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Anonymous No. 16248794

anyone on medicine / neurology?

I am 33 years old, and I think I have Alzheimer's? am I being dramatic

I don't get the report on the images until next week, what do you think? pic related is me

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Anonymous No. 16248795

Anonymous No. 16248798

>his noodle is asymmetrical

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Anonymous No. 16248799

Anonymous No. 16248801

come on, I might be fucked, I am no doctor but I am not dumb either, and well I feel myself too

Anonymous No. 16248802

you're probably just dumb like me
when I started my job 7 years ago I couldn't remember the names of my coworkers so I'd just walk up to people I knew for 2 years and say "hey"

Anonymous No. 16248805

You are already dead.

Anonymous No. 16248807


thank you, but idk, i feel weird thats why i got the mri and those groves look freaking fucked

Anonymous No. 16248809

you mean like figuratively due to my brain?, or like some sort of matrix limbo?

is this my Tony Soprano Kevin Finity moment?

Anonymous No. 16248811

honestly I would not see it all bad, I ve had a nice life and I am happy with what ive done

if anything if been sort of repressed, and this might just liberate me completely, so I am not mad or scared

I am genuinely impatient for the results, why? idk, it should not make a difference, I should live the same regardless of such diagnostic, i know

Anonymous No. 16248814

That's a bad looking noodle.

Anonymous No. 16248819

Vax status?

Anonymous No. 16248820

yeah I know, I am fucked, my brain looks like its soaking in myelin, and I feel like it also

also I have a ctscan from 2 years ago and it wasnt nearly this groovy

I am fucked yep, well, nice to have met you degenerates

Anonymous No. 16248822

I am actually unvaxxed but I did have a severe brain trauma

plus my veins are great! its the myelin thats the problem, vax doesnt influence that, thats pure fate

Anonymous No. 16248825

No need to lie on the internet

Anonymous No. 16248826

If I'm being serious it looks like any other normal brain scan I've seen of a younger dude.
As you get older, it'll look a lot worse, but old people with worse brains still function fine, so you'll be fine.
Don't worry so much, be happy and chill.

Anonymous No. 16248827

exactly! i didnt got even 1

thanks! ill try to chill until the report comes in

Anonymous No. 16249003

Alzheimer's is copper deficiency.

Anonymous No. 16249006

I do this but I remember their names on the first day, I just like acting like I don't care about them because I'm an asshole.

Anonymous No. 16249009

I can't read brains, but there is such a thing as frontotemporal dementia which can affect young people.

Anonymous No. 16249019

>what do you think?
OMG, your head is full of stuff!

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Anonymous No. 16249021

>if anything if been sort of repressed
maybe you're lonely

Anonymous No. 16249024

>its the myelin thats the problem, vax doesn't influence that
Demyelinating diseases are among the most common vaxx "side effects". But I forgive your ignorance. With your Alzheimer's you probably just forgot this.

Anonymous No. 16249026

That's clearly the brain of a low IQ person. If I had to estimate the intelligence I'd say maybe 90.

Anonymous No. 16249070

You have health anxiety the doctor will forward you to Dr. Shekelstein for the pills

Anonymous No. 16249083

>I am 33 years old, and I think I have Alzheimer's? am I being dramatic
What's up with all these people imagining themselves to have the next overhyped disease? Hasn't the amyloid-Alzheimer link turned out to be fraudulent research, in other ways, a scam?
Was the pharmaceuticl industry that successful in normalizing Munchhausen syndrome so that now anyone believes he has these totally legit brain diseases for which we have no actual evidence?

Anonymous No. 16249117

I don't see any anatomical degeneration here. Why do you think you have alzheimers enough to have your insurance company spend a fuck ton of money on MRI imaging?

Anonymous No. 16249142

Would they have paid if it was bullshit?

Why do I think I have it, the past year Ive changed idk..and I feel certain difficulties speaking

Anonymous No. 16249145

>He definitely took the vaxx. Oh yes, he did.

Anonymous No. 16249213

i didnt get the vax, but retards like you are just asking to be killed when normies freak out

its your fault because you did not prevent them from getting it. You are just putting a target on your back, angry normie vaxxies will eat your skin

here is a life advice for you retarded gringo de mierda, keep your mouth shut

Anonymous No. 16249257

I begged them not to and they refused to listen

Anonymous No. 16249451

it doesnt matter, they will still take it out on you if you present yourself as a "hateful" figure

if you just gloat in their faces, they are going to snap and kill you

not saying they are right, just saying its whats going to happen

Anonymous No. 16249691

Of course they will pay, but you can expect your premium to shift it is bullshit. You only posted an MRI. No endocrine, vitals, EKG, CBC, nothing else.

Anonymous No. 16250040

let me guess
OP is on 3 different psychiatric drugs including Ritalin for his ADHD and is now experiencing cognitive problems after years of eating chemicals
well guess what

Anonymous No. 16250225

Why did you take an MRI? Where's the whole MRI if you want us to look shit in it?

What exactly about speaking is difficult to you? Remembering? Trying to say? Making voice? When did it start, how did you realize, how is it now, what other shit do you have, what meds are you taking etc.

Anonymous No. 16250264

no meds

had a massive blunt trauma about 3 years ago, had subdural hematoma few months later

hematoma cleared, but feel weird shit, weird shit has gotten worst this year

numbness in my tongue, sudden needle pricks on my limbs, difficult mostly speaking, articulating, not so much writing, although somewhat too, the line of thought is good, its in the translation to speech or a bit written

occasional weed, rare booze, there is a full MRI but idk how I would share it, and tomorrow I get the report

Anonymous No. 16250267

also some phantom sensations, pressures, metallic taste on my mouth

Anonymous No. 16250284

Start taking lion's mane supplements

Anonymous No. 16250366

Well im no neurologist, those symptoms have more to do with your brainstem or spine than your brain which looks fine so far from the insufficient cuts you've shown. If there's nothing there you may be having some named syndrome with no real solution as unhelpful as that sounds as sequelae from the trauma. You really should quit weed and booze and avoid any quick deceleration activities if you do any. You will have to expect those sensations from now on, practice more talking or singing to promote compensatory growth of the damaged speech systems. Post the report when you have it.

And cheer the fuck on. It will take time to fix itself so dont go reading sob stories about disabled people or try to get ahead of your doctor. That helps nothing.

Anonymous No. 16250368

And avoid meds with neuropathy warnings. Specially don't take ciprofloxacin or other quinolones.

Anonymous No. 16250394

thank you!! I will