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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16250849

>Solves science

Anonymous No. 16250868


Anonymous No. 16250871


Anonymous No. 16250873

My dad says “makes a lot of sense.”
How retarded is my dad, scientifically speaking?
How retarded am I?
Relevant is that he played a lot of football in high school and college…

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Anonymous No. 16250893

How many times are you fags gonna post this psudeo-mathematician

Anonymous No. 16250913

>already forgotten

Anonymous No. 16250939

Until mathematicians understand that 1x1=2, because black man says so.

Anonymous No. 16251008

Racists like yourself should stick to pol. Here on /sci/ we respect all scientists regardless of their race, class, or sexual orientation. When a black man speaks we listen.

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Anonymous No. 16251030

I farted and shit, i also eat shit and smell farts.

Anonymous No. 16251080

just watch the drone competition video he did, its so pitiful. You can see the falseness in everyones eyes and hear it in their voices, the "judges" are only here for the money or fame, nobody really cares about the project.

The terry on chop is that not even Terry himself seems to care a lot about how other people develop his ideas. Like when he was in the kitchen with his wife doing other shit while having a call with a guy who made a computer simulation for his theory.

All I can see in this guy is insecurity, hurt pride and complete unwillingness to accept failure or embrace mistakes

I cant believe nobody in his inner circle calls him out on his fucking bullshit