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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241424

I've seen a lot of philosophy threads here. Philosophy fags pretend their field has a lot to do with math and science which is of course bullshit. Reminder that pic related is the most (and perhaps the only) respectable humanities field and it is worthy of the "honorable STEM field" title. History of math and science is the perfect addition to any scientist's education. Whereas stuff like philosophy deals with hundreds years old undecidable disputes that lead to nowhere, history (like STEM fields) deals with facts and objective data - factual people, events and dates. It also utilizes cutting edge technology to study historical artefacts teaming up with other useful sciences. Studying history also seems to be essential in progressing, both in science and in society in general. It also has the least amount of pandering to sjws, in contrast to other humanities.

>philosophy and other humanities suck
>except history which is based

Anonymous No. 16241429

It’s less that philosophy is a kind of math/science, and more that math/science is a type of philosophy. Every proof and hypothesis hinges on being able to break it down to the most abstract concepts.