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Anonymous No. 16256600

and to think Venus receives twice the amount of sunlight as we do right now
even sunglasses wouldn't be sufficient to avoid the blinding light

Anonymous No. 16256605

I wonder what life on a planet with a red sun would be like. Less UV bombardment, so would it leave the waters sooner?

Anonymous No. 16256607

>red sun would be like
probably dim and crappy for the health of our eyesight due to them mostly emitting infrared, it'd be like looking at something similar to a sodium vapor lamp all day i imagine albeit with better CRI
the white light provided by F/G stars is important and nourishing for our form of life

Anonymous No. 16256611

>sodium vapor lamp
that sounds really nice anon, I love that light tone.

Anonymous No. 16256612

if it's like a golden sunset all day it wouldn't be terrible but i imagine some would get homesick real fast
we need the bright white sunshine and blue skies with deep blue shadows

Anonymous No. 16256682

fuck that i hate the sun

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Anonymous No. 16256691

>we need the bright white sunshine and blue skies with deep blue shadows
don't we all

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Anonymous No. 16256704

it is insane to think just how absurd the amount of energy the sun releases
Even at this distance, the light burns us.
564 000 000 000 kgs of hydrogen crushed each second.
4 300 000 000 kg of mass transformed into energy each second.
Absolutely crazy.

Anonymous No. 16256713

sol is having a middle life crisis right now don't go around hating
sol cannot help it

Anonymous No. 16256718

Daily reminder we're still in an ice age termination event so it's only going to get hotter. And it is unlikely we'll see another ice age, or more than one.

Anonymous No. 16256719

Are red suns that dim? The habitable zone should be close enough that they'd still fry retinas

Anonymous No. 16256721

>and to think Venus receives twice the amount of sunlight as we do
But it reflects almost all of it.

Anonymous No. 16256750

The issue with red suns is that they are far more turbulent. The sun is a pretty chill star. It doesn't bust a nut all over its system frequently and when it finally does it it's usually droplets. Meanwhile red stars cumplode all over the place and fry their nearby planets pretty frequently. There are probably stable red stars out there but it's rare.

Anonymous No. 16256783

>There are probably stable red stars out there but it's rare.
Assuming that isn't just an illusion created by them blowing their entire load early on in their youth and being impotent balls for the remainder of their life.

Anonymous No. 16256903

I love the sun and i can't wait to colonize the north pole of Mercury and have more sun than ever

Anonymous No. 16258166

So now imagine if it was terraformed

Anonymous No. 16259140

i, too, wish to fuck Sol

Anonymous No. 16259168

Come get a piece of me

Anonymous No. 16259535


Note how the sun is now white and the sky is a different shade of blue, more grey-blue.

Anonymous No. 16260497

There theory super saiyan form actually hydrogen base ki energy?

Anonymous No. 16260500

Step one: built Artificial moon or fling Mercury in Venusian orbit
Step two: Megaproject of sunshield
Step three: Bombard h2 rocket and icy asteroids into the dense atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16260502

Planet is loosing shield and sun is going crazy soon stone age will come

Anonymous No. 16260705

something is thinning our atmosphere.

if it gets any worse we will end up like the moon.

Anonymous No. 16262412


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rain forest.jpg

Anonymous No. 16262483

Rain forests are quite good at reducing the amount of light that makes it down to the surface. Turning Venus into an Amazonian planet would be fitting for the name.

Anonymous No. 16262856

Which one?
Sailor Sol or Sailor Terra?