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🧵 (((environmentalists))) destroying nature in order to make money for themselves again

Anonymous No. 16237526

>Solar project to destroy the Mojave Desert

Why are environmentalists so greedy, selfish and destructive?

Anonymous No. 16237541

>Why are environmentalists so greedy, selfish and destructive?
Large scale renewable energy projects always have serious environmental considerations to be dealt with. It's a trade-off, always.

If N solar panels are to be installed, you will need an area to install said solar paneling, and any natural area has its wildlife to be considered before any decision takes place.

Joshua trees are not threatened, they are graded "Least Concern" in IUCN Red List, and "Vulnerable" in the NatureServe conservation status list, so perhaps, among all possibilities for such a solar farm that was the best option.
Regarding to all the other species in that habitat, I cannot comment on: one would have to dig into all the environmental reports those decisions depend on. That is far too much reading for me right now.

Anonymous No. 16237544

if there wasn't a crisis then why would we need environmentalists?

Anonymous No. 16237576

Solar panel and solar energy corpos do greenwashing. Of course its going to destroy nature. But it just marketed as environmentally friendly to politicians and normies.

Anonymous No. 16237650

samefag reddit spacing

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Anonymous No. 16237756

Let's see some humility, if you dare: apologize for your wrong assumption.

Anonymous No. 16237936

The solution for this is trivial. Simply change parking lot regulations to include solar panel shades. Fewer heat deaths, fewer destroyed environments, more energy.

If you don't like that then how about agrivoltaics? Some crops have an increased yield in the shade like cabbages and there are enough cabbage fields in the US to power the nation 10 times over.

Anonymous No. 16238151

>if there wasn't a crisis then why would we need communists?

Anonymous No. 16238240

Fpbp, oil shills like OP seething and shitting themselves

Anonymous No. 16238272

yep. environmentalism is just another branch of communism, statism, whatever you want to call it.

Anonymous No. 16238301

>lets replace nature with toxic plastic technoslop so I can get rich
>t. """"environmentalist""""

Anonymous No. 16238322

thats too bad. joshua trees are very nice.

Anonymous No. 16238390

>The solution for this is trivial.
I agree that it should be, but it isn't always.
Parking lots covered in solar paneling would indeed make sense, even providing shade.

Anonymous No. 16238398

is saving the bundle of natural resources, literally the natural "savings account" from being spent beyond it's natural replenishing rates, or "interest". Evebtually, we'll run out of principal, and without principal, we will get no interest either.
Like a smart rich person, we have to learn to live off the interest only, and not dip into the savings itself for our cocaine and whores habit.

Anonymous No. 16238444

tf is «reddit spacing»? Spaces after paragraphs/sentences?

Cult of Passion No. 16238627

It means he likes whole pages of solid text like a book but written by retarded, quasi-literate, arrogant, charlatans.

That is EXACTLY, verbatim, what he said.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16238749

You're retarded and probably Indian. Fuck off and die liar.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16238758

I was thinking about this the other day too. Would cost a ton but it's comparatively super easy. It should be mandatory pretty much immediately.

Also some billionaire fag should set up a fund to help cover the cost ideally, but we all know what they're like.

Anonymous No. 16238829

>but we all know what they're like.
They're the ones who are getting rich destroying nature and replacing it with plastic chinkslop

Anonymous No. 16238858

I mean, so is anyone else using industrial goods or flying internationally. Billionaires do way more damage and are orders of magnitude more likely to be psychopaths but ultimately we're all coping and shifting the blame.

Anonymous No. 16238882

Just require it for all companies over a certain size. Parking lots are already very regulated and the companies that would be forced to spend the money on installation would make their money back over time.

Anonymous No. 16238920

>Solar panel faggotry
We need concentrated solar power being properly researched instead of this. It'd be much cheaper if we were able to properly scale it. We'll also get some fried birds out of it. No need to worry about maintaining some faggy temperature on panels to make it efficient either

Anonymous No. 16238926

So who do we need to harass/bribe to make this a requirement?

Anonymous No. 16239056

curios factoid: modern environmentalism began in the United States as a cover-up for anti-Native-American white supremacism

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Anonymous No. 16239931

Anonymous No. 16239948

Politicians. You have to give them a bigger bribe then the corporations who would be affected could offer. It may work better to go through local governments, especially because any win could demonstrate the advantages to other municipalities.

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Anonymous No. 16241649

>This is what I would do if I was king of planet Earth!!!
>I'd be soooo awesome, everything would be so much better, everyone would love me!!
>Then I'd finally get the respect I desire and irrationally feel I deserve
Environmentalism is always, always a psychological mask for political power fantasies

Anonymous No. 16241673


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Anonymous No. 16242362

>political power fantasies
extremely common habit of atheists (AKA narcissists)

Anonymous No. 16243353

They are the greenwasher energy cabal, not environmentalists.

Kill all greentards. Destroy solar fields, burn windfarms. Let life take back what was taken from her.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16243415

Go back to your containment board, incel.

Anonymous No. 16243854

Don't forget all the diesel trucks bringing in water to spray on the dirt roads to keep dust from getting on the solar panels.

Anonymous No. 16244299

if they spray a bunch of water in the desert then they'll have to hit the area with weedkiller every few weeks otherwise they'll have plants growing and shading the solar panels.

Anonymous No. 16245263

Whatever brief effect spraying water in the Mojave can't be too long lasting, they should just pave the roads.

Anonymous No. 16246928

Notice its only the local people that are complaining about this destruction of nature, the environmentalists are nowhere to be seen because they don't care about nature, they only care about feigning concern in order to justify their ulterior motives

Anonymous No. 16248177

I visited Joshua Tree National Park before it was destroyed by environmentalists, is anyone jealous of me?

Anonymous No. 16248287

This thqh, according to some T. Boon Pickens and Aldo Leopold and ideologically identical. A very weird conception of things to be sure.

Anonymous No. 16249717

>The LA Times is an oil shill
they're a far left propaganda outlet

Anonymous No. 16249941

High IQ post. Stuff like this makes /sci/ with browsing.

Anonymous No. 16251104

>lets destroy nature until everything is on the endangered list
>t. environmentalists

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Anonymous No. 16252306

Environmentalists don't care about nature, they all live in cities, if they truly liked nature they'd lead a rural life