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Anonymous No. 16249961

how does a cold crust form on a glowing hot sphere at 5000°C

Anonymous No. 16249962

How does the microwave burn the inside of my burrito but the outside is cold cardboard?
Unrelated mechanisms, similar result.

Anonymous No. 16249975

nothing is keeping it hot. it's just residual heat.
as the heat dissipates it cools away from the center.
you should probably just forget about questions you have and spend your day playing Call of Duty 52: Pay more Money.

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Anonymous No. 16249980


Phases of matter not only depend on temperature but also pressure. It's for this reason that water evaporates earlier on the Everest than on the sea level. Also, you get different structures depending on temperature and pressure. After all, what it is a phase of matter but how much the atoms and molecules can vibrate.

Anonymous No. 16250559

It’s currently unknown but perhaps planets can die like stars?

Anonymous No. 16250565

that model of the earth is pure conjecture with no basis in observation and is almost certainly wrong.
geologists can make big boastful claims about knowing whats at the center of the planet because they know for sure that nobody will ever be able to make observations which disprove their idiotic unscientific guesses. thats their way of bypassing the scientific method and proving to the world that they aren't real scientists

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16250567

What's a supercritical fluid like?

Anonymous No. 16250577


Anonymous No. 16250616

body radiates heat spread over larger surface

also, if you read this, you've lost the game

Anonymous No. 16250698


It's like a gas and liquid at the same time.

Anonymous No. 16250699

Check your skin temperature with a thermometer and then inside your mouth. You can do this one yourself!

Anonymous No. 16250703

Have you even checked if your household thermometer is calibrated?
Science is only done by institutions cutie.

Anonymous No. 16250710

Unironically integrate the heat transfer gradient. While you're at it see if you can estimate how much energy is being released through nuclear decay, it's straightforward once the boundary conditions are set.

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Anonymous No. 16251420

>how do hot things cool down

Anonymous No. 16251543

>how does a cold crust form on a glowing hot sphere at 5000°C
heat radiates off into space