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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16252542

How did this happen /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16252550

>die during sex with a sex worker
>she never gets her money

Anonymous No. 16252553

Kek but in mine area you gotta pay 50% first lol

Anonymous No. 16252555

Not a bad way to go desu

Anonymous No. 16252562

yeah, but the publicity though

Anonymous No. 16252568

Imagine she filmed this and published it on her OF. Fans would pay thousands of dollars.

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Anonymous No. 16252578


Anonymous No. 16252582

Let me guess: She only accepted fully vaxxed clients?

Anonymous No. 16252593

>How did this happen /sci/?
probably hert attek

Anonymous No. 16252614

u know there's a word for it

Anonymous No. 16252693

My god, I thought we'd eradicated The Gush.

Anonymous No. 16252720

>da vaxx
>da vaxx
>daaa vaaaaaaxxx

Anonymous No. 16252727

>t. works for Pfizer

Anonymous No. 16252729

at least he got to coom before going out. imagine getting a heart attack JUST BEFORE cooming lmao.

Anonymous No. 16252762

Good morning saars

Anonymous No. 16253523

coming and going

Anonymous No. 16253537

She must be amazing.

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Anonymous No. 16253551

One of you medbro please explain how is this anatomically possible.
It's one thing to say the orgasm triggered some underlying heart condition or something and the guy kicked the bucket.
How does orgasm itself off someone.

Anonymous No. 16253558

He was vaccinated

Anonymous No. 16253566

This must be something similar to commotio cordis. What exactly the mechanisms/pathophysiology are... idk lol

>probably a prolactin/dopamine/adrenergic thing

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snu snu.gif

Anonymous No. 16253624

Literally death by snu snu.

Anonymous No. 16253676

He had a brain hemorrhage.

Anonymous No. 16253803

>retard takes viagra
>already a junkie probably, heart circulation absolutely messed
>get orgasm, BP lowered

Anonymous No. 16253833

yup, that's how I'm checking out, in shallah

Anonymous No. 16254328

A competent hooker makes you pay first and never has enough change

Anonymous No. 16254353

>having people lose their jobs because they didn’t want to inject prototype medical interventions for a literal flu disease was not extreme….just forget about it ok?

Anonymous No. 16254414

>but the strangest thing, officer, is that his wallet was completely empty!

Anonymous No. 16256031

no, it's because we're tired of hearing about the vax from a bunch of npc votecucks who likely make electoral excuses for the vaxxed shabbos goy who delivered the vax. if you had actual principles and behaved consistently - which means not rewarding anyone who had a hand in the vax or lockdowns - that would be something.

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Anonymous No. 16256034


I want my obituary to say the cause of death was "extreme orgasm".