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🧵 Polyphenols

Anonymous No. 16252933

Does Turmeric, Resveratrol, Seaweed, or Anthocyanins (berries /fruit) have any morphology enhancing, or body structural organizing properties? Or is it a scam?

From what I can tell the small molecules are inhibitors, which block cell receptors, and cause cell cycle arrest. This could lead to autophagy, mitophagy, or cell death. But I don’t understand how those process actually translate to benefits. The evidence seems to be mostly in active wounds? Most of the compounds are anti-inflammatory.
They do not seem to be used by the cells.

Just wondering if there are any effects that actual cause regeneration or reorganization of tissue toward function. Or if all the studies on these are fakes.

Anonymous No. 16252961

>what is "bioavailability"

Anonymous No. 16252968

all they do is reduce rate of oxidation. which is good. grapes are yummy. wine is also pretty nice.

Anonymous No. 16252971

If something is effective then it's regulated, monopolized and only available through a doctor's prescription. When will you alternative medicine schizos ever learn?

Anonymous No. 16252977

So they work but aren’t very bioavailable.

Anonymous No. 16252995

That kinda means it doesn’t work now that I think about it.