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๐Ÿงต Good-Looking Scientists Are Perceived To Be Inferior Scientists

Anonymous No. 16246591

Why is this unique to the STEM field?
Everywhere else there is a "halo effect" and they get bette jobs, higher salaries, and more promoions.

Anonymous No. 16246603

same reason women are perceived to be inferior people

Anonymous No. 16246610

Which is?

Anonymous No. 16247088

>Why is this unique to the STEM field?
It's not. There's been some studies that also revealed that in professional circles attractive people tend to be seen as prone to incompetence exactly because doors are opened fort them more easily by the ones who fall for their attraction. I'm sorry that I don't have a link or anything, it was a good number of years ago, but it makes sense. Envy and resentment are powerful forces in the office, and those who suffer the consequences of other's unfair simping for attractive people will act to erode their success and know that they have their lives unfairly facilitated.

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Anonymous No. 16247489

The lesson here is: if you're an attractive person always be kind, always be thankful, always be helpful, always be attentive, always recognize that much of the attention you receive is not from your efforts or achievements, it's from the gene lottery you won, so be humble, be kind, be good, and the world will in turn be good to you as well.

Anonymous No. 16247773

jealousy and envy

Anonymous No. 16247781

A good portion of academia consists of nerd losers who went into it because being good on tests was their only source of self-worth, so they will seethe and rage about someone who could've been a celeb AND has the same talent they have, often more of it.

Anonymous No. 16247848

not true here in europe

Anonymous No. 16247862

It's probably true. I am a good looking and sorta "smart" looking midwit. Always got all the awards and scholarships my whole way through undergrad and grad school. Now I'm here studying hard shit and being confused as fuck. I'm sure if I was ugly and didn't have doors opened for me because I looked like the right kind of guy, I would've studied harder in undergrad and wasted less time doing pointless experiments in gradschool

Anonymous No. 16248685

Why would a good looking guy ever get into science? It's hard, even if youre smart. Meanwhile, life is typically easy when youre good looking. Case in point: Dolph Lundgren received an MIT scholarship, but instead chose to become an actor (and thus smash insane amounts of pussy). This is a reasonable choice for any man, or woman, even. A good looking scientist must therefore be scrutinized, since ulterior motives could be at play.

Anonymous No. 16248700

People like to believe in the false idea that life is fair, so if you are good looking that means you can't be smart. They don't realize life isn't fair like this, there are alot of attractive intelligent multi talented people and there are a fuck ton of ugly dumb talentless people

Gym Shaman !5zilbEj30g No. 16248723

Extremely true and based

Anonymous No. 16248745

This, obviously.
Why are scientists so emotionally weak?

Anonymous No. 16248758

Hmmm. Seems unusual. As someone in these fields, i can see how pretty privelege is very much a thing, especially for collaborations, inviations, talks etc

Anonymous No. 16248781

Why do incels insist on circlejerking Lundgren

Anonymous No. 16248828

That's a really shit law desu.

Anonymous No. 16248839


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coolface twum.jpg

Anonymous No. 16250424

reminder of what a scientist looks like

Anonymous No. 16250428

1. Posting anything from forbes should be insta-ban.
2. That is a lie.

Anonymous No. 16251713

>Good-Looking Scientists
no such thing

Anonymous No. 16251732

by me

Anonymous No. 16251835

How much you wanna bet a good looking chad scientist colleage fucked the author's wife?