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๐Ÿงต female gf psyche science

Anonymous No. 16227631

she's my first and i've never had close relations with females before.
scientifically speaking is it normal of her parroting every single opinion or statement i made when interacting within our social circle?
she's very good at art and decent overally but this uncanny behaviour made me question her sanity.
could it be iq issue? are your high iq gfs like that?

Anonymous No. 16227639

Yes, women often adopt the values and beliefs of the man in their life. If she's doing this, it means she respects you and looks up to you. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Anonymous No. 16227650

>is it normal of her parroting every single opinion or statement i made when interacting within our social circle?
yes, normal behavior for infatuated women.
>are your high iq gfs like that?
I had a girl who was very antagonizing, like she was always at battle of wits against me. It's annoying.
The best girl I've had was quite smart and confident on her own skills, so she apparently didn't feel the need or want to parrot me. She had her own interests and we learned a lot from each other. She also wasn't trying to be a man, in the intellectual sense.

Anonymous No. 16227728

>Enjoy it while it lasts.
This, the BPD splitting will kick in any minute. OP is caught up in the toxic cluster B spider's web and in for a wild ride

Anonymous No. 16227782

this is the "everythings good" phase. as long as she is dong this you are in the green. as soon as she starts to have opposing opinions to you shit hits the fan.

Anonymous No. 16227787

It just means she respects and looks up to you. Don't judge her for it. Love her for it.