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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Hey janny

Anonymous No. 16232075

There are 4 /sfg/s on the catalogue and two are obvious troll threads, the other was posted 4 pages early. We still have to make the next real thread at page 10 leaving 5 threads simultaneously on the catalogue. Can you do your fucking job you lazy fuck? Or pass it off to someone who will actually log in more than once a week? We have been getting griefed for days and even before this we had another political grief thread up on the catalogue for like 3-4 weeks. Thanks, dick.

Anonymous No. 16232076

inb4 he deletes this but leaves the other spams


Anonymous No. 16232080

Yes. We need more vaccine and climate threads.

Anonymous No. 16232083

Nobody said to leave those up either. Our janny fucking sucks. ALSO THIS IS COMPLIANT WITH THE ONE META THREAD PER BOARD JANNY

Anonymous No. 16232097

just for you i am going to make some more /sfg/ threads

Anonymous No. 16232099

Go ahead at this point will only get jannys attention faster cant do much more damage

Anonymous No. 16232157

And you may say that I'm a Sneeder...
but I'm not the only Chuck.

Anonymous No. 16232232

the other threads


Anonymous No. 16232258

one more

Anonymous No. 16232414

>this thread is off-topic
This post did not bump the thread

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five fucking thre....jpg

Anonymous No. 16232426

This is a known troll tactic to disrupt a general.

Anonymous No. 16232437

The fuck is there to disrupt you act like you fucking autists are solving space flight sincerely kys

Anonymous No. 16232439

Trolling outside of /b/ is against site rules.
Do not disrupt generals by spamming duplicate threads, this is generally considered to be a dick move.

Anonymous No. 16232440

I'm going to make four more meta threads

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16232457

Answer the question you jewish fuck (lowercase j, derogatory)

Anonymous No. 16232468

Fuck off, faggot

Anonymous No. 16232487

>Pride edition
Peak faggotry

Anonymous No. 16232497

huh only 4 /sfg/ threads up? Gotta make a 5th one.

Anonymous No. 16232507

i agree janny should do his job
but there's already a metathread

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who would win .png

Anonymous No. 16232551
