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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16246144

So much science and we can't cure balding

Bump All Frog Threads No. 16246148

Based Frog posting Chad
Fuck science

Anonymous No. 16246149

Pepe is bald and he looks happy.

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Anonymous No. 16246155

not quite a "cure" but the red light helmets work pretty good for *some* people (pepe probably too bald)

Sage No. 16246169

Sage in all fields

Anonymous No. 16246184

we can, THOUGH
you just need monnaie

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trans hair.jpg

Anonymous No. 16246198

Be sure to get the guy who did Elon Musk's hair, not the guy who did Joe Biden's.

Anonymous No. 16246223

balding being negative is a mental illness
only you can cure yourself from self consciousness for being high test

Anonymous No. 16246266

sure theres a cure but it takes a lot of medical care
blood tests and hormone replacement, hormone blockers, enzyme blockers, everything in the correct doses.
Then comes the hair transplant, which is only one thing one must do with the other

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Anonymous No. 16246301

>So much science and we can't cure balding

Yet half of /sci/ thinks we can cure death.

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Anonymous No. 16246319

Lobotomize scientists and turn them into normal people so they can work at normal jobs like McDonalds or Burger King or at the mehican restaurants like average people instead of stupid geniuses.

Anonymous No. 16246526

I'm balding hard currently (in my late 20s like all of my uncles) and I'm way more afraid of people not telling me it's time to shave out of niceness than actually losing the hair. I really liked my hair when I was young; it was very thick and I really like the color (medium brown with natural blonde and red/copper highlights) but it's never been that important to me, other than being presentable. If I get money I'm willing to spend on viable options, but obsessing over it, to me, is unhealthy. Just let it happen anon.

Anonymous No. 16247125
