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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16235287


Anonymous No. 16235289

Why is science so gay and retarded? Scientifically speaking, of course.

Anonymous No. 16235297

I can tell you but I will probably get banned again

Anonymous No. 16235340

drawing /หˆdrษ”ห(r)Jล‹/ noun
a picture or diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon rather than paint.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16235403

Don't worry anon, I got this one.

The Jews.

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Anonymous No. 16235430


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16235445

any particular reason they decided to add nigger stripes to the fag flag? i dont even think niggers like fags.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16235465

This is not >>>/pol/. Please redirect political threads to >>>/pol/. This is >>>/sci/. This board is for Science & Math. I'm sure you can deduce that this board is for Science & Math by its name. It's not >>>/pol/. >>>/pol/ is for Political Discussion. Obviously >>>/pol/ and >>>/sci/ are unrelated boards and aren't even close on the keyboard nor topic family.

Delete this thread and post it to >>>/pol/. I am calling this extremely low quality.

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Anonymous No. 16235516

This anon is correct. NASA has nothing to do with science and is a ideological political organization. It should not receive any government funding and let compete for survival in the free market. It worked for TLC, so if those morons can survive, so can NASA.

Anonymous No. 16235565

>What a stupid fucking post... which idiot made it?
>Oh fuck.

Yeah, it's over.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16235566

And I've got you man, I'm banned regularly, I'll take this one for you.

Anonymous No. 16235570

In what world is this not considered trolling outside of /b/?

Anonymous No. 16235612

Facts aren't trolling. TLC was started by the US government as a joint project of ARC (Appalachian Regional Commission) and NASA. It was eventually sold off to Discovery just like NASA should be sold off to Boeing or GM.

Anonymous No. 16235613

>Announcing a report
Oof, enjoy your ban libshit.

Anonymous No. 16235648

When did I say I reported the thread? I just asked a question.
Another question I have is: Would you consider your own reply to fall under 'announcing a report'?
You would have to using your logic. Otherwise, you've made a false/misclassified report, which is also banable.
Again, just asking questions.

Anonymous No. 16235653

I couldn't care less if that's how it were construed. I'm not the one winging and throwing a wobbler about 'muh /pol/' begging for the mods to do something about it.

Anonymous No. 16235655


Anonymous No. 16235656

I never mentioned /pol/ either. I think you may have dyslexia or some other similar learning disability.

Anonymous No. 16235658

>I am calling this extremely low quality.
>In what world is this not considered trolling outside of /b/?


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Anonymous No. 16235659

Not everyone you disagree with is the same person.

Anonymous No. 16235663

Be honest, did you make the edit in developer tools, or did you think you'd be clever using a second IP (probably your phone)?

Obvious samefag is obvious.

Anonymous No. 16235667

Still not him, but maybe that other anon had a point.
Hey hey! Hi ho! These 'tarded /pol/sharts have got to go!

Anonymous No. 16235673

Can these diversity hires beat China to the moon?

Anonymous No. 16235684

Diversity hires are useless obviously, but are you intentionally denying the 1969 moon landing? China has long since lost the race.

Anonymous No. 16235695

I mean today.
Are we going to control the moon truck-stop,vor are they?

Anonymous No. 16235721

>publicly funded aerospace program cares about a minority of men who suck each others cocks
For the love of god why

Anonymous No. 16235750

I want to believe, but it's not looking good.

Anonymous No. 16235945

that is pretty cool, nice idea.

Anonymous No. 16235950

>NASA has nothing to do with science
your ignorance pains those around you.
sad, many such cases.