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🧵 Mogged by Terrence Tao

Anonymous No. 16259039

>be terence tao
>got bored of doing pure math
>switched to applied mathematics for 2 years
>invented compressed sensing
>accumulated 50k citations just from those random work
>even my first published work was based on this
>go back to doing pure math
>nothing more notable has ever came out from him except some very close proof of the riemann hypothesis
admit it anon, pure math is way way harder than physics.

Anonymous No. 16259474

He's not the lead author in any of the publications. It's easy to ride the train if you're not the conductor.
This reminds me of Erdős who prided himself for accomplishing something that he actuially only did in collaboration with numerous other people. Tao, at least, isn't prone to narcissistic fits so he won't claim he's solely responsible for advancing mathematics. But I mistrust that math prodigy baby.

Anonymous No. 16259484

>He's not the lead author
The authors are using alphabetical order for their naming scheme. It's very common in mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16259496

well... shit.

Anonymous No. 16259498

Wrong, people with higher last names are smarter/harder working. That's why A Aabravitch is the greatest mathematician alive

Anonymous No. 16259607

This is literally it. I know a chinese mathematician changed his own name to be first alphabetically so he can look like first author. Cheater.
Hello newfag.

Anonymous No. 16259609

>>invented compressed sensing
He didn't do that and academia is useless

Anonymous No. 16259613

>He didn't do that
He literally did you tranny.
Compress sensing isnt useless. It's used everywhere.

Anonymous No. 16259616

His name isn't mentioned once. The first historical reference is to the 1970s. Kill yourself tranny obsessed freak.

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Anonymous No. 16260137

TT as a 7 year old kid

Anonymous No. 16260810

Nobody gives a shit. Grothendieck learned math much later on and contributed far more