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๐Ÿงต cows are carbon beneficent.

Anonymous No. 16242528

Anonymous No. 16242536


Anonymous No. 16242556


Anonymous No. 16242557

I love cows.

Anonymous No. 16242585

Cute cow!

Melo No. 16242607

Cows are carbon grey

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Anonymous No. 16242622

Remember when people thought the world was going to end because of cow farts?

How did people ever believe that Godless communist climate alarmist propaganda anyway? I guess because they showed movies like "Inconvenient Truth" in schools, which was only released after Al Gore invested in a bunch of "green" companies. Lot of money to be made in "green" products, even if everyone is creating immeasurably more waste to buy it all or if you have to rape the earth to make those "green" products.

Melo No. 16242624

Ok. My mind shouldn't do it then when I leave it up to it.

Melo No. 16242627

Good, I like this idea.

Anonymous No. 16242719

I don't give a shit about carbon. All of the energy cabal must die. Yes, renewables too, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16242738

>unironically posting this image
>on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16242755

based dark ages luddite retard. Imagine current year society with no guard rails. What a show!

Anonymous No. 16242836

that this planet should've been gone millions of years ago.
these onions want to divert peoples attention to shit that doesn't matter while flying in their jets and destroying nature to create monocrop goyslop.

Anonymous No. 16242895

we are gonna die anyway so who fucking cares

Anonymous No. 16242907


Anonymous No. 16242913

>p-please my family is getting killed by raiders
>don't fret it, anon I'll go get my horse help will be here in 3 hours.

Anonymous No. 16242959

Cows are carbon.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16242979

Only if you raise them in conjunction with very carefully managed diverse grasslands, and in the right areas. Factory farming is both cruel and incredibly damaging to the environment.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16242980

You're fucking retarded, go back to Africa

Anonymous No. 16243139

>p-please my family is getting killed by raiders
>My sister is not a virgin anymore, can you bring your sister to satisfy mbubba and his cousins? Also my house is not big enough for them and I have nothing but my cuckshed to live in. I am worried they will be cold in winter because the windfarm shat itself and isn't outputting enough energy, I think we will need 5 more nuclear plants.

Anonymous No. 16243210

>energy is why I can't afford a house
What? Also, yes build all the nuclear power plants. Obviously.

Anonymous No. 16243813

>I am the savior of all animals!!!!
>I am the savior of Mother Earth!!!

Anonymous No. 16243816

enjoy your vCJD

Anonymous No. 16245097

Nobody believes that stuff. The government friendly media publishes lies and then the people in the government use those published lies as justification for saying "everyone believes this therefore we should act on it" even though nobody believes it, not even the people who published it.

Anonymous No. 16245242

>cows are carbon beneficent
Explain please.

Also, this is at least the second thread you open on this topic, with the same exact image.

But please, do explain what you mean.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16246680

What? The only thing I want to do is eradicate worthless retards like you.

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Anonymous No. 16246819


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16246879


Anonymous No. 16246952


Anonymous No. 16247043

OP, I asked you a question.
Whatever it is that you're trying to get across, no one will believe you unless you explain your reasoning properly.

Anonymous No. 16247055

It's a spambot you retard.

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Anonymous No. 16248207


Anonymous No. 16248302

Maybe, but I can do 1 post troll threads dor shits and giggles too.

Anonymous No. 16248304

I see that, what about it?

Anonymous No. 16248378

> cows are carbon beneficent
Unintelligible premise, are you implying animal agriculture is a carbon beneficent? That's just untrue then

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16248421

Low functioning autist detected.

Anonymous No. 16248442

Methane is a serious green house gas.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16248452

There were 60 million bison in North America before Europeans got here and as far as I know there weren't any climate issues from them. There is not any inherent issue with large ruminant livestock, their emission issues can be solved with changing the incredibly brutal and dirty ays in which we raise them.

Anonymous No. 16248920

more greenery does not necessarily imply a carbon sink, you understand that?

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Anonymous No. 16248950


Anonymous No. 16249207

would it hurt me if i pet it?

Anonymous No. 16249209

I can't wait to have that little guy on my grill

Anonymous No. 16250441

His skin will also make nice jackets, boots and gloves to keep you warm during the winter too.

Anonymous No. 16250512

>in conjunction with very carefully managed diverse grasslands, and in the right areas
You put them in marginal land and manage their habits (ie rotate their grazing and spread out their shitting) in ways that produce new diverse grasslands or croplands where marginal land once sat idle.

Anonymous No. 16250514

>There were 60 million bison in North America before Europeans got here and as far as I know there weren't any climate issues from them.
You mean when it was called the great american desert known for regular dust storms and mosquito filled wallows?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16250553

Fucking what? All the fertility in the great pains was built during that period.

Anonymous No. 16250584

>being a barren drought land due to previous generations of herd animal overpopulation is just "building up fertility" until the new socialist deal comes along

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16250593

It was neither barren nor in a state of drought. It was called a desert because it didn't have trees or lakes and settlers didn't want to live there. It didn't cause climate change either or increased co2 to my knowledge. Wtf are you smoking.

Anonymous No. 16250618

The climate changing into a dust filled plume every time the wind blows is enough for me.

Anonymous No. 16250693

Why didnโ€™t the jannie like this pic?

Anonymous No. 16250694

Left looks more productive than right. Left clearly better. Environmentalists are demonstrably anti human by their preference of a barren desert over pastureland.

Anonymous No. 16250696

I expect their following something like Elaine Ingham or mob grazing. Good stuff because it makes money while pleasing hippies.

Anonymous No. 16251439

well, I expected my OP to answer my question too
but here we are

Anonymous No. 16252130

the communist butthurt brigade got upset at it and their discord reported you

Anonymous No. 16252179

Geologist here, let me explain some things. Back in the early 2000s a paper was published stating that cows produce more methane than pigs or chickens. This was picked up by certain animal rights groups as "eating meat endangers the climate" because methane is actually a greater greenhouse gas than CO2.

The problem with their argument is that it's a natural part of the carbon cycle. Cows do not get carbon from space, they get it from the plants they eat, they give off methane when they burp or fart, methane breaks down into CO2 in the atmosphere and is recycled again in plants which are again eaten by cows. They're animal rights groups however, and untrustworthy in how they presented the data.

The problem comes when we disrupt this cycle. You can say that there's problems with factory farms and there are, but free range grazing cattle is not a significant contributor to climate change. Cows are only a problem when you add fertilizers to the soil, fail to properly dispose of waste and transport feed and meat products using petroleum. Cows in and of themselves are carbon neutral.

There IS however an additional problem in that, because we've unbalanced the natural carbon cycle any addition of methane is a problem even from something like cow farts, not because cows are intrinsically a problem but because we've fucked the atmosphere so any additional methane is going to be bad. So, the animal rights groups are right, in a sort of explanatory way.

Anonymous No. 16252183

>we've fucked the atmosphere
no we haven't, adding CO2 to the atmosphere only enhances it. CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, if it were Mars would have a massive measurable greenhouse effect, but Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect whatsoever.
stick to the rocks business, you have no training in atmospheric physics.

Anonymous No. 16252323

>not because cows are intrinsically a problem but because we've fucked the atmosphere so any additional methane is going to be bad.
>additional methane
But you just spent a paragraph explaining how it is not additional methane and it is just methane that would have been released into the atmosphere anyway if you let the plants compost and get eaten by bugs instead of processing them through cow stomachs.

Anonymous No. 16252337

>no we haven't, adding CO2 to the atmosphere only enhances it. CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas
Stop. I don't know who's paying you to play ignorant and stupid, but you're doing it too well.

Anonymous No. 16252343

you're forgetting the deforestation problem too. Converting forested areas into pastures and grassland is a huge problem.

Anonymous No. 16252350

Plant matter decomposition/insects mostly releases CO2, and cows release methane, which is about 25x more potent a greenhouse gas, even if shorter-lived, and because the atmosphere is already so out-of-whack, we really do not want any more CH4 to complicate things.

TLDR: cows convert plant carbon into methane, significantly increasing the immediate greenhouse effect compared to the CO2 produced from natural decomposition.

Anonymous No. 16252374

The carbon they sequester in their bones and in the leather and tools we make from their skin and sinew that lasts for decades makes up for the potency of the methane which can also be captured and used for fuel if it were really a major concern.

Anonymous No. 16252412

>TLDR: cows convert plant carbon into methane, significantly increasing the immediate greenhouse effect compared to the CO2 produced from natural decomposition.
Retard take
>Similar bacteria also exist in the environment and produce methane in wetlands, rice fields and landfills. The actual amount of methane released from a single blade of grass wouldn't change if it was just left to decompose, or if it was eaten by a cow and then digested by the bacteria in their gut.

Anonymous No. 16252427

>makes up for the potency of the methane
sauce, please

Anonymous No. 16252428

>>Similar bacteria also exist in the environment and produce methane in wetlands, rice fields and landfills.
sure, but that is nature in action on its own. We decide to raise cattle and convert forest areas into pastures.
>The actual amount of methane released from a single blade of grass wouldn't change if it was just left to decompose
As said above, it releases mostly CO2.

Anonymous No. 16252434

>which can also be captured and used for fuel
but it's not.
I too wish that things were different, but they aren't.

Anonymous No. 16252471

If its 25x more potent, you would need a 1/25th or 4% carbon sequestration to make up the difference and since up to 40% of the weight of a cow is skin and bones that take more than 25x longer to decay than meat plus the 20% skin that is turned into leather and often preserved for even longer.

We do capture some environmental methane, its not an urgent issue and we don't need to capture more because we already try to limit fuel sales as it is so as not to depress the costs.

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Anonymous No. 16252497

>its not an urgent issue
I never said it was.
Cattle increases the methane amount released into the atmosphere. No such cattle, no such increase.
That's it, that's all that was said.

Anonymous No. 16252505

>Cattle increases the methane amount released into the atmosphere.
But it decreases the overall amount of carbon in the atmosphere by sequestration, no such cattle, no such sequestration.

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Anonymous No. 16252532

This is a super retarded take.
Domestic cattle herds have essentially replaced the wild ruminants herds that used to dominate grassland ecosystems. Wild bison and elk and buffalo and deer and gazelles also produce methane. The environment doesn't care if methane is coming from domestic or wild ruminants.
There is virtually no correlation to global domestic cattle numbers and atmospheric methane.

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Anonymous No. 16252534


Anonymous No. 16252679

>There is virtually no correlation to global domestic cattle numbers and atmospheric methane.
Why would you assume cows to be the only source of methane on Earth?

Anonymous No. 16254196

total number of cows in europe: 70 million
>genocidal globohomo pseudo intellectual climate shills: OMG THIS IS DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT, KILL THEM ALL IMMEDIATELY
total number of cows in america: 80 million
>genocidal globohomo pseudo intellectual climate shills: OMG THIS IS DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT, KILL THEM ALL IMMEDIATELY
total number of cows in india: 350 million
>genocidal globohomo pseudo intellectual climate shills: cows? what cows
total number of cows in africa: 400 million
>genocidal globohomo pseudo intellectual climate shills: dey dindu nuffin!

Anonymous No. 16254278

>Anon: Wild bison and elk and buffalo and deer and gazelles also produce methane.
>You: Duhhhhh derp why you say cows only methane source?

Anonymous No. 16254298

Like, did you even read my original post? There is nothing intrinsically wrong with cow farts. The problem is the methods we use to produce cattle feed for factory farms, the fertilizers, the shipment of meat and the stockpiling of waste. Your example of wild ruminants is no different from free range cattle. The problem is most of our meat is no longer free range cattle. Factory farms, a low but significant contributor to climate change, now accounts for 99% of our meat production. So I have no idea why you're using wild ruminants as a defense.

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Anonymous No. 16254385

>Domestic cattle herds have essentially replaced the wild ruminants herds that used to dominate grassland ecosystems.
On a much grander scale far surpassing it and altering entire ecosystems.

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Anonymous No. 16254386


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Anonymous No. 16254387


Anonymous No. 16254441

>altering entire ecosystems.
So you have never heard of a wallow and think creating entire ecosystems is something new that large herd animals just recently started to do, despite all the geological evidence of ancient depressions in the landscape that clearly altered the ecosystems?

Anonymous No. 16254577

what is the low down on palm oil? Is it as bad as the ONIONS?

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Anonymous No. 16254586

>tropical deforestation
Not my problem

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Anonymous No. 16254589

Rapeseed/canola is one of the least bad. Basedbean is one of the worst. Too much o6 to o3.

Anonymous No. 16254591

>Factory farms, a low but significant contributor to climate change, now accounts for 99% of our meat production
That's because chicken and pork are almost exclusively factory farmed.
Not so with cattle. There are no factory farms of cattle in my country. Sort your own house out first.

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Anonymous No. 16254614

The climate cultists still believe in that nonsense. They should prove their convictions by killing themselves and therefore becoming truly carbon neutral for good.

Anonymous No. 16254617

The goyslop is strong in this one.

Anonymous No. 16254620

Wrong, the biggest losses are due retarded practices in shitholes, and wind farms in the cuckistans.

Anonymous No. 16254621

>Muh billion buffalo!
Never happened. Post evidence that the population of any large ruminants ever approached that number. I'd even take 100 million, which is how many cattle are in the US now.

Anonymous No. 16254625

So you're just a retard. Got it.

Anonymous No. 16254628

I never said anything about a billion and It doesn't matter if it took 1 billion or 100 million, they clearly, measurable altered the landscape and ecosystem with their wallowing habits.

Anonymous No. 16254641

let me take if from someone on 4chan

Anonymous No. 16254644

OP, I'm still waiting:

Anonymous No. 16254659

It's a spambot you retard and I suspect you are too.

Anonymous No. 16254673

Why should I care about the ways equatorial morons are destroying their lands? I don't eat foods imported from outside Europe.

Anonymous No. 16254786

Uh huh. Now show that there were 100 million large ruminants in the area that is now the US at any point before we started industrially farming cattle.

>they clearly, measurable altered the landscape and ecosystem with their wallowing habits.
So, equally clearly, having more large ruminants will cause more measurable alterations to our ecosystems. And, even more equally clearly, if those large ruminants could not have achieved that population naturally then these are not natural alterations to our ecosystems.

Anonymous No. 16255167

>It's a spambot
prove it, I make 1 post troll threads on /pol/ for fun too

Anonymous No. 16255665

>we've fucked the atmosphere
I simply do not care. Protect property rights and everything else falls into place.

Anonymous No. 16255688

So who has rights to the sky? Can I sue people for dumping chemicals into it?

Anonymous No. 16255695

Where from? Here in the US it's 97% of beef cattle.

Anonymous No. 16255991

You're conflating grain-finishing cattle with factory farming. If a cow lives it's entire life on pasture except for the last few weeks before slaughter, that doesn't make it "factory farmed".

Anonymous No. 16256072

>So who has rights to the sky?
anon, the thread topic is:
>their effects on carbon emissions

Anonymous No. 16256075

>Protect property rights
this way. please:

Anonymous No. 16256203

>So, equally clearly, having more large ruminants will cause more measurable alterations to our ecosystems. And, even more equally clearly, if those large ruminants could not have achieved that population naturally then these are not natural alterations to our ecosystems.
Your naturalism fallacy to attack a strawman aside, the causing more measurable alterations isn't true since we keep them more densely populated, manage them from birth to distribution in fenced in smaller hillier areas with clear access to lagoons and lakes where they can't stampede and stomp around obliterating the trees as easily while constantly cleaning up after them so they aren't pockmarking the entire landscape and with festering watering holes everywhere that make a more widespread ecological impact and invite more pest species to shallow waters without trees around where fish and birds can't as easily interrupt their reproduction.

Anonymous No. 16256205

Which come in the form of methane gas and end up in the sky wandering onto other people's property space.

Anonymous No. 16256233

>people's property
philosophy is off-topic in /sci/

Anonymous No. 16256250

No. science is a philosophy, that type of discussion just goes above your pay grade and its not even a philosophy discussion, property rights involve a lot a of science to survey, measure, diagram, and catalogue and the rights to the sky are public and managed by government agencies with substantial scientific departments who collectively decide how the air space is used through the FAA and what frequencies and magnitude of energy can be emitted in the sky through the FCC and what kind of pollutants can be released into the air with the Clean Air Act and the EPA.

Anonymous No. 16256284

Even natural philosophy?

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Anonymous No. 16256288

Anonymous No. 16256293

The belief or not in "property rights" is not "natural philosophy": it's more akin to personal deification, i.e. the right of an individual to exert its "free-will" (even more philosophy, lol) upon nature, a theological concept, fundamentally.
We are completely off-topic now, and this is my last reply on the matter.

Anonymous No. 16256302

It has nothing to do with free will or nature, its inventing rules of social order that help prevent people from engaging in arguments that can't be resolved without violence, you superstitious retard.