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๐Ÿงต What's the most efficient way to overcome the curse of alcoholism?

Anonymous No. 16248238

AA is too religious inclined with a lot of boomers, alcohol is always too easily available to ease the stress of the work week, always too painful to stop. What are your methods?

Anonymous No. 16248243

don't go to bars. don't purchase alcohol. don't bring an ID if you don't need one when you go outside if you still get carded. avoid drinkers because they will offer you alcohol. find other things to distract yourself with

Anonymous No. 16248249

That's pretty much isolating myself a lot. Solid tips, thank you.

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Anonymous No. 16248291

>to ease the stress

Anonymous No. 16248587


For me I found a woman who wouldn't put up with that shit. Decade of drinking and quit in a single day. Haven't thought about booze since. I love her more

Anonymous No. 16248618

Opoid antagonists, unironically.

It will also make you realize you actually hate your girlfriend too though. Much better to just be a slave and normal for most people.

Anonymous No. 16248630

New drinking game
Punch yourself in the dick every time you take a drink

Anonymous No. 16248633

find something slightly less bad to be addicted to and work your way down until you are addicted to something healthy

you might become somebody that you right now would hate, but thats because you right now wants to drink and that person is in the way

it worked for me and im retarded

Anonymous No. 16248643

pray to jesus, or to a deity of your choosing

Anonymous No. 16248654

reducing it until you can tolerate to skip it for one weekend. after that you just try to stretch more and after you can stay from it for several weeks at a time there will come a point you just forget about it. thats the secret. cold turkey doesnt work it never has

Anonymous No. 16250081

there are anti alcoholism medications>>16248238

Anonymous No. 16250124

Wait this exact thing is happening to me are you for real?

Anonymous No. 16251475

or CBD, try that. It works for some.

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Anonymous No. 16251476

>make you realize you actually hate your girlfriend too though
end it, weakling