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Anonymous No. 16255718

What’s the science on Lions Mane? Does it work for boosting energy/focus or is it just a scam for the most part?

Anonymous No. 16255727

It might do small levels of some things that effect mindstate, everything you eat does. But if it truly worked for focus / mental energy we'd already know (it's a common food in places) and demand would be through the roof.

Anonymous No. 16255927

It's hard to tell a genuine effect from a placebo, but that being said I've noticed both sharper focus and a bit of paranoia after taking it for a while.
If you're going to try it avoid any grown in China or other heavily polluted areas as they may be contaminated with heavy metals.
I also recommend checking out this bizarre reddit community:

Anonymous No. 16256264

Interesting. I was always skeptical of lions mane considering how many of the retarded "health dudes" like hoboman have been shilling it.

Anonymous No. 16256290

Then its a good thing you decided to talk about yourself on social media, I don't know how everyone else survived before you came along to constantly blog about your skepticism or whatever and your vast knowledge of ecelebs.

Anonymous No. 16256324

get a grip retard

Anonymous No. 16256330

ok blogger

Anonymous No. 16257351

try it out and find out.

you’re a scientist aren’t you?

Anonymous No. 16257384

I think this thread is interesting fwiw I myself have a 250 g bag of of lions mane powder but am not sure whether to eat it but these blogging on social media posts are always funny keep going anons all of you much love to you all (yes I'm blogging now)