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๐Ÿงต Saying no, mental health, and media filtering

Anonymous No. 16227872

Having 8 billion people and a bunch of internet/tv and too much energy generally means you need more stability despite more antagonizations and more amplification of those issues with communications.

So as to having too much stuff generally work is less than necessary, but you do it because it's a social stabilizer, but you shouldn't actually use all the modern stuff that's around. Maybe just buy and shelve it. Iow saying no.

Mental health is tough because people actually think these things are overdiagnosed, but they're usually more just not understood. I had bpd, sleep apnea, and either adhd or autism that was masked by sleeping all the time.

Media filtering kind of a work in progress and science because people had to generally get pretty demoralized to accept they needed to be censored like trying to train 3 to 5 billion dogs not to bark.

Instead of talking about intersectional issues and making it about who's who, the real problem is that nearly everyone has to get a lot more used to just saying NO and recognizing that they all have the mental health issue of being narcissistic ornery animals at a minimum and I am talking about myself for sure.

Discipline and humility are the terms I guess, but it's kind of like getting to the point where everyone can say this and nobody talks back about it. They just accept it and learn from it instead of finger pointing.

Also if someone says you first that shoudn't really matter if you're mentioning the right thing to no longer do...

Anonymous No. 16227898

oh but also the issue is that even in poor areas they have medicine so ...

even if that were the only thing there are no saints left but the ... actual saints that are left

Anonymous No. 16228443

there's also something funny to be explained about IQ

55-I can be taught to respect caution tape through trauma
70-I can cook cereal
85-I can bake bread
100-I can make a whole meal all at once if I practice
115-I can trick the average person into thinking I'm a hot girl on the internet
130-I can recreate spice mixes by taste, approximately, maybe even guess the main differences in the pepsi and coke recipes
145-I can die alone and not ever care

is all part of the drama, but you may as well try and live after scolding the normies

but yeah no matter how smart you are the animal parts of being don't really change

some concepts are solipstistic and you'd probably have to be a computer to not just

160-I could program something like a robo cop with empathy, but no vulnerabilities
if I had like the requisite equipment and software language of an advanced complexity
and understand all of the situations a typical cop would be expected to decide upon in real time

190-same but could replace most judges and doctors with more time

220-probably do a better job than the supreme court by lying it's ass off a lot

250-makes the kind of computer would complete the game of go and boot load the singularity, then using massive amounts of computer power uh various da da like make a matrix idk

beyond that, meaningless to discuss the matter of individuality as asides soft and hardware asset levels, but it's a bridge to nearly anything given that there are only so much many things anyway

that matrix thing would make the scenarios in the movie just to walk us mice through the concepts of IQ educationally and explain things like the dark forest hypothesis, and why exactly you're exactly as much of an idiot as you are

because otherwise you really wouldn't know it if people were just adding 30 points to your score and leading your ego with a sex doll cyborg that made you a fragrant pie