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Anonymous No. 16228570

How does global warming cause quicksand?

Anonymous No. 16228588

Ask those officials, you shit-smeared cretin

Anonymous No. 16228609

you seem upset

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Anonymous No. 16228627

Meanwhile in OP's emails
>good morning ranjeet, today's task for 5 rupees is to find a clickbait journalism headline about climate change and post it to

Anonymous No. 16229521

quick sand isn't real, adding sand to water makes it denser and it's already easy to float on salt water anyway. literally just float out of it.

Anonymous No. 16230631

these global warming stories are starting to remind me of the holocoaster stories

Anonymous No. 16230659

Depends on what you consider quicksand. Here's a video from Atlanta, Idaho of a man fishing who got stuck in what they call quicksand and had to be rescued by the local fire department. There's some interesting discussion in the comments on the physical aspects of what happened.

Anonymous No. 16230664

it's real but its been memed to death by hollywood and they never portray it accurately. quicksand as shown in movies and television isn't real.

Anonymous No. 16230697

Because the world was supposed to magically stay the same for some reason

Anonymous No. 16230824

>Global warming ate my wife

Anonymous No. 16230885

Wait, quicksand is real?

Anonymous No. 16230922

Insofar as "quicksand" is real, it's just "getting stuck in the mud". It ain't "swallowing" anybody.

Anonymous No. 16231939

>it's just "getting stuck in the mud"
no, its different than that.