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Anonymous No. 16255263

What is the central source of freely-willed choices and how does it operate independently from the laws of physics, neurobiological factors, and environmental/social influences?

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Anonymous No. 16255270

Consciousness collapsing the wave function

Anonymous No. 16255271

tranny thread

Anonymous No. 16255310

>faggy voice
>has a manbun

no thanks

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Anonymous No. 16255506


Anonymous No. 16255527

Enlightened people don’t believe in free will either.

Anonymous No. 16255532

Any beliefs* you* may or may not acquire from this thread were causally determined so the point is moot.

*these things don't exist btw

Anonymous No. 16255555

>operate independently from the laws of physics, neurobiological factors, and environmental/social influences?

"free will" *like that* is pretty well regarded as fake news these days

>Verification not required.

Anonymous No. 16255564

There is no free will.

Barkon No. 16255573

Will has time lapse, it's NOT 'action-potential'. So you don't have the will to quit smoking? This is the inability to counter your addiction (over a full turn of time). Again, will occurs over a turn of time, it's not direct action.

Is our action-potential predetermined, is what you truly think when you ask that question, unless you truly mean will, then this discussion is already m00t by the type of conversation.

Free action-potential only exists because we are able to query it eternally, meaning we do actually stop and focus on that vortex before getting -->'bored' and continuing with our lives. If there wasn't freedom, then we wouldn't be able to query it, and thus, there is freedom. It doesn't mean we have totally free action potential, it just means normally free because of this effect. If you try to fly, you cannot, so you're not ultimately free.

Anonymous No. 16255666

Mind is what brain does. Always.

Anonymous No. 16255674

Why is your brain saying that you are his shadow?

Anonymous No. 16255722

its like the dna transcription and translation .
it has built in recursive failsafes.
free will happens becuase we can "audit" our thoughts.
free will happens becuase we are self aware and posses some degree of meta cognition.
we also have free will becuase of "executive functioning"
we are able to plan ahead and hypothesize what might happen based off of past data.
we can also communicate and add new data into our scemas to atleast introduce a cognitive dissonance.
people with underactive or hampered forebrains and/or over active lizard brains have a hard time with free will.
those who are just overly emotional are mercurial and decide to let their emotions lead their will.
i dunno.
stick someone trying to quit heroin or ciggarettes into a brain scanner and see what lights up.
id assume they have a more active frontal cortex than their amygdala.

Anonymous No. 16255740

>i hear other people's thoughts
seek treatment

Anonymous No. 16255743

They can't even describe which path an electron chooses, and you want their opinion?

Anonymous No. 16255806

>which path an electron chooses
all of them

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Anonymous No. 16256104


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Anonymous No. 16256230

>What is the central source of freely-willed choices and how does it operate independently from the laws of physics, neurobiological factors, and environmental/social influences?
philosophy thread, this isn't science

Anonymous No. 16256253

>What is the central source of freely-willed choices

>how does it operate independently from the laws of physics, neurobiological factors, and environmental/social influences?
Imaginary and Real spaces are orthogonal.