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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16248066

Has science ever managed to come up with a rational explanation which was able to pass peer review for the extraordinarily high suicide attempt rate of trannys?

Anonymous No. 16248082

No, but I think tranny-isn is actually a kind of BIID.

Anonymous No. 16248115

Asserting that trannies are mentally ill does not further our understanding of what causes trannies and their suicide.

Anonymous No. 16248137

Their suicide rate negatively correlates with social acceptance so the generally accepted theory is the completely novel idea that people treated like shit kill themselves.

Now science just has to explain the extraordinarily high suicide rate among soldiers and in red states.

Anonymous No. 16248145

>be a nonconformist
>expect social acceptance
choose one
if you think you're deserving of both you are deluded
if you presume you're entitled to both you are even more insane

Anonymous No. 16248158

What if it was botched suicide attempts creating trannies? Somebody should run a comparison by method.

Anonymous No. 16248162

Ah yes, soldiers, famously nonconformist.

Also hating trans people isn't socially acceptable anymore, psycho.

Anonymous No. 16248684

How does that rate look when separated into mtf and ftm?
In purely anecdotal personal experience, ftm trannies are more likely to be sane and reasonable people who I can interact with on a regular basis without feeling exasperation or visceral disgust. I definitely have my suspicion about which has the lion's share of suicide attempts, but haven't seen the data broken out that way. I also think that treating those two groups the same way—from a medical, psychological, or social standpoint—is foolish.

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Anonymous No. 16248747

Anonymous No. 16248765

it's very simple why don't people get it?,-in-less-than-ONE-minute!:4

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Anonymous No. 16248768

Is there ever a reason not to do these things for people.

Argument is moot if the law is being followed.

Serve and protect that guys rights. Case closed. Mistreatment is mistreatment it can't be disguised as anything else.

If it doesn't hold up to the law, it needs prosecution. Simple

Anonymous No. 16248769

>laundry list
>followed by schizoposting
>twitter screencap
Demons don't exist, it's regular old mental illness.

Anonymous No. 16248770

They argue people's rights vary, as they need. Or as it suits their means

It's just not true.

Anonymous No. 16248785

This exact case has been prosecuted before, It's not legal to say people have intermediate rights.

It has been punished a number of times. It's not legal to say that people can be classes as intermediates or Be managed outside of the regular law.

Check The Facts.

Intermediate personal classification has been considered a Serious Offence in the past.

Responsibility to people remains the same regardless of determinate Means...

Check Your Facts

Anonymous No. 16248789

Nobody can be said to have different laws, even for short periods of time

Anonymous No. 16248916

FTMs have a lower suicide rate, but they also have a lower rate of actually going through with top and/or bottom surgeries.

Anonymous No. 16249670

It literally does. In fact the mystery is all but solved because mental illnesses tend to be comorbid with other mental illnesses.

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Anonymous No. 16249847

Anonymous No. 16250230

>he doesn't know about autism being a hormonal disorder (high testosterone and a deficit of estrogen receptors, among others)
>he doesn't know that ADHD also has a deficit of one estrogen receptor
>he doesn't know that a proper balance of T/E is needed for proper cognitive function
>he doesn't know that estrogen HRT actually supplements a deficit of autism, and testosterone HRT can still be converted to estrogen by aromatization
>he doesn't know that castration is known to cause cognitive decline due to starving the brain of hormones needed for cognition

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Anonymous No. 16251166


Anonymous No. 16251198

That's a lot of complicated words to say: modern humans don't have a species-appropriate diet and environment.

Anonymous No. 16252318


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Anonymous No. 16253512

Anonymous No. 16253727

Social acceptance is usually overstated by leftists and doesn't explain much of the difference in suicidality between trans and non trans people. Saying:
>suicide rate negatively correlates with social acceptance
and just leaving it at that is dishonest. Obviously suicide rate is affected by acceptance, that's true for everyone. The question is: Why are trans people uniquely suicidal?

Anonymous No. 16253750

>Why are trans people uniquely suicidal?
Obviously because rainbow people claim to be more victimized than any other victim.

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Anonymous No. 16253891

yet another trans suicide

Anonymous No. 16254043

I have a degree in niggonometry

Anonymous No. 16254213

alot of trannies have borderline personality disorder,
hrt causes wild mood swing similar to bipolar, if they werent already bipolar already.
then theres the people who have childhood trauma.
lastly you have the people who pretend to be these things for social clout.
they were mentally ill before hrt
got diagnosed as gender dysmorphic becuase they said they felt like a man or woman during a therapy session. or they got groomed into it.
all these things lead to a very likely suicide.
people with compmex childhood ptsd, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality have high rates of suicide.
groomed trannies will kill themselves if their groomer cuts contact with them or if they realize they were manipulated.

Anonymous No. 16255514

tranny suicide is a "problem" that nobody wants to solve.

Anonymous No. 16256889

>mental illness
thats just an excuse doctors give their paying customers for behavior that would otherwise be considered unacceptable
>its ok that i'm sexually molesting children, i have a doctor's note

Anonymous No. 16257095

You still go to jail for molesting children.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16257815


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Anonymous No. 16257823

>>its ok that i'm sexually molesting children, i have a doctor's note

Anonymous No. 16259108

no they don't

Anonymous No. 16259235

First we will work backwards as it's easier than forwards most times. Meaning we will DISPROVE the idea that social acceptance correlates to transsexual suicide rate. We have almost 200 countries and even more cultures on the Earth. Not all can be the same level of acceptance. So we will seek out the MOST ACCEPTING place for trannies. Then we must attempt to find that country's rate of troon suicide and see how it compares to countries in the middle level of acceptance and then those in say Iran or China or where ever they chase trannies and beat them for the lulz. If the rates of suicide corresponds to acceptance levels that's the answer. If the rates stay the same or for instance are LOWER in places like Iran we will be forced to examine the more controversial hypothesis.

>Spain, Sweden, and Argentina ranked the highest in terms of support for transgender rights.

>Russia, South Korea, and Poland ranked the lowest in terms of support for transgender rights.

>Suicide rate of trans Indians is 31% and 50% have attempted suicide by 20 years old.
>Are hijras accepted in India?
Hijra (South Asia) - Wikipedia
The governments of both India (1994) and Pakistan (2009) have recognized hijras as a "third sex", thus granting them the basic civil rights of every citizen.

>In San Francisco, the prevalence of attempted suicide among transgender persons is 32%, among young age (<25 years) it is 50%

>Suicide rate of all LGBT youth in South Korea - 45.7% attempted suicide at least once

>IRAN: No completed suicide stats but they have identical stats(70%) of trans with suicidal thoughts. Matches The West exactly.

>Russia: 35.5% had suicidal thoughts in the past

>Argentina: A lifetime suicide attempt was reported by 159 (33%), among whom the median age at first attempt was 17

>Spain: 21% had made a suicide attempt, 50% had had suicidal ideas

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Anonymous No. 16259251

I ran out of space so here is my take on the data I have presented. Almost all of it came from research studies. The smallest sample size was only 24 people and the largest was only just over 100. Not the most robust data set for sure. I've also seen a huge spread of results across the different studies but the vast majority point to 30-50% suicide attempt rate.

You might be able to draw some correlation between suicide attempt rates and acceptance on the following basis. Spain was the lowest for attempts at 21% but in equally accepting Argentina we jump to 33% and then another jump to 45% in anti-LGBT South Korea. HOWEVER, Two of the worst places for trans skew our results again. Russia reported the lowest rate of suicidal ideation by far while Iran matches that stat perfectly with most other countries. Iran actually treats trans people in a psychiatric setting as a mental illness and I'd be curious what their suicide rates were after this process but no data was found.

In reality it seems the base line rate of suicide attempts in all countries is 30+% and the high percentage outlier, South Korea, is also a hot bed of suicide for all it's citizens. So we must take that into account when we see the higher number, Asians and suicide often go hand in hand.

Look at LGBT capital of the USA San Fransisco. 50% suicide attempt rate among youth 30% adults. Despite living in a faggot's paradise.

In my opinion there is not enough data to make a definitive conclusion, HOWEVER it would seem there is no correlation between suicide ideation/attempts and levels of acceptance.

Anonymous No. 16259260

I think their rebuttal is the classification of societal acceptance. Treating someone like a person is different than treating them like someone you would be sexually interested in. However, the rates are just so fucking high you can't even compare them to incels, uglies, burn victims, etc. For that matter, what is a group with comparable suicide rates? I know shippy ships suicide in masturbation camps wasn't even this bad.

Anonymous No. 16259444

For starters, people are mean to them, that's already pretty depressing existence to begin as.

Anonymous No. 16260015

they should just stop being pedophiles and things might get better for them

Anonymous No. 16260765

If they did then we could exploit that knowledge to exacerbate the "problem" of tranny suicides

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Anonymous No. 16260838

I get the point but you shouldn't be propagating the false notion that Jim Crow was oppressive

Anonymous No. 16260861

>shippy ships suicide in masturbation camps

Anonymous No. 16260984

Their suicide rate is higher than literal pedos, fyi. So unless you want to argue that pedophilia is more normalized than trannyism, go back to your bunker and think about hanging yourself.

Anonymous No. 16260991

>Why are trans people uniquely suicidal?
Because they're uniquely unaccepted?
>Social acceptance is usually overstated by leftists
[citation needed]

Anonymous No. 16260992

>For that matter, what is a group with comparable suicide rates?
Retired cops.

Anonymous No. 16260996

>So unless you want to argue that pedophilia is more normalized than trannyism
I'd argue that in a heartbeat. Plenty of people in positions of power or with vast social or economic influence are known pedophiles. They're protected by their in-groups.

You are far more likely to be expelled from an in-group for being trans than a pedophile. Remember, acceptance from society as a whole is far less important to suicidality than acceptance from friends/employers/relatives/religious institutions.

Not to mention that sexualization of underage teenagers is completely normalized in modern society, unfortunately.

Seriously, you sound like a fucking idiot.

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Anonymous No. 16261001

To further my point, which would you say is more likely to result in a priest being defrocked, being a pedo or being trans?

Anonymous No. 16261078

>>So unless you want to argue that pedophilia is more normalized than trannyism
>I'd argue that in a heartbeat.
We're done here. Kys, lying tranny degenerate piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16261242

Greenlanders and Finn Metheads

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16261263

> Their suicide rate is higher than literal pedos, fyi.
Nigger, how the fuck do you know this in any empirical way, the situation is fucked up enough that literally nobody that hasn't been caught committing a crime will admit to fantasizing raping little children and, even if they left a suicide note saying "BTW, I'm killing myself because I can't get cunny IRL" few families would report that to relevant authorities.
In fact, if you HAD to take a proven population of pedophiles that hasn't killed themselves, you only need to look at the likes of Gary Glitter or Jimmy Saville, check out their list of accomplices, and then look for how many died by suicide, but then you'll find that basically no-one an hero'd. What one can gather from this is, you don't kill yourself over "social rejection" if you are allowed to indulge unabated

Now, since fucking kids hinges on actually raping them; while being a tranny is about being treated semi-normally and being called how you'd like to be called... do I really need to explain why social rejection would be way more impactful for being transexual in choosing suicide?

Anonymous No. 16261265

As if we have ANY clue how much of the population are pedophiles. Its not more normalized, but I suspect its a lot more normal than we think, considering how many celebrities get exposed for it per day.

Anonymous No. 16261997

the n word is racist

Anonymous No. 16262800

If one celebrity gets exposed a day, every celebrity would be a nonce within a few years. Your argument doesn't hold.

Anonymous No. 16262852

>Scishow hrt

Anonymous No. 16263753

why should anyone care if trannys commit suicide?

Anonymous No. 16264589

this, its the ones that don't kill themselves that make all the trouble

Anonymous No. 16265542

They can mint new ones as quickly as they want to since social media is so tightly controlled. Just put up a youtube account with 10 million fake views and all the "smart" phone morons will feel compelled to worship whatever faggot is on there

Anonymous No. 16266406

[Ben Shapiro] [thinks] there were fewer suicides among those in [German concentration camps] compared to suicidality of the modern tranny.

Anonymous No. 16267296

>I want to be a nonconformist
but also
>I want social acceptance

are you able to see the inherent self contradiction in that reasoning or are you too low IQ to spot it?

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Anonymous No. 16268471

thats why they feel compelled to push the envelope every time the gain acceptance. they don't want acceptance, they want the status of being able to claim they're a persecuted outsider group. when they made buttsex legal then they started pushing for gay marriage, when they got that they started pushing to make child molestation legal

Anonymous No. 16269728

Homosexuality is a mental illness, always has been

Anonymous No. 16270827

you can't be a nonconformist if you get social acceptance