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๐Ÿงต humans are predators

Anonymous No. 16240358

this should be obvious to anyone with half a brain

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Anonymous No. 16240360

Anonymous No. 16240381


Anonymous No. 16240479

yes it's why tons of megafauna were driven to extinction. humans are suited to hunting them.

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Anonymous No. 16242196

vegans don't have half a brain tho, their diet causes their brains to atrophy

Anonymous No. 16243537

Thats why they're too stupid to realized that they're idiots
>dumb things are dumb

Anonymous No. 16244987

They shouldn't have evolved to be so delicious if they didn't want to go extinct. Theres all sort of animals that manage to evolve to be inedibly disgusting, the species that don't go that route are asking for it.

Anonymous No. 16246468

inedibility explains the persistence of the horseshoe crab.

Anonymous No. 16246585

>Humans are predators
If they cause so much damage to their niche doesn't that make them parasites?

Anonymous No. 16246590

>hrmm, the wolf could not exist without eating the deer.
>the wolves are parasitic upon the deer
I guess technically, but that's clearly not a useful distinction if you apply the term so broadly.

Anonymous No. 16246624

>Wolf eats deer
>Wolf population is limited by winter. When wolf population dwindles, deer population recovers and new wolves can eat new deer

>e.coli eats nitrogen in piss
>e. coli eats all the piss it could ever wish for in your kidneys
>e. coli starts damaging kidneys past the tipping point, kidney starts making less piss
>the failure of the pissing system causes uremia and a very sick person
>e.coli is aware it now can eat nitrogen in blood, all the nitrogen it could ever wish for
>e.coli sepsis make the host die
>e.coli dies along the host after a while

>retard will argue e.coli is a predator

Anonymous No. 16246632

>Ha, gotcha!

Anonymous No. 16246650

>le strawman strawman
Humans are parasites. All obstacles in the system can be overcome so the system will enter irreversible failure.

Anonymous No. 16246654

What are humans parasites to?
"Nature" is not an organism, before you answer.

Anonymous No. 16246662

>nature is not an organism
What is a bacteria a parasite to? A cell? A tissue? An organ? A system? an individual?

What are sponges, are they individuals or are they colonies? Are HeLa cells colonies or individuals since they reproduce freely in cultures? or are they "things" because their niche is sustained by the behavior of another animal?

If we call parasite a population that destabilizes its own niche, then humans are parasites. If you feel offended by it and want to draw semantics at "population that 'harms' a single individual" then there is nothing to call humans because we are a population that destabilizes all other populations and its niche, and there is no name for that.

So what is it, do you feel hurt when I call you a parasite?

Anonymous No. 16246666

Bacteria are traditionally classified as infections and not parasites.

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Anonymous No. 16246668

The biosphere can be considered to be an organism

Anonymous No. 16246677

In what way do you classify an organism that a biosphere can be considered one? I feel the only way to accomplish this is to generalize the term into meaninglessness

Anonymous No. 16246687

It is a self-perpetuating metabolic process that cycles all of its parts to maintain its continued existence by using free energy in the environment, e.g. solar radiation

Anonymous No. 16246692

Humans are basically a cancer of the biosphere that are slowly cannibalizing its ability to self-perpetuate. People are essentially metastatic now. The obvious analogy is organ failure from metastasized tumors and that's what humans are doing to the biosphere

Anonymous No. 16246698

Cancer is a type of parasite. Cancer cells can be considered human subspecies. Parasitism is the type of relationship an organism has with another. The cancer will try to survive at the cost of its niche.

Anonymous No. 16246700

So you argue that the biosphere is metabolic?
Can you point to the metabolism of nature?
As far as I can see, nature is a loose concept that just means "stuff humans didn't make," which is most things.
Is there a metabolism to convection currents?

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Anonymous No. 16246703

Did you miss the class where they taught levels of organization in highschool? This is no place to be asking stupid questions honestly.

>Is there a metabolism to convection currents

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Anonymous No. 16246708

This is true. Cancer is parasitic

Anonymous No. 16246710

If everything has a metabolism, then it is without meaning. There's a reason a metabolism is a specific thing that's required for something to be considered "alive," rather than just being thrown around willy-nilly.

Anonymous No. 16246716

Convection currents are part of biosphere's metabolism. Humans are not separated from nature, we can not exist in a vacuum and require all of the other support systems of nature. The human body is an ecology within the larger biospheric metabolism

Anonymous No. 16246718

>words are without meaning
Very interesting argument.

Anonymous No. 16246719

The biosphere is alive because the calcium in your bones are part of the carbon cycle. You can not live in space because space is not alive but the planet is

Anonymous No. 16246721

Some people have small minds and are not capable of understanding what it means to live. Mars is a dead planet because it has no metabolic cycles to support life

Anonymous No. 16246723

Being habitable is not a requirement to be alive.

Can nature reproduce? No.
Can an animal? Yes.
Can nature respond to stimuli? No.
Can a cell? Yes.
Can nature grow? No.
Can a plant? Yes.

Anonymous No. 16246724

Small minds like yours will have to cycle through the biospheric loops a few more times before you can understand what I am saying

Anonymous No. 16246728

The /x/ crossover is always very annoying.

Anonymous No. 16246732

This is all very basic science but you are like a child and not capable of understanding the wisdom being offered to you

Anonymous No. 16246735

>Can nature reproduce? No.
What is terraforming

>Can nature respond to stimuli? No.
What are asteroid impacts

>Can nature grow? No.
What is space colonization

Anonymous No. 16246736

Go live in your 14th dimensional double-septatesseract.

Anonymous No. 16246738

I do live in a high dimensional space because I have achieved enlightenment. I offer you wisdom that is necessary for your continued existence but unless your kind accepts it you will not be able to continue existing. To oppose nature is to fundamentally oppose your creator

Anonymous No. 16246739

>What is terraforming
Where is nature's decedent? No where.
>What are asteroid impacts
Where is nature's reaction? No where.
>What is space colonization
Where is nature's growth? No where.

Things doing stuff IN nature is not nature doing stuff on its own.

Anonymous No. 16246742

This is all basic science. Everything I've posted in this thread follows logically from everything taught to children in grade school about nature and its cycles

Anonymous No. 16246744

I understand that you only got up to 5th grade biology, so I'm sorry to have to break it to you; your malformed ideas don't represent reality or biology.

Anonymous No. 16246747

This is why I called you a child. You have much growing to do yet but unless you accept being part of nature the only ends you will achieve will be your own destruction

Anonymous No. 16246749

You don't understand dimensionality, you don't understand biology, and you don't understand >>>/x/ is a different board.

Anonymous No. 16246751

Everything I have posted is basic and elementary science

Anonymous No. 16246754

>I do live in a high dimensional space

Anonymous No. 16246755

Latest physical theories are based on high dimensional manifolds and their dynamical evolution

Anonymous No. 16246757

They're not theories, they're hypothesis. If they were theories they'd have positive measurable evidence, but currently they do not.
String hypothesists are as confirmed as the multiverse meme.

Anonymous No. 16246762

Like an emotionally stunted child you draw distinctions where none exist. Theories are all hypothetical

Anonymous No. 16246765

That is not the scientific definition of a theory. >>>/x/

Anonymous No. 16246767

Science is just a set of theories about reality. All of it is hypocritical

Anonymous No. 16246773

If it hadn't been human those who developed sapience, it would have been parrots or octopi. Those would be in our place by now. And maybe that would have been more beneficial to the biosphere since it wouldn't have been warring chimps doing it.

Anonymous No. 16246776


Anonymous No. 16247002

Vegans really do look like this thoughever

Anonymous No. 16247028

>Homo techne
Science fiction is that way:

Anonymous No. 16247276

humans used to be predators

Anonymous No. 16247329

humans evolved front-facing eyes because our ancestors were arboreal frugivores, not predators.

Anonymous No. 16247358

>propose an unfalsifiable hypothesis
>circular reasoning
Quality thread.

Anonymous No. 16247579

It is a scientific classification of modern humans

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Anonymous No. 16247582


Anonymous No. 16247617

We're a lot of things. We can do predation, but we can also do other shit. Adaptability is king.

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Anonymous No. 16247653

What other things?

Anonymous No. 16247676

That's exactly what you're doing because when you see that all life must consume other life to survive and reproduce then you understand that all life forms are more or less predatory such that the word ''predator'' becomes synonymous to ''what I don't like''.

Anonymous No. 16247691

You should not project your own inadequacies and misunderstanding on other people. Humans are predators, that's a basic fact

Anonymous No. 16247757

>It is a scientific classification of modern humans
no it's not. Quit the bullshit right there.

Anonymous No. 16247782

>Humans are predators, that's a basic fact
A fact is when a clearly defined expectation is confirmed by observation. You still need to define what a predator is and what observation confirms that a human is a predator. You obviously find that very difficult so I will help you:
>a predator eats meat
>a human who eats meat is therefore a predator
>a predator is a life form that benefits at the cost of another life dorm
>a human who benefits at the cost of another human, animal and/or plant is therefore a predator

From these common definitions it's painfully obvious that not all humans are predators everywhere all the time.

Anonymous No. 16247800

>muh suicidal death cult rhetoric
if you hate humans so much why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Anonymous No. 16247825

Because pessismists, misanthropes, antinatalists and the like are in denial that they want to genocide the human race. The difference between such people and the likes of Hitler is that they want to achieve their goal through mental rather than physical ways.

Anonymous No. 16248025

It is

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Anonymous No. 16248028


Anonymous No. 16248035

i am simply stating basic facts. whether i kill myself or not makes no difference to the human cancer. by definition, a cancer does not care about anything other than its own self-propagating at the expense of everything else, including the host that sustains its ability to self-perpetuate. if you think that's hateful then it's because you implicitly identify yourself with the cancer and want the cancer to continue self-replicating unimpeded

Anonymous No. 16248044

i am not any of those things. if you think my speech is pessimistic, misantrhopic, and anti-natalist it is because you perceive it to be that way. you could simply provide a counter-argument but instead you project hatred onto the person who is simply speaking the truth that you wish to hide from your own cancerous consciousness. you know cancer is bad but instead of accepting the reality you project your cognitive dissonance onto a "scapegoat" and tell them to kill themselves. that's exactly what cancer would do so it's fine if you identify yourself with the cancerous mass of humanity but you should admit to yourself that is what you're doing and the inevitable endpoint is self-terminating of all life

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Anonymous No. 16248056

the human race will genocide itself and it is already well underway to doing so

Anonymous No. 16249149

If by that you mean predatory omnivores, then sure
Quality bants on the edge of my pleated seats

Anonymous No. 16249205

>you could simply provide a counter-argument
I've already done so here:
Such argument flies completely over your head as exemplified here:
A prime example of complete lunacy. Who invented plastic? You? Me? Who failed to research, prevent or at least limit the consequences of plastic use? You? Me? Who produces plastic now? You? Me? Who failed to educate people about the consequences of plastic use? You? Me? Who replaced paper bags and glass bottles and gave the consumer no choice but to use plastic? You? Me? And so on.

Yet you keep repeating like a broken record that all humans not only do bad things but ARE bad, like irredeemable since the day they were born. Sinful. Ignorant. And then you dare to deny that you are
>pessimistic, misantrhopic, and anti-natalist

Anonymous No. 16249511

You can not deny basic facts. The human collective is cancerous and will continue to destroy the environment and eventually itself. These are all basic facts

Anonymous No. 16249520

>human collective

Anonymous No. 16249538

You operate within a system supported by a collective. The internet is a collective enterprise. Fossil fuel extraction is a collective enterprise. Modern technology is a collective enterprise. Basic facts

Anonymous No. 16250450

why haven't you killed yourself to save the environment?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16250468

>Because wrongthinkers, wrongthinkers, wrongthinkers and the like
Its so tiresome, people like you are literal vermin.
>the human race.
You and your subhuman and inhuman kind are not human and will never be human, you have more common with filthy wild animals and machines than with humans.
And individual is not same as collective, literal retard.

Anonymous No. 16250471

>A prime example of complete wrongthink.
Calm down and shut the fuck up, no one asked you, faggot.
Have you, ever heard of commas, retard?

Anonymous No. 16250473

>Because wrongthinkers, wrongthinkers, wrongthinkers and the like
Its so tiresome, people like you are literal vermin.
>the human race.
You and your subhuman and inhuman kind are not human and will never be human, you have more common with filthy wild animals and machines than with humans.
And individual is not same as collective, literal retard.

Anonymous No. 16250579

if i'm dead then i can't use my genius to accelerate the inevitable self-termination of the cancer known as humanity. the longer i stay alive the more i can help the environment by accelerating the termination of the cancer

Anonymous No. 16250585

so you're saying that environmentalism is an anti human death cult for people with narcissistic personality disorder

Anonymous No. 16250589

>accelerate the inevitable self-termination
>not genocidal

Anonymous No. 16251917

Part of narcissistic personality disorder that those with the disorder are incapable of recognizing their own personality disorder

Anonymous No. 16253032

>everyone else must suffer so that I may thrive
why are environmentalists all so greedy and selfish?

Anonymous No. 16254334

>this should be obvious to anyone with half a brain
50% of all people are below 100IQ
50% of all people posting on /sci/ are below 100IQ

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Anonymous No. 16255971

All dietfaggotry posters are glowniggers. This is obvious to anyone with a brain. Pic related, OP's office.