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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16247975

Since we all agree humans are biospheric parasite, what is the solution to keep the human population in check? Certainly giving them free energy so they can keep multiplying only worsens things.

Anonymous No. 16247978

You lost this discussion before. You have no working definition of life.

Anonymous No. 16247981

buttworms are gross

Anonymous No. 16247987

Ease it with the homophobia

Anonymous No. 16247992

>Since we all agree
lmao even

Anonymous No. 16248024

Orbital habitats and eventually solar habitats.
Perhaps one day interstellar colonization.
The idea is to create self-sustaining arcologies.
Human civilization will have to collapse a few more times though before average IQ of the species will be sufficient to achieve this.

Anonymous No. 16248048

>what is the solution to keep the human population in check?
Higher IQs and better education:

Anonymous No. 16248103

How do you achieve this if.

1. There are uneducable idiots
2. A portion of educable idiots may be malignant (e.g. people who dedicate to marketing or housing)
3. The educable people will yield fewer offspring than the idiots and thus will always face higher competition

Anonymous No. 16248126

>claims to know biology
>fails to acknowledge that symbiotic strategies outcompete predatory/parasitic strategies in the long term
Educate yourself retard.

Anonymous No. 16248133

> Since we all agree
>humans are biospheric parasite
Even if true, who cares? The Earth doesn’t care, Earth abides. You? You’re a biospheric parasite, assuming you’re human. kys.

Anonymous No. 16248170

> Even if true, who cares? The Earth doesn’t care, Earth abides
This, either life exists to serve man, or life exists without purpose.
Most species to exist went extinct, what makes the ones we have special now?
Let’s suppose an animal is special; go buy some land, put a fence around it, and keep the animal on it as a pet. Zero need to violate other people’s rights.

Anonymous No. 16248267

>The educable people will yield fewer offspring than the idiots and thus will always face higher competition
yes, and it's already happening. IQs have been slowly decreasing, as you might be aware.

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Anonymous No. 16249454

>or life exists without purpose