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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16254497

Why does the unit "Liter" exist when there's already Kg?
Using a different unit just because material is liquid is complete nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16254498

Sometimes volume matters more than weight

Anonymous No. 16254509

if you ask an "Eskimo" why something exists, I do not know. Either because nutrition cannot be measured or because some keeps finding new ways to measure their dick.

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Anonymous No. 16254510

why do grams exist when we already have newton's?

Anonymous No. 16254512

because we defined gram regardless of knowing what a centimeter was

Anonymous No. 16254529

Because liter is a measure of volume, whereas kilogram is a measure of mass.

Anonymous No. 16254545

Then why do people speak in terms of massive tits when they mean voluminous breasts?

Anonymous No. 16254551

I like heavy boobs, anon.

Anonymous No. 16254556

>Why does the unit "Liter" exist when there's already Kg?
Because only pure water has a density of 1kg/liter, or 1kg/cubic decimeter. What truly is redundant is Liter and cubic dm, they are exactly the same volume, by definition.
However, Liter is easier to pronounce and write, so convenience wins.

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Anonymous No. 16254557

>tungsten titties

Anonymous No. 16254650

>because material is liquid
nothing to do with liquidness, purely volume.
Where I live, markets price berries as eur/L

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Anonymous No. 16254654


Anonymous No. 16255005

Which weighs more on the surface of The Earth?
>A liter of water(H2O)
>A liter of Pepsi
>A liter of Fanta
>A liter of crude oil
>A liter of Heavy Water
>A liter of human shit imported from India

I patiently await your response.

Anonymous No. 16255160

>Why does a unit for volume exist when there's already a unit for mass?
Because mass and volume are 2 different things. Is this a trollpost?

Anonymous No. 16255183

Liter is distance^3, kg is mass.
They're different dimensions, you fucking retard

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Anonymous No. 16255318

>Where I live, markets price berries as eur/L
huh! really? That's very unusual.