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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16260160

Why do we have so many threads on vaccines, climate change, and renewable energy systems?

Anonymous No. 16260163

Sherlock Holmes has left the vicinity.

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Anonymous No. 16260164

Here's why

Anonymous No. 16260170

because every time I make a thread about general relativity, ads/cft correspondence, group theory or statistical mechanics nobody replies because everyone on this board are midwits.
the only way to get replies is baiting sbout simple things that even your average /sci/ poster can understand

Anonymous No. 16260207

We desperately need a calculus captcha 99% of the /pol/ tards, anti-science xtians, and schizos would be filtered.

Am I insane? No. 16260233

your right and it makes me want to tear my guts out.

Anonymous No. 16260240

you're right*
also never reply to my posts ever again

Anonymous No. 16260241

im sorry for wasting you're time

Anonymous No. 16260244

god I want to punch you so hard you can't even imagine

Anonymous No. 16260255

because they're all not real
this is a board for not real things
you aren't real

Anonymous No. 16260259

Operations typically last 20 years at most. Some of the more ingrained operations require a slow pull out. In this case it is subversion. Check the archives for better discussions.
That is fair. It is not worth discussing with people who cannot integrate.

Anonymous No. 16260264

Does all science use calculus, no, no it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16260448

What science doesn't use calculus?

Anonymous No. 16260452

Because they are all bait political topics that generate (you)s.

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Anonymous No. 16260744

This is the correct answer.
Even in the once-in-a-blue-moon fun math / physics problem thread, half the replies will be the same faggots making dumb observations like "lol you didn't specify there was gravity so I won't answer the question, don't worry though I totally could answer it if I wanted to."

Anonymous No. 16260759

Try posting on /fit/. You'll unironically get better replies than on here.

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USA homeschooling....jpg

Anonymous No. 16260771

>Why do we have so many threads on vaccines, climate change, and renewable energy systems?

Anonymous No. 16260860

>vaccines, climate change, and renewable energy systems
because 4chan is an extension of /pol/ and /pol/ is about calling out mainstream lies. Those are three science related lies.

Anonymous No. 16260871

Low moderation. On /a/, you get banned for posting a wojak. On /sci/, every post is accepted even if it's a blatant troll or a schizo rambling

Anonymous No. 16261128

Because unoriginal socially isolated virgins have no original topics to talk about.

Anonymous No. 16261129

mods have abandoned us

Anonymous No. 16262821

But why?

Anonymous No. 16262847

bots, bots, and more bots.

Anonymous No. 16262849

These chinks are the ones spamming gacha threads on /v/

Anonymous No. 16262872

Influx of retarded /pol/cucks who have never stepped foot in a lab or done an experiment or designed anything.

Anonymous No. 16262876

Biology. Are you an evolution denier, anon?

Anonymous No. 16262878

So you're the autistic string theorist. Fuck off Lubos, your garbage isn't physics.

Anonymous No. 16262955

Science isn't settled and everyone is speaking on it.

Anonymous No. 16262960

>woke soijack man

Anonymous No. 16263060

String theory is based

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Anonymous No. 16263063

Science has been politicized and dogmatized.