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๐Ÿงต >dark matter

Anonymous No. 16227690

Why did they choose to stupidest name for it? They could have named it unknown matter or anamalous matter. What the fuck is "dark" matter supposed to mean? It isn't even dark.

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Anonymous No. 16227710

But some scientists think dark matter doesn't even exist. It's entirely possible there's a fundamental error in how we understand gravity. Dark matter has never been detected before yet its supposedly everywhere

Anonymous No. 16227750

It's not visible, so they called it dark. Not really rocket science here.

Anonymous No. 16228021

It's a thing that has mass but isn't visible, so dark matter. It's not very complex.

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Anonymous No. 16228034

If it's not visible why'd they call it dark matter instead of invisible matter? A dark object is one that absorbs most light it interacts with. It could also mean there's simply a lack of light to illuminate the object. Regardless, the name dark matter implies the matter interacts with light.

Anonymous No. 16228040

> the name dark matter implies the matter interacts with light.
No it doesn't it means the opposite of that.
> A dark object is one that absorbs most light it interacts with
Wrong. The word you are looking for is black.

Dark is a precise term, it means the matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force.

Anonymous No. 16228043

>It could also mean there's simply a lack of light to illuminate the object.
That's just it. They did think it was just unlit stuff back a hundred years ago when the term got started.

Anonymous No. 16228050

It's not invisible, but not visible. Especially when the term was coined.

Anonymous No. 16228486

Because "invisible matter" sounds lame and gay.

Anonymous No. 16228490

"unknown" and "dark" are synomous. being in the dark. opposite is also true. enLIGHTenment

Anonymous No. 16229120

The name comes from Zwicky, who observed that the dynamical mass in galaxy clusters was much more than the standard mass-to-light ratio. It was darker than standard, hence dunkle materie, dark matter. At the time he had no reason to suspect that it any unusual properties, or was indivisible. He suggest at the time it was just colder matter, like white dwarfs and low mass stars.