypothesis
>, it takes more than just a hypothesis to develop a viable experiment.
Viable "in your head"? Ha

Anonymous No. 16230888

This, fake experiments such as gedankenexperiment or computer models (AKA gedankenexperiment for people who can't do math) cannot produce meaningful results because they don't include any new data.

Anonymous No. 16231039

Only an NPC would say that given that he is unable to think for himself and thus not able to do any thought experiment.

Anonymous No. 16231067

Just a minor thought experiment, how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast today?

Anonymous No. 16231145

thought "experiment" can only confirm the preconceived notions of the lackwit performing the experiment.
whats lacking specifically is self awareness.
in a real experiment the possible results are not confined by the limits of the experimenter's knowledge

Anonymous No. 16231797

No, the hypothesis is about why something is the way it is, the developing of the experiment is the exact steps needed to demonstrate it.

>Viable "in your head"? Ha
To be viable in practice, you first have to think through all the steps and develop the experiment, the more time you spend thinking about all the steps and possibilities, the smoother it will go when you have to actually do it.

Anonymous No. 16232599

>To be viable in practice, you first have to think through all the steps and develop the experiment
it doesn't matter how much you think through an experiment before you run it for it to be "viable"
if Galileo hadnt thought about Archimedes at all and just did the experiment rolling weights down slopes the experiment would be just as valid
to be fair, the only reason he thought to do that particular experiment was because of his thinking about stuff like that

Anonymous No. 16232993

>how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast today?
A bit hungry, jittery, of the kind that low blood sugar causes. I feel like that very often as i dont usually eat breakfast at a set time, just when i start to get hungry.
Also, black people are perfectly capable of understanding hypothetical situations and they understand that in the future, they are still themselves. That /pol/ joke is not based on reality and you are laughing at a fiction

Anonymous No. 16232999

>No, the hypothesis is about why something is the way it is,
It can be about anything
>the developing of the experiment is the exact steps needed to demonstrate it.
Designing an experiment is implied in making an experiment dumb cretin. You cant just make an experiment without some level of planning.
Want to time a pendulum frequency so you can calculate gravity? Oh my god, you have to buy a stopwatch. You are so making a thought experiment!

Anonymous No. 16233001

Aristotle, and he wouldn't have been motivated to do the experiments had he not done the thought experiment first.

Aristotle's model of gravity (heavy things fall faster) stood unchallenged for almost two millennia because nobody before had bothered to think through whether it had any logical inconsistencies.

The realization that any of the classical philosophers could have made mistakes in their deductions about the world opened the gateway for the scientific revolution.

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Anonymous No. 16233002


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Anonymous No. 16233031

>he wouldn't have been motivated to do the experiments
I said this in the last sentence of my post

>Aristotle's model of gravity (heavy things fall faster) stood unchallenged for almost two millennia

>The realization that any of the classical philosophers could have made mistakes in their deductions about the world opened the gateway for the scientific revolution.
No, Galileo making the *experimental result* well known is what opened the gateway for *experimentation*
experiments are what lead to the scientific revolution

Anonymous No. 16233109

Sounds more like 2000 years of empiricism doing nothing. Unsurprisingly, we are there again, but instead of simple experiments it is outlandish claims of 12 dimensions super strings, events nobody witness billions of years ago, and all things are made of pokemon - er particles.

Anonymous No. 16234015

the big bang is as real as the holocaust, both only ever occurred in the imaginations of nincompoops

Anonymous No. 16235058

>both only ever occurred in the imaginations of nincompoops
They both also occur over and over and over again on government sanctioned television and in government schools.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16235064

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
Trump lost the elections,
and you belong in >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16235163

Yeah but that book is written by a w*man and therefore your argument in invalid until you provide some actual sources.

Anonymous No. 16236061

that copypasta gets spammed by that faggot over and over again errry single day it seems, I still have never read it

Anonymous No. 16236559

Shortly after my grandfather died I was in a pretty bad car accident. While I was out, I had a NDE; I vividly remember a warm tunnel light, calm feelings of peace, and visions of my grandfather talking to me, asking me about how everyone was, and telling me it was not my time yet. Then I remembered the safe. My grandfather had a big safe in his basement, and my grandmother mentioned trying to get into it, as she did no know the combo. So during the NDE I asked my grandfather for the safe combo. And he didn't know. He just sat their confused. And that is when I realized the whole experience was just fake & gay stuff in my head. The whole conversation was just stuff I already knew, nothing that only my grandfather could know. The light faded out and I woke up some time later. So no, not everyone who has a NDE believes they are real, or are proof of an afterlife.

(That said, I do believe some sort of afterlife exists, due to living in a house that was god damn haunted for a time. But that would be another post.)

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Anonymous No. 16237336


Anonymous No. 16237346

Kek just playing devil's advocate maybe he was real but he just forgot or something else like maybe it was there when he bought the house

Anonymous No. 16238289

>All real world experiments start life as a thought experiment.
no they don't

Anonymous No. 16238302

another explanation: he didn't have it committed to memory, he just wrote it down somewhere because he didn't need to open the safe often

Anonymous No. 16238364

math is one big thought experiment

Anonymous No. 16238435

The safe was his; my grandmother hired a lock smith to open it, all that was in there was a bunch of tax, insurance, and bank documents, including stuff that was quite recent. So he was regularly using the safe before his death, at the least. If he did have the code written down we never found it, my grandmother had previously asked me to look around for it, and we checked all around the house and his shed.

Anonymous No. 16239804

scientists actually think that and say that

Cult of Passion No. 16239896

Ive only ever conducted theiretical experiements, I stopped checking after a while, just...never missed unless it was intentional fake news shit, which a few get through eventually.

Redactions hurt and are confusing, to have two stamps contradicting each other on the same save file (Good/Bad/Yes/No)...heh, k.

Anonymous No. 16240214

>Aristotle's model of gravity (heavy things fall faster) stood unchallenged for almost two millennia
embarrassing lmao

Anonymous No. 16240968

Thought experiments are just tools for conceptual analysis.

How do you verify concepts empirically?

Anonymous No. 16241276

>How do you verify concepts empirically?
You verify hypothesis with experiments. Its as simple as checking.

Anonymous No. 16241609

I said concepts, not hypothesis. Thought experiments are for conceptual analysis, not testing hypotheses.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16241614

Aristotle worship was (and is) something akin to a religious cult. Einstein worship is a similar, more modern version of that type of cult. No matter how much evidence crops up disproving either of them, the true believers of the cult will never admit that their false gods are fallible or could have been incorrect about anything.

Anonymous No. 16241660

Came here to post this

Anonymous No. 16241705

>conceptual analysis
Not him but there's no obvious need for concepts that have no physical reference and/or have no measurement. For example: justice. Laws are made because the ruler exerts power by tweaking cost/benefit ratios of behavior.

Anonymous No. 16243098


Anonymous No. 16244388


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Anonymous No. 16245268

its wrong

Anonymous No. 16246948


Anonymous No. 16247853

When I was a kid I hated Schrodinger because I didn’t understand what a thought experiment was and thought he killed a cat to demonstrate a hypothesis about quantum mechanics.

Anonymous No. 16248833

cats are just dumb animals, theres nothing wrong with killing them

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Anonymous No. 16250301

when is science going to invent a TDS vaccine?

Kai Winn No. 16250802


Anonymous No. 16252156

This, animal experimentation is good, the idea that human life and animal life are equivalent can only be believed by people who rank themselves as equal to a rat or a slug. Why would anyone care about the opinion of someone like that?

Anonymous No. 16253286

People say "I wouldn't even dream about it".

Schrodinger's idea led to the murder of
millions of imaginary cats. The idea taints
the person doing the imaging. It would have
been better if he had secretly killed a cat
and left it out of the story.

Schrodinger's ball is exactly the same as
the cat, except the state is "dropped" instead
of "dead". It would grow the set of eponymous
balls, which already has Newton and Banach-Tarski.

Anonymous No. 16254364

God made the Earth and all of the animals and plants and he gave them to mankind to hold dominion over. If we want to use chimps for medical experiments in order to improve our own lives there is nothing wrong with it. God put chimps on Earth in order to give us the opportunity to improve life for ourselves.

Anonymous No. 16254393

yep and he put goyim here to improve the lives of his chosen people as their slaves

Anonymous No. 16256127

>the idea that human life and animal life are equivalent can only be believed by people who rank themselves as equal to a rat or a slug

Anonymous No. 16256259

The chosen people.