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🧵 Truth or nonsense?

Anonymous No. 16227664

I’ve been reading articles about how obesity is caused by failing hormone responses (like to insulin) which lowers your BMR because your metabolism isn’t using caloric energy.

Apparently it’s induced by seed oils (omega 3 and PUFA) which changes the structure of your cells and causes inflammation and associated symptoms.

The shocking part is that allegedly you can restrict your calories well below your recommended caloric limit and still not lose weight even with diet and exercise.

I know, I’m still confused by it but I would like some unbiased information to clear this all up.

Anonymous No. 16227703

A 4chan screenshot is biased information. Find the actual study the guy is referring to

An explanation out of my ass for that result in the pic may relate to why we chew food. Due to digestion, crushing food makes it easier to absorb the calories in it compared to swallowing it whole. Eating powdered food perhaps fully exposes all the calories in it, hence the weight gain despite the same total calories. You need to find to original article to be sure instead of relying on some guy saying "There was a study that did bluh bluh" without citing it

Anonymous No. 16227706

Obesity is caused by eating too much

Anonymous No. 16227834

No idea but im resonant

Im what they call hypglycemic, i dont metabolize sugar well i dont get a sugar high, just a crash.

When i switched to keto i lost 30 lbs, my face cleared up and my mood stabilized. This could well be a factor

Anonymous No. 16227995

Any post that claims to break the conservation of mass or energy is false so yes it's bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16228083

>CICO is wrong because hyperprocessed goyslop reduces the CO part (BMR)
CICO stands undefeated

Anonymous No. 16228094

It also increases calories in, for instance if you take a long wood fiber and eat it it has more calories than if you break it down to sugars first but if your body can't process it it all goes to waste. It's fairly obvious that if you make a smoothie out of your food it makes it more bio available as the mechanical forces break it down to more easily digestible chunks. It's no different than being served a whole animal that you have to tooth and claw a chunk out off instead of being served a ready cut steak, the calories are the same but more work goes into one and more is being wasted in one.

Anonymous No. 16228095

Obesity causes the insulin resistance of type-2 diabetes.
It is fully reversible by losing weight.
Idk about other metabolic issues, but for this one it's true.

Anonymous No. 16228112

Of course, but in the end it's still CICO. You can make a similar argument at the level of macro and micro nutrients, bioavailability, incomplete vs complete proteins, "antinutrients", etc.

In the end it's all higher order corrections (however significant) to the first order truth of CICO.

Anonymous No. 16228116

Yes I wasn't trying to contradict, just saying that processing can effect all facets of the equation. Eat less spend more always works.

Anonymous No. 16228159

>in the end it's still CICO
Such a jewish trick: using the same word to refer to different phenomena:
>whether a person dies in a sword fight or gets blown up by a drone it's still called ''war''.
Not it's not the same ''war'' and likewise the hegemony of eat less exercise more needs to be replaced by a more valid, accurate and reliable interpretation of how CICO works.

Anonymous No. 16228167

No wait disregard that post it sucks cocks. Instead: stop spending so much time, money and energy on the details of why a human should just eat some fresh animals and plants.

Anonymous No. 16228175

The jewish trick is to say that "Calories In, Calories Out" is wrong because of things that affect the total amount of "Calories" being taken "In", and the "Calories" being burned "Out".

They want you to express yourself ineffectively like a retard (and you do it because you are).

Anonymous No. 16228198

Smell that? I farted.


Anonymous No. 16228200

Except that sales of processed foods rely on the false belief of if-it-fits-your-macros. Try again jew.

Anonymous No. 16228203

Vegetable protein is shit and bio-unavailable, you get less of it than what's written on the box, but I'm sure you don't dismiss "protein intake" as a jewish plot as a whole.

Anonymous No. 16228210

>but I'm sure you don't dismiss "protein intake" as a jewish plot as a whole.
But I do. Protein intake is yet another mythology to explain why some people are lean and/or muscular and other people are not. What the body needs and how the body handles what it consumes is so complicated that it's a horrific display of hubris to talk about how much of this or that product to consume. The body is more intelligent than our mind. The best we can do now is listen to the body, eat what is natural, do our best in whatever we strive for and leave the rest to fate. The idea that we can use science to outsmart our biology to minimize the risk for this disease and optimize the results of that ambition is the root of evil. I'm not against science in principle but if you have not come to the realization that nutrition/medical science/dentistry has failed us I don't even want to talk to you anymore.

Anonymous No. 16228236

>It's not calories absorbed vs. calories extended because if the absorption/expenditure rate is altered the result is altered concordantly I WIN I WIN I WIN
>Nooo I can't just eat less until I stop being fat, someone else eats more than me and isn't fat
>buuut muh dietary limit
Unless you have some acute underlying health issue I see no reason to rely on arbitrary guidelines over your actual physical condition

Anonymous No. 16228293

>the scientific method is prone to reductionism sometimes therefore you can't know nuffin, nutrition science edition