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Anonymous No. 16228243

What scientific field is currently the most thriving? Physics is obviously in crisis for decades, so which one is the top dog now?

Anonymous No. 16228269


Anonymous No. 16228296

It's oversaturated with garbage. I loved the field but lost passion from the constant bullshittery bloat you see being pushed around.

Anonymous No. 16228397

If anything, astronomy. Multiple orbital telescopes in a wide variety of spectral ranges, widely accessible data online and huge numbers of random people willing to chew through old blurry photos, benefitting greatly from computational advances (although pretty much every field has), though funding isn't the best at least it hasn't been completely fucked by corporate interest yet

Anonymous No. 16228423

biologists just discovered physics and computer science like 10 years ago and still are trying to figure out how to do cool stuff with it so we'll see how that goes.

Anonymous No. 16228456


Anonymous No. 16228733

not science though

Anonymous No. 16228744

Medicine and biomedical sciences grab the most funding at the moment

Anonymous No. 16228905

Biology and chemistry have so much more papers released yearly compared to physics. But I guess it's not a surprising since they deal with more complex structures so there is much more things to analyse and discover that are actually useful and have tremendous application in medicine and other fields in opposition with trying to find le god equation that will be the theory of everything.

Anonymous No. 16228909

some recent gains in LLM but AI scientists, and even Altman and Gates have said AI has already plateaued.

Anonymous No. 16228950

If it's plateaued then how is openai going to make AGI by 2030?
Also aren't KAN promising?

Anonymous No. 16228953

Chemistry and Geology.

Anonymous No. 16229364

>>16228243 check which fields are top in these articles:
Biology, medicine, computing, combinations of these, and a few more.

Anonymous No. 16229400

AGI already happened two years ago (minus two weeks) since we redefined what AGI was when we realized we weren't going to achieve it

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Anonymous No. 16229405

>If it's plateaued then how is openai going to make AGI by 2030?
They aren't

Anonymous No. 16229407


Anonymous No. 16229468

Math now. Math tomorrow. Math forever.

Anonymous No. 16229471

materials science

Anonymous No. 16229921

They're just the coolest.

Anonymous No. 16229923

NTA but chemistry and geology made the modern world. I don't see any pure mathematicians perfecting extraction and refinery of hydrocarbons or using them to make food and medicine.

Anonymous No. 16230011

>What is a computer?

Anonymous No. 16230169

> lk-99 koreoids, ranga dias, et al. btfo
> all of 2d research btfo
> ai synthesis btfo

matsci is hail marying on like three new ideas rn and all of them are so schizo it's hilarious. muh topological materials. muh spintronics. i'll kill myself. we'll have mandated 200-year lifespans as eternal wagies on mars before we come close to any comparable growth in matsci.

Anonymous No. 16230200

Interesting. Does material science pay the best then when it comes to STEM fields?

Anonymous No. 16230204

Bioinformatics unironically.

Anonymous No. 16231303

>>16228744 got any data?
>>16228269 why statistics? AI is just a short-term thing when it comes to the current level of achievements/output.

Anonymous No. 16232166

literally evolving at break-neck speed, it's unreal.
Nonetheless, it's not a natural science, I'm not sure if that's what the OP was asking about.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16232168

Its so powerful it can import 1 million niggers per year for the good of the country

Anonymous No. 16232170

as a geologist, I think that geophysics and seismology is about to take a huge leap with the aid of AI.

>"the AI algorithm correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a week before they happened"

Anonymous No. 16232172

here's an example:

Anonymous No. 16232590

fucking midwit

Anonymous No. 16233509

>>16232166 Example for statistics?

Anonymous No. 16234431

All fields are thriving in their own niche. Only AI and ML are now hyped in popsci

Anonymous No. 16234576

>Physics is obviously in crisis for decades, so which one is the top dog now?
There is none.
If by "most thriving" you mean the one that does the most good, then all scientific fields are pretty much dead, it's been that way since the end of the Space Race. If by "thriving" you mean financially rewarding, then at the moment it's compsci (inb4 not real science) and medicine, because the former is still being hyped and lots of midwit investors want to launch their own LLM, and the latter is being pumped up by a huge number of boomers who want to live to 120-130 years old looking and feeling younger than they are. Of course, both of these bubbles will burst sooner or later, but for now, choosing one of these fields will make you money.

Anonymous No. 16234587

>Physics is obviously in crisis for decades
Lmao, what a pseud undergrad opinioid

Anonymous No. 16234665

there is also a third metric: how many papers per year are pumped out in a given field and how many scientific journals focused on them there are. but I guess medicine wins here too.

Anonymous No. 16235372

There's a huge risk of AI being able to filter and control true information. Are they really trying to exclude 99% of our students from true knowledge?

Anonymous No. 16235380

Hmm, I would say honestly, it's not on there, but anything involving systems and system of systems.

Systems Engineering is kind of a joke, but also not. Same with system architecture (i.e., UML/SysML). When you start working for real, you realize the thing actually holding humanity back right now are complex systems and how we analyze, understand, and ultimately organize these systems is probably where the next major breakthroughs are. It's why probabilistic graph theory is so fucking hot. AI/ML and Statistical Learning are kind of stop gaps so that we can understand some of these systems as blackbox functions, but it's really not enough.

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Anonymous No. 16235407

Good to see they're making good time, considering they only discovered calculus in 1981