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Anonymous No. 16256278

Why can't science create healthy food that tastes exactly like McDonald's food?
Hard more: No /fit/ chef cope allowed.

Anonymous No. 16256291

Too much "healthy" food is still bad for you. If healthy food had the same pleasure profile as McDonald's, you'd overeat it and end up unhealthy.

Anonymous No. 16256315

Mickey'D's food isn't particularly unhealthy for you (especially if you skip the fries and soda). It's just a portion size problem. A burger has some grains, vegetables and meat that's basically what you ought to be eating anyways. There's probably too much salt and fat in there for everyday use but practically if you like your cheeseburgers you can just eat those on most days and still be perfectly fine if you eat low fat low salt foods on the other meals.

Of course your average amerilard supersizeme™ tard won't stick to the basics and will eat 3000 calories of goyslop in one sitting and then wonder why they are fat.

Anonymous No. 16256787

Why would you want that?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16257639

You can't the reason why it's unhealthy is the lack of heavy metals. (I guess that's maybe even why they turned it into a worldwide brand, maybe their doing some extra effort to make the food extra non-nutritious)

Anonymous No. 16257733

thats called mcdonalds food.

the problem isnt the food, its the metabolic illnesses causes by man made viruses and bacteria.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16257745

The problem is the food, and the lack of metals that it doesn't contain. People used to think that the malnourished thord world children were "fat", but the science was wrong the other way round, obesity IS the same thing, and we are malnourished now.