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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16238949

How do I develop a more efficient mental model and change the way I think? Self studying math and philosophy has made me realize my current method is inefficient and not compatible with logic heavy subjects.

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Anonymous No. 16238962

I know most don’t like religion but hear me out. Religion is not necessary and I’m not all the that religious anyway

A belief in god or creator of the universe humbles you as a human. It lets you observe reality as a creation with an intent or purpose.

Honestly us humans did not create the earth nor can we create earth or living things. We have to observe the beauty of this creation and figure out how it works.

Most scientific discoveries were through observation.

Most inventions What’s were discovered by accident humans are artistically creative but we cannot really make things like most people implicitly assume.

Anonymous No. 16238968

>my current method is inefficient and not compatible
I think it's time to take a step back and stop thinking about thinking so much. Go jack off or something.

Anonymous No. 16238972

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16239168

>grow grow grow

Anonymous No. 16239170

Think without imaginary qualia
No pictures and no words

Anonymous No. 16239373

what is the scientifically verified process of acquiring a Japanese gf

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Anonymous No. 16239779

Relearn english through its etmyological roots
Add a kenetic element to your studies

Anonymous No. 16239798

Ignore everything in this thread so far, and go develop your critical thinking. That's literally it.

Anonymous No. 16239908

based trvke
escape yoour human shackles

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Anonymous No. 16239913


Anonymous No. 16242086

smoke weed err day

Anonymous No. 16242176

Read journal and go to classes

Anonymous No. 16242976

Thinking with words and pictures is obscenely useful for learning and problem solving. I see people struggle daily with easy shit because they don't build mental models.

Anonymous No. 16243012

Just stop being a /pol/tard (= stop reading /pol/, twitter, reddit) and start watching science (real, not /x/ ""science"") documentaries and conference

Anonymous No. 16244004

>err day

You need REM sleep to process and progress