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🗑️ 🧵 should I use nicotine before a test

Anonymous No. 16243822

I've been smoking for a year now, been planning on quitting, tried and failed a lot. I wonder, would it be beneficial to smoke before going in to an important exam? would it boost my focus and memory or should I quit as soon as possible?

Anonymous No. 16244032

nicotine makes you braindead you brairndead fucj

Anonymous No. 16244037

Nicotine reduces stress when you're addicted. Do you want to be more stressed or less during your test?

Me, I wouldn't smoke because diamonds are made under pressure.

Anonymous No. 16244040

Blow me, fag.

Anonymous No. 16244051

Yes. Even if you've never been exposed to nicotine it's nootropic and offers many cognitive benefits:

>nicotine boosted IQ scores in a small sample of smokers, specifically scores on the RAPM12 (possibly related to its increasing global connectivity since IQ is being increasingly reified as measuring the global connectivity of multiple brain subsystems), although Schuberte t al2 018 finds that nicotine merely makes their subjects faster at reaction-time tasks but not IQ testsreaction time is improved, as is inspection time and visual search (but perhaps due solely to faster motor reaction?)pilots’ performance enhanced 4⁄5 as much as donepezil does; improves late-day pilotingdriving performance enhancedovernight performance on various memory & attention13 tasks (“These data suggest that when performance is being measured overnight, smokers show little or no impairment, whilst the performance of non-smokers showed performance decrements.”)faster performance on Stroop and word classification“…acute nicotine administration may exert direct beneficial effects on novelty detection and subsequent memory recognition”in smokers, improved prospective memory (things one intends to do); Rustedet al20 05can improve handwritinghelps ADHD (Connerset al19 96; or Levine t al1 996 - as well as OCD, see previous footnote): “Results indicate significant clinician-rated global improvement, self-rated vigor and concentration, and improved performance on chronometric measures of attention and timing accuracy.”

You're stupid not to use nicotine in this situation.
Objectively false and the opposite is true. If any drugs make someone brain dead with regular or even infrequent use its alcohol and cannabis.
Midwit reasoning.

Anonymous No. 16244304

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16244378

Yes, it will help you stay focused, at this point you won't do too well without it. Just don't overdo it because then it will have opposite effect.

Anonymous No. 16244423

what about when I decide to finally quit this shit? I heard it takes around 4 weeks for the brain chemistry to go back to normal

Anonymous No. 16244668

Yeah, sounds about right. But keep in mind that its the biological part. You won't have unpleasant sensations anymore, but that doesn't mean you are not vunerable, you can start again just because you feel like it, out of boredom or habit. That part takes way longer to beat.