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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16254301

Why don’t they take pee pees and hoo-has from cadavers to TRANSplant onto trannies? That sounds preferable to having your crotch mutilated into a festering facsimile of a vagina or the thigh flesh thing FTMs have.

Anonymous No. 16254464

Because the anti-rejection medication from composite tissue allotransplantation causes side effects that are usually considered too serious. There are some case reports of cadaver dick transplants, though.

Anonymous No. 16254583

Anon, these are critical life-saving therapies they're receiving

Anonymous No. 16254663

Because they are all used for brain transplants.
You should know, you think and write like a half-rotten dead cunt.

Anonymous No. 16255008

Stop giving them ideas anon, seriously.

Anonymous No. 16255154

>dude weed frog has t50's

Anonymous No. 16255207

>Why don’t they take pee pees and hoo-has from cadavers to TRANSplant onto trannies?
hmm, indeed!
Why is that not part of the organ donation program?
Would it be so hard to remove and transplant a penis, a scrotum, testis, epididymis, and ductus deferens?

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Anonymous No. 16256737

They do tho.