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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16228045

If ocean acidification is such a terrible problem then why didn't all marine life cease to exist 20 million years ago when oceanic pH was 6?

Anonymous No. 16228068

Oh look, yet another "posting figures but not their source" thread.

OP is a faggot

Anonymous No. 16228111

>If ocean acidification is such a terrible problem then why didn't all marine life cease to exist 20 million years ago when oceanic pH was 6?

The ocean acidification during the Miocene epoch is thought to have occurred at a much slower rate than what we are observing today.
Marine life can adapt to gradual changes in pH levels, but the current rate of acidification is rapid, leaving less time for organisms to adapt.

Anonymous No. 16228114

additionally, this anon is right OP:
>posting figures but not their source

Anonymous No. 16228698

>event that caused mass extinctions for both marine and terrestrial animals over the course of 500k years
>wHy dIdN'T iT aLL LiFe CeAsE tO eXiST

Dumb fuck

Anonymous No. 16228855

>Marine life can't adjust to varying pH levels, evolution is fake.
this is what environmentalists actually believe

Anonymous No. 16229853

Life evolved in slightly acidic oceans, the creates that currently inhabit the oceans can tolerate alkaline conditions, but they'd be better off with a pH around 6

Anonymous No. 16230815

Its like Somalians in Minnesota, they'd be better off in the ancestral habitat in Africa, but they can survive in Minnesota

Anonymous No. 16231896

There wasn't even a mass extinction recorded back then. Ocean pH apparently doesn't make much of a difference, the animals in the ocean just live with the slightly varying conditions.

Anonymous No. 16233625

this, if ocean ph counted for anything there would have been a massive die off of marine life both 40 million years ago and 10 million years ago, but no evidence of that exists

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Anonymous No. 16233839

Ocean acidification is exclusively happening in areas where humans are directly dumping nitrogenous wastes into rivers which then flow out to sea.

Anonymous No. 16233840

Wait, they want me to believe ocean pH was fucking 6 20kya? Nope. Find a new career path. You're no good at science.

Anonymous No. 16233843

Also why does this chart show "normal" ocean pH BELOW 8? OP did you make this in MS Paint?

Anonymous No. 16233847

Wait that says million. And it's calling the end of the glaciation the onset. This chart just gets worse the more I look at it.

Anonymous No. 16233954

>uhhhm if X is bad then why didn't bad things happen when X happened millions of years ago??
>ignores the fact that this change in pH took place over millions of years with the pH changing negligibly from year-to-year
Every fucking time with you retards. You REALLY cannot comprehend the simple idea of "gradual change over hundreds of thousands or millions of years is fine because it gives life time to adapt, sudden change within the span of centuries does not give life time to adapt."

Anonymous No. 16233960

>I can't read graphs
It is not calling the end of the glaciation the onset. 0 on the X axis is the present day.

Anonymous No. 16234001

Ah, I see. I overlooked that because typically pale blue in such charts is used to denote ice ages. What a bizarre graph.

Anonymous No. 16235028

The period in pale blue on the chart is noted for being the most recent period with over 0.1% atmospheric concentration of CO2.
There were no mass extinctions during that era, according to the fossil record life on Earth was thriving at that time. Primates did especially well during that era

Anonymous No. 16235080

Because we need to ban civilization.

Anonymous No. 16235089

No, envrionmentalists are, because they want to steal everybody's stuff because they are all communists of some flavor.

Anonymous No. 16235094

>Marine life can adapt to gradual changes in pH levels
Some marine life will already have adaptations which allows it to survive. Thus there is zero problem.

You will never be justified it taking away peoples rights, scum of the earth.

Anonymous No. 16235098

>mass extinctions
Not my problem statist fuckwit. Feel free to keep sea urchins as pets.

Anonymous No. 16235102

Environmentalists assert that we must enslave humanity to the government in order to preserve the environment exactly as it is, in spite of change being natural. Oh and in spite of objective morality, because they are statist vermin.

Anonymous No. 16235106

Take your NMDA blocker pills, schizo

Anonymous No. 16235884

Keeping a pet thats so delicious is challenging. Thats why I have pet ferrets.

Anonymous No. 16236936

>blue means cold

Anonymous No. 16238143

a change between pH of 8 and 6 isn't all that meaningful, both are pretty much neutral.

Anonymous No. 16238145

t. midwit pseud

Anonymous No. 16238802

I run a bunch of marine aquarium tanks and the smaller ones have fairly substantial pH swings because I don't have time to monitor them all on daily basis.
The creatures in those tanks never seem to notice, their behavior never changes regardless how much the pH moves around.

Anonymous No. 16239847

had the same experience in my marine tank, had it all the way up to 8.5 once and its been as low as 7.5. nothing in there ever seems to care

Anonymous No. 16240127

The ocean doesn't just have one single pH level throughout the whole system, pH varies regionally and in any location it varies substantially. Tiny fluctuations don't make a difference.

Anonymous No. 16240383

Excessively high pH is a lot worse than something like 7.5. You can go all the way down to neutral pH and even below that and none of the creatures will notice the difference. The plants actually prefer pH on the low side, they'll grow fastest at about a pH of 6

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Anonymous No. 16240543

>having rights

Anonymous No. 16240623

>The plants actually prefer pH on the low side, they'll grow fastest at about a pH of 6
I have enough problems with excess algae growth due to nitrates already, guess I should focus on keeping pH at 8.2. Thinking about getting a sump tank and growing seaweed in there to help remove nitrates

Anonymous No. 16241667

>Primates did especially well during that era
more evidence that enhancing atmospheric CO2 content will benefit humanity

Anonymous No. 16242358

the plants would be for sure

Anonymous No. 16242363

Who cares. The people too dumb to understand any of the linguistic connotation are helpless just as much.

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Anonymous No. 16243623

Anonymous No. 16244985

You can literally throw car batteries into the ocean and the fish will swim all around them without ever noticing a thing.

Anonymous No. 16246462

The oceans' pH isn't 8.2, its about 7.5 to about 8.5 at the surface.
8.2 is just the mathematical average. The pH drops by roughly 0.1 every 1000m in depth, so areas with persistent upwellings have lower pH.
Claiming the entirety of the oceans are an unvarying 8.2pH is like claiming that the entire Earth 15ÂşC.

Anonymous No. 16247698

>Claiming the entirety of the oceans are an unvarying 8.2pH is like claiming that the entire Earth 15ÂşC.
Dumb people will believe any lies their told by Black Soience Man or Bill Nye on TV. Dumb people are dumb, they do dumb things and have dumb beliefs. Half of all people are below 100IQ

Anonymous No. 16248275

If pH made that big of a difference to marine life it would all die every time it rained on the ocean, since rainwater has a pH of 5-6. Life is robust, it didn't evolve to drop dead every time conditions weren't exactly perfect, it evolved to do the exact opposite of that.

Anonymous No. 16249660

How have horseshoe crabs survived unaltered for over 400million year if oceanic pH shifts are meaningful to marine life?

Anonymous No. 16251141

nobody can answer this question

Anonymous No. 16252186

The environmentalists' idea that the environment is fragile and needs to preserved under glass in it's present state for eternity is completely at odds with Darwin's theory of evolution.

Anonymous No. 16253404

sure, but that idea isn't at odds with their savior complex delusions that justify their megalomaniacal power fantasies

Anonymous No. 16255225

environmentalists are extremely uneducated, they never read darwin and they don't understand science

Anonymous No. 16256838

We'd all be better off if they were returned to their natural habitat

Anonymous No. 16257667

Its because marine life isn't all that sensitive to changes in the pH of their water

Anonymous No. 16258640

This, people who believe that slight changes to the environment will make all life die out are evolution deniers

Anonymous No. 16259449

Darwin's theory states the environmental change is the driving force behind evolution, so attempting to prevent environmental change is an attempt to halt evolution.

Anonymous No. 16259453

they're meaningful mostly to calcium carbonate shell making organisms since lower ph will dissolve their shells more easily.
Horseshoe crabs aren't one of those.

Anonymous No. 16259519

Taking that into account enviromentalism is just evolution flavored autism

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Anonymous No. 16259525

It's a nothingburger.
200 years of human activity since the industrial revolution has reduced ocean pH from 8.2 to 8.1.
Consider picrel. Shelled sea creatures aren't going anywhere.

Anonymous No. 16260014

>reduced ocean pH from 8.2 to 8.1.
thats only the surface pH and the surface pH has always had a variance of about 0.5

Anonymous No. 16260763

There wasn't even a noticeable change in marine life back then. pH shifted from 8 to 6 and back again and it made no difference to anything in the oceans

Anonymous No. 16262160

If the pH raised up to a 10 or so, would clams and oysters have shells as hard as diamonds? If we don't stop that from happening, shellfish eaters will start to die out from broken jaws

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Anonymous No. 16263342

Anonymous No. 16263762


95% of these threads can be eliminated if OP and other Dunning Kruger idiots took writing 101 and actually learned references exist outside of wikipedia. A semester or two of suffering under APA citation rules is what they need

Anonymous No. 16264591

If ocean acidification is such a terrible problem then why didn't all marine life cease to exist 20 million years ago when oceanic pH was 6?

Anonymous No. 16265544

Nobody can answer this question

Anonymous No. 16266001

> entitlement to anons answering questions

Ok, listen here, since even Morgan Freeman’s voice fails to beat sense into your smoothbrained ass. It’s not that oceanic pH went acidic that’s the problem. The problem is that it’s going acidic, while there’s an increase in average sea temperature, a decrease in ice sheets, an increase in mean summer temps, and a decrease in the best carbon sinks we have: forests. All of this shit is happening all at once, and the cumulative effect is what’s causing the planet to go wack.
If it was just ocean acidity then there’s nothing to worry about, maybe whales go extinct, too bad. Now, all we can do is watch as the Great Barrier Reef bleaches from all the shit we did.
And no, no sources, go to r/collapse or r/collapsescience if you want them. Somehow redditards have more sense than you

Anonymous No. 16267071

>it’s going acidic
its on average over 8.1 with 90% of measurements falling in the 7.6-8.6 range. its not acidic anywhere except maybe when its raining. if acidity were going to kill marine life then all life in the oceans would die ever time it rained because rainwater has a ph below 6

Anonymous No. 16267186


Anonymous No. 16267220

The reefs are recovering tho

Anonymous No. 16268104

those few locations are whats dragging the overall averages down, not "global warming" which doesn't even exist

Anonymous No. 16268133

Charles Lyell and his ilk just fibbed numbers for his age of the geologic layers, and he's not even remotely right, they can't be millions of years apart because there's no erosion or channeling or formation of lakes between the layers.

I can, the world didn't exist 20 million years ago. It can't be any older than ~30,000 years because atmospheric C14 hasn't reached equilibrium.

If you find a box of coins in a shipwreck underwater, you have to look at the newest coins to get the best guess for when it sank. They've also found soft tissue in dinosaur (a term coined in 1841) fossils, and in fossils in areas where it gets very hot during the day and very cold at night. They can't even consider anything that doesn't align with the millions/billions of years paradigm because it's foundational for their creation myth they call science, it's their whole world view, it's their religion, and they're massive zealots.

Anonymous No. 16269372

Right, its just like how they (ab)use the urban heat island effect to create the false impression of warming in global averages

Anonymous No. 16270679


Anonymous No. 16271893

Nobody is saying acidification will wipe out all undersea life, just that it is damaging to some species, other species like jellyfish are projected to thrive

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Anonymous No. 16271904

Yeah, in 200 years, the shallow surface seas have decreased from 8.2 pH to 8.1 pH.
Just look at this graph of calcium carbonate solubility.
At this rate of ocean acidification, shelled marine animals only have several hundred thousand years before it becomes impossible for them to create shells!

Anonymous No. 16271912

>They've also found soft tissue in dinosaur (a term coined in 1841) fossils
Lmao no they fucking haven't. What has been found are fossilised soft tissue structures, but only tiny, usually microscopic segments, because it takes incredibly rare circumstances to produce such fossils.

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Anonymous No. 16272341

Anonymous No. 16273685

how does throwing car batteries in the ocean affect this issue?

Anonymous No. 16274350

The average envirofag can't tell you. Nor why higher CO2 didn't heat the Earth and runaway turning the entire planet into a Venusian hell. Yet they still think they are 'experts' on how "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" because you didn't recycle a milk carton or some shit.

Just like moving entire cities uphill brick-by-brick over a century span would happen naturally, be no big deal, and be way cheaper than whatever bullshit plan they have to stop 'muh rising sea level'. No unmanageable mass migration inland would even be noticeable it would just be a regular part of human and economic activity. More people are mass-migrating away from the coastal states quicker right now ironically over excessive taxation and bullshit environmental regulations from the same faggots peddling this shit, and yet they're not talking about that as if it's any kind of crisis.

It's all such politically-driven faggotry and you're right to ask these obvious questions that are obvious. According to these idiots we should be dead a thousand times over from their last failed predictions and brown-paper-bag-huffing panics.

Anonymous No. 16274366

Environmentalists are worse than the faggots on /biz/. When 'line go up', it's always going to the moon.

Pity these fucking faggots don't feel the same panic when they look at a graph of taxes, increasing horseshit regulations, or government spending.

Anonymous No. 16275157

>brown-paper-bag-huffing panics.
Hyperventilation is caused by CO2 deficiency

Anonymous No. 16275180

Nice. So if we run our SUVs round the clock we'll eventually get these faggots to STFU.

Toaster No. 16275188

Of course we can. Earth is further away from the sun than Venus so more CO2 will have a smaller effect. Go look up "Faint Young Sun Paradox" for how higher CO2 in the atmosphere actually saved our planet from becoming an ice ball.

It's fun to watch you guys struggle with basic science because you idiots have never taken Earth Science classes before and think you know shit because you saw a climate denialist blog once.

Anonymous No. 16275195

You obviously don't understand Chaos Theory.

Anonymous No. 16276282

you have never studied this topic past high school and you have no idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 16276285

Your graph is in millons of years, brother. There is your answer.


we need to drill some more oil and use that for air conditioners!

Anonymous No. 16276486

Retard takes.

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Anonymous No. 16278103

You're a ridiculous human being.

Anonymous No. 16278108

Climate change and ocean acidification are not a problem for the planet or the nature, they are a fucking problem for US.

PS: your image is gay, no source.

Anonymous No. 16278795

Is reverse image search too difficult? I thought /sci/ was smart. Would you demand people post "sources" for Wikipedia article screenshot too?

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Anonymous No. 16279208


Anonymous No. 16279372

Retard takes.

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Anonymous No. 16279686

If the world is being destroyed by CO2 and women care so much about the environment, why does every woman's dating profile say they "love to travel"?

Can't we just ban women "travelling" and save the fuel for necessary business by mostly men and then not have to worry about Climate Change because of all the fuel we'll save?

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Anonymous No. 16279925


Anonymous No. 16280935

>oh no ice sheets are shrinking during an interglacial period
how low does your IQ need to be to expect ice sheets to grow during an interglacial period?

Anonymous No. 16280991

Well yes, but anon has a point. Just because it’s interglacial period doesn’t mean we get to do a whole bunch of shit. Ocean acidification is only one of the things we’re doing wrong, and the climate is a chaotic physical system. Meaning it has chaos and sensitivity to changes; displace it from the usual sustaining feedback loops and suddenly we’re out of the “interglacial period” and in the Permian Great Dying within like a century.

Or maybe not. I don’t know, go ask the climate scientists. Oh wait, they’re all saying yes. Maybe I should believe them, or maybe just push it off as “narrative”.

Anonymous No. 16281993

Extremely low, but half the planet is below 100IQ, which explains why so many people believe in global warming even though there is no evidence of it

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Anonymous No. 16283276

Only the lowest IQ states have a majority of people who think global warming is real

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Anonymous No. 16284551

very strong correlation

Anonymous No. 16286131

that means the IQ of a global warming believer is 96 or less

Anonymous No. 16286519

helpless sea creature are literally disolving and you think it's funny? think of the molusks sacrifice your happines for them

Anonymous No. 16288088

I was at the beach last weekend collecting mussels and their shells are just fine, hard as a rock, they're a real bitch to get open while they're still alive. Fortunately they open right up if you boil them until they're deceased.

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Anonymous No. 16289266


Anonymous No. 16290552

How can they even say the pH has changed if its changed by less than 0.1 +/- 0.5

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Anonymous No. 16291792

they're dishonest people who are motivated to misrepresent reality by financial concerns

Anonymous No. 16292905

Have you ever tried roast ferret?

Anonymous No. 16292992

mustelids are notoriously bad tasting meat because of their scent glands

Anonymous No. 16294277

Javalinas are similar, the look like pigs, but they taste like a tire fire

Anonymous No. 16294325

>Things I just made up

Anonymous No. 16295614

>I have never studied oceanography, thats why I consider myself an expert

Anonymous No. 16296868

ignorance of science is common theme amongst global warming shills

Anonymous No. 16296925

>kek this thread is still going cuz basement autists with cum hydroponics need to act smart and be contrarian to global warming

Anonymous No. 16296965

I know. That's why I said you made it up.

Anonymous No. 16298447

>oy vey the world is coming to an and thats why you have to give the government all your money
why do environmentalists constantly repeat the same lie

Anonymous No. 16298727

Well, take a look at that!

Anonymous No. 16299921

Because they're too low IQ to think up any new ones

Anonymous No. 16301125

>all animals will die because of slight changes in the environment
what is evolution?

Anonymous No. 16302278

Yes, however science also says that Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.
So you should expect that there will be a lot of people who presume they should be playing role of a god rather than a mere human

Anonymous No. 16304044

Good pic, thanks for posting it

Anonymous No. 16305384

Scientists are extremely greedy people and they get all of their money from the government either directly or indirectly.

Anonymous No. 16305966

Evolution didn't help during any of the previous climate change induced mass extinctions and they happened orders of magnitude slower than anthropogenic global warming.

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Anonymous No. 16306765


Anonymous No. 16307138


So ocean acidification is not a problem. Thank you for your concession.

Anonymous No. 16308158

you're replying to someone who is so brainwashed they presume that invoking the name of hollywood celebrities is somehow supposed to be convincing and impressive

Anonymous No. 16308168

ocean acidification is a nothingburger.

note there is zero evidence carbonate shell building animals give a fuck. they dont just sit there waiting for a shell to preticipate on top of them. there is an active process of building shells. which is rate limited by recruiting... drumrolls... carbonate.

which might explain why corals first appeared in the oceans when co2 was at 20x current levels, before fucking plants all sucked the most coveted chemical element out of the skies.

> muh rate of change

nope, this is literally the biggest nothingburger, evolutionarily speaking. these animals have had 100s of generations to get those genes pushed on their genepool countless of times back to high frequency in the population

Anonymous No. 16308172

100 generations really isn't that much

Anonymous No. 16308215

its more than enough to turn white moths black or vice versa. if there is any trace of genes capable of dealing with those different conditions in the genepool (which for shell building organisms and different co2 levels there definitely is), its a literl evolutionary nothingburger

Anonymous No. 16308392

Are you illiterate or just stupid? Why did you post the temperature in Greenland over 10,000 years to try to disprove that past climate change has happened at a fraction of the pace anthropogenic global warming is happening and still caused mass extinctions? Are you even capable of conscious thought?

Anonymous No. 16308393

Retard takes.

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Anonymous No. 16309417


Anonymous No. 16309423

Why are you trying to pass off the temperature of Europe as the global temperature?

Anonymous No. 16310551

>Oceanic pH is lower when there is no polar caps
Really makes you wonder why oceanic pH drops during interglacial periods or why it would drop following the little ice age

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Anonymous No. 16310558

Various slopes on the graph retroactively BTFOs your talking point, perhaps you have something with higher resolution that supports your claims that current temperature trends are faster than those in 8000, 4000, or 1100 years ago.

Anonymous No. 16310851

You might possibly be the dumbest person I've ever interacted with. Why did you post the temperature in Greenland over 10,000 years to try to disprove that past climate change has happened at a fraction of the pace anthropogenic global warming is happening and still caused mass extinctions? Are you even capable of conscious thought?

Anonymous No. 16311140

>ocean acidificantion
>over 50 years
So it will reach neutral in 500 years and then sit at impassible buffer for millions of years? Not my problem.

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Anonymous No. 16312556

Anonymous No. 16313787

people who live apart from nature have all sorts of insane and idiotic ideas about the natural world.
the oceans are as barren and lifeless as the most inhospitable deserts, except near coastal or other shallow areas. those areas also have lower than average pH because the various upwellings and runoffs of fresh water are lower pH than the oceans.
that is why reducing oceanic pH is good for nature, excessive alkalinity makes the oceans lifeless.
t. actual marine scientist and former fishing boat operator, i've spent more of my life at sea than on land.

Anonymous No. 16315499

Freshwater runoff is generally around 7, so limiting outflows from rivers and using that water for irrigation instead should increase ocean pH

Anonymous No. 16315743

holy reddit this is so wholesomey sciencerinoo i'm going to watch Guardians Of The Galaxy™ in my Avengers™ Pajamas while eating some Eggo® and a glass of Onions™.
Neil Degreasse Tyson't portrait in my living room looks at me with a proud eye.

Anonymous No. 16316647

When heat waves in Germany and Spain are passed off as definite proof of global warming, it follows that past temperatures in Europe also relates to global temperatures.

Anonymous No. 16316688

You miss the entire point of the process 4ch enhances.
The message board, bait, discussion, inviting comments, all eludes you.
Lucky guy to benefit with no understanding.

Anonymous No. 16318171

Were the massive European heatwaves of 1540, the hottest weather ever recorded in Europe, also caused by oil and gas usage?

Anonymous No. 16319616

whale oil lamps caused it

Anonymous No. 16320694

The chart says global temperatures right on it and its from a peer reviewed paper written by accredited climate scientists

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Anonymous No. 16320718

Why are you trying to pass off the temperature of Europe as the global temperature?

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Anonymous No. 16322470

>source michael mann
lol, he is a fraud, a proven liar and in proven idiot
plus he is jewish

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Anonymous No. 16322515

You ever NOTICE mentally ill people RANDOMLY CAPITALIZE words throughout their sentences?

Anonymous No. 16322557

You didn't have a problem with his data when it was intentionally mislabeled >>16309417

Anonymous No. 16322558


Anonymous No. 16322764

ocean acidification is not a problem

Anonymous No. 16324181

you're only nitpicking about that because you're unable to discredit the scientific content of that chart. you might as well chimp out over the color scheme or font choice.

Anonymous No. 16324193

The scientific content of an intentionally mislabeled chart showing the temperature of Europe? What's to address?

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Anonymous No. 16325499


Anonymous No. 16325645


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Anonymous No. 16326604


Anonymous No. 16326609

The primary solution is to restore forests near rivers to soak up nitrates, as well as nitrate collection mechanisms at the estuaries, swamp restoration.

Anonymous No. 16326850

Why is lying the only way you can make your argument? It would be impossible to prove that you're lying if you didn't lie. Try telling the truth next time and people won't be able to call you out for lying.

Anonymous No. 16328304

or just let the ocean gobble them up.
>dilution is the solution

Anonymous No. 16329979

ocean acidification is a red herring

Anonymous No. 16331228

Is there any fossil record of what happened during the big plunge in oceanic pH 43 million years ago?
There was no mass extinction at that time, so its safe to assume that mild changes in oceanic pH aren't all that big of a deal

Anonymous No. 16333131

Nothing happened, it made no difference at all