๐งต Mark. V Shaney
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Jun 2024 11:57:14 UTC No. 16240896
>"Wash the blackboard. Watch it dry. The water goes into the air. When
water goes into the air it evaporates. Tie a damp cloth to one end of a solid
or liquid. Look around. What are the solid things? What are the only ones
that take part in the clouds themselves. As clouds move air tosses the tiny
droplets of water. Sometimes the water which leaves the body in the leaves of
green plants. It is quite porous, almost like a sponge. But the walls of the
hollow tubes and cells are very strong. Chemical changes take place when
something burns...."
> The trick is to apply Shannon's algorithm for Markov chains but with entire
words instead of characters as the concatenated symbols. As MARK V. SHANEY
scans a text, it builds a frequency table for all words that follow all the word
pairs in the text. The program then proceeds to babble probabilistically on the
basis of the word frequencies.
With all the schizo posts on "AI", here's a serious question: How are today's LLMs not just roided up version of the stuff programmers were doing in the 90's? If you throw enough data and compute at the problem and use sophisticated models like neural networks you can simulate intelligence...but it's still just a simulation. It's not actual intelligence. Sure it's surprising what these probabilistic models can generate with images and video et.al but in the end aren't they just more sophisticated versions of Mark. V Shaney?
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Jun 2024 12:08:51 UTC No. 16240906
With all the schizo posts OP's, here's a serious question: Why aren't today's shitposters not just roided up version of the funny stuff we were doing in the 90's? You throw enough memes and broken English at the thread and use sophisticated babble like incomprehensible /x/ posting yet you can't simulate funny...but it's still just a schizopost. It's not actually funny. Sure it's surprising what these mentally ill posters can generate with OP's and replies but in the end aren't they just more gayer versions of a faggot?