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🧵 sexual dimorphism is relative

Anonymous No. 16247683

I will only focus on the issue of physical strength, on average, this is one of the most dimorphic aspects that we can notice.

however, it is neither absolute nor less invariable... the distribution of physical strength is highly linked to dopamine so that it can be distributed without much dimorphism.

I will cite a case
In 1964, a woman alone lifted a car that was on top of her son, and we call this “hysterical strength” and this happens when the body releases a lot of adrenaline in an extreme way in response to momentary stress and this quickly increases blood circulation to the muscles providing greater oxygen and energy and it allows, for a specific period of time, incredible strength that would normally be impossible under normal conditions.
so certain activities that are said to be male-intensive and stressful, women can be capable.

Anonymous No. 16247777


Anonymous No. 16247791

Women can build significant lower body strength. The kind involved in lifting a car.
They cannot, however, build significant upper body strength, the kind that can fend off natural predators as well as male rapists.

Anonymous No. 16247842

Two bell curve distributions with overlap but different means and extremes. What do you not understand?

Anonymous No. 16247847

>so certain activities that are said to be male-intensive and stressful, women can be capable.
I dont see your point. Yes, muscles are used at a fraction of their potential, people on PCP can reach that potential and basically break their own bones and tendons and muscles by going to the max. Normal people just feel pain and stop, these limits are there for a reason.
The maximum limit for women will still be lower than for men. I dont understand what this has to do with sex relativity

Anonymous No. 16247861

2 tons is easily liftable even without training. I don't mean liftable in the air, but enough to free a person stuck under it.

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Scientific Blackp....png

Anonymous No. 16247872

>males' upper bodies, on average, have 75% more muscle mass and 90% more strength than females'
>the males' average power during a punching motion was 162% greater than females', with the least-powerful man still stronger than the most powerful woman
>90% of females produced less force than 95% of males. Though female athletes were significantly stronger (444 N) than their untrained female counterparts, this value corresponded to only the 25th percentile of the male subjects.

Anonymous No. 16247918

>Women can build significant lower body strength. The kind involved in lifting a car.

Anonymous No. 16247920

Not the OP but see here>>16247842

Anonymous No. 16247926

woman here
We greater strength lower body strength
What is your point

Anonymous No. 16247932

Men bros?
I thought we are ridiculously more strength than women

Anonymous No. 16247934

Maybe the females just haven’t trained their strength as hard as the men did

Anonymous No. 16247942

why do you only read abstract? In risk positions, women have an increase in force majeure and sexual diphorfism in their data does not affect lifestyle
>we discovered that in certain activities, mainly of a linear nature, women have similar or better consistency depending on their lifestyle

Anonymous No. 16247944

Your English is so bad
Do you are the OP isn't?

Anonymous No. 16247945

Yeah they do overlap as my post said
>90% of females produced less force than 95% of males

Shut the FUCK UP retard
>elite female athletes were as strong as 25th percentile average men

>t. nerdcel who has never deadlifted in his life
Lifting a car requires upper body strength

Women have 60-70% the lower body strength of men
Retards think women have strong legs because they naturally accumulate fat in their hips and thighs, making them look thicker

Anonymous No. 16247948

but the overlap is not extreme

Anonymous No. 16247949

What are you talking about ESL

Anonymous No. 16247952

>we discovered that in certain activities, mainly of a linear nature, women have similar or better consistency depending on their lifestyle>>16247949

Anonymous No. 16247956

>Women have 60-70% the lower body strength of men
Retards think women have strong legs because they naturally accumulate fat in their hips and thighs, making them look thicker
I never said we were much stronger, but we have significant strength. see that we have mastered ballet for example and other Olympic things that use the legs and hips

Anonymous No. 16247959

i do not understand.
What is the point?! Please guys help me

Anonymous No. 16247974

? Calm down fool