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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16255228

Any advice on designing a conference poster? This is my first time making one and there are a number of prizes at stake which I wouldn't mind winning. I've looked at a number of winning posters and watched a few lectures, but would appreciate any tips from any of you who are experienced with this sort of thing.

Anonymous No. 16255250

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16255371

Alright then I'll rephrase the thread
>What are your thoughts on scientific posters as a medium for conveying your research? When you've made them/seen them before, what were some aspects you found particularly compelling?
Besides anon, this board is packed to the brim with race baiting, creationism bait, and IQ threads. Can't we do with some variety for once? Knowing the board I can't imagine this will get any real traction anyhow so fret not

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Anonymous No. 16255385

Keep the font big. Don't have a lot of text. It's an ad for your poster, not your poster. Be prepared to explain it to people.

Don't feed the trolls.

Anonymous No. 16255387

>the rules don't apply to me, i'm too good for that, i'm a super special unique snowflake

Anonymous No. 16255436

add clickbait and play on emotions, people are emotional dimwits even in academia

Anonymous No. 16255441

put mostly big images in your posters. puts your results/experiment/etc at the center. as few text as possible. I've been to more than five conferences and I aint reading any text except some high level ideas/equations. also, no proofs. I saw some mathfags put proofs in their poster. lol, lmao even.

Anonymous No. 16255449

Posters are just a way to gatekeep the real stuff that matters, i.e. research papers. Don't lose your time making a poster, write a real paper.

Anonymous No. 16255576

Posters are an insanely fake and gay waste of time. And the prizes are for women, silly.

Anonymous No. 16255594

Images and bullet points. A poster is not a paper: It's there to provide a brief outline of shit you're doing and give you stuff to talk to visitors about. Even your example is still probably a little too wordy still. Same logic goes for oral presentations - the slides are an outline for you to work off of, not a teleprompter.

Your research group may also have a template to work off of (or at least examples of prior posters for you to use as a starting point).