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🧵 /sci/ is dead

Anonymous No. 16260819

A few weeks ago, one of the most important conjectures in math was proved by pic rel (see and yet, nobody on /sci/ gave a fuck.
Wtf happened to this board? This isn't at all the board I remember
>inb4 schizo rants by bots and namefags

Anonymous No. 16260823

That's not IQ, climate change or homework.
Not /sci/

Anonymous No. 16260829

>implying nu/sci/ even knows what geometric langlands let alone rep theory is about

Anonymous No. 16260834

math is fake

Anonymous No. 16260835

>brainlet cope, the post

Anonymous No. 16260852

He wrote sex on the board lol bet that nerd doesn't get any irl

Anonymous No. 16260876

He's not black.

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Anonymous No. 16260933

Yes, /sci/ is dead. I still come here occasionally out of habit but usually leave again when I see that nothing changed. The bots and spammers have won. There are no insightful discussion threads anymore. The few knowledgeable posters either left or learned their lesson that making good posts in this shithole is a waste of time and resources. Have fun with your endless "science is fake and gay" and "new climate change clickbait" spam. I can have better discussions about science and math on /pol/, /g/ or /lit/.

Anonymous No. 16260936

>In 2004, mathematicians Edward Frenkel, Dennis Gaitsgory, Kari Vilonen, and Mark Goresky were awarded millions of dollars in the form of a grant by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). The project being funded was to relate the geometric Langlands program to quantum field theory.

Anonymous No. 16260938

>b-but its le fake!!
you retards always say this but then the next atom bomb will use that math. Starting to think youre getting paid to spread this nonsense... the fact that the us military funded this research makes this even more obvious

Anonymous No. 16260959

Add "climate", "vaccine" and " "how come" to hide filters. Do not reply to spambots and poltards.

Anonymous No. 16260961

Who gives a shit? Mathematicians are all schizophrenics anyway.

Anonymous No. 16260962

exhibit A

Anonymous No. 16260965

The atom bomb used physics, not math. Literally zero applications will from this conjecture.

Anonymous No. 16260968

Then half of the board is hidden and the remaining threads are still filled with trash like >>16260834 >>16260961
This board is dead and it's time to leave. If you want to discuss science or math just make a thread on /pol/, add some /pol/ buzzwords to make it tangentially ontopic and you'll get exponentially better quality replies than on /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16260970

Only 20 posts hidden with my filters

Anonymous No. 16260971

the mathematical advances in the 19th century made it possible to seriously study the physics in the first place

Anonymous No. 16260973

>he doesnt know

Anonymous No. 16260974

Yukarifag leaving when I realized this board turned to shit

Anonymous No. 16260978

All those advances were made by physicists. You're delusional

Anonymous No. 16260981

>zero applications will from this conjecture
quite the bold statement. Can you please explain what geometric langlands is about so I know I won't waste an hour educating a moron?

Anonymous No. 16260987

No, read up on some history. Especially on the history of modern differential geometry. Ask yourself why Riemannian geometry is named after a mathematician and not a physicist. Also look at Riemanns habilitation thesis, particularly his thoughts on what kind of space we live in

Anonymous No. 16261017

that board is entirely composed of ragebait, spam, and dunning-kruger, I've literally never seen a good in-depth technology discussion there
/tg/, /k/, or very rarely /v/, are the place to talk technology or science

Anonymous No. 16261025

The only good poster here is Barkon. At least he posts new stuff. The rest is old NPC bollox.

Anonymous No. 16261066

Lmao cope of a weak ass nerd nigga
noone cares lmao

Anonymous No. 16261072

langlands is some of the most incomprehensible bullshit in all of mathematics. most professional mathematicians don't even have any idea what the fuck is going on

Anonymous No. 16261073

>algebra is fake

Anonymous No. 16261077

Yeah yeah, you're either a schizophrenic number theorist or a pedophilic string theorist. Either way you're a chronic liar. Not going to play your cancerous game. If an application exists, it's on you to say what it is. Otherwise the default position is to assume it has no applications.
Riemann was a physicist and a mathematician. You're conflating his works.

Anonymous No. 16261085

NTA, but you're delusional.

Anonymous No. 16261121

Virgin detected

Anonymous No. 16261195

Geometric langlands seems a bit idealistic though it already has a good track record.
How long until this gets peer reviewed?

Anonymous No. 16261403

>all the retards that got filtered by langlands proudly presenting their low IQ

Anonymous No. 16261410

given that the proof is very long and there are hardly any people qualified to review it, I'd guess a year or two, slightly longer than perelman's proof

Anonymous No. 16261439

Edward Witten is literally studying geometric langlands too lol. Ask yourself why the greatest physicist currently alive would do that if it were a meme with 0 applications. Want something with actually no applications? Look no further than combinatorics research

Anonymous No. 16261446

99% of this board doesn't understand what Langland's conjectures even are (me included), nor could we even if we dedicated years to learning it.

Anonymous No. 16261450

>Ask yourself why the greatest physicist currently alive would do that
Roger Penrose isn't doing that, as far as I'm aware.

Anonymous No. 16261454

Meh. It seems, unlike pop-sci ranting in the internet, that string theory dominates theoretical physics. Quantum gravity called swampland program, holography used to blackhole information and condensed matter, mirror symmetry and geometric Langlands in math.

I used to have prejudice on string theory, but I changed my mind because it flourishes in the academia

Anonymous No. 16261458

This. I have a math degree and I'm still far away from understanding Langland. It seems to be a topic only for a small elite of research mathematicians. I admire those who are wise enough.

Anonymous No. 16261459

Penrose basically died 20 years ago. He wrote a great book on spinors but what he did in the past decades is hot fucking garbage. That quantum brain bullshit is only the tip of the iceberg. Going on Jordan Peterson and Weinstein's podcast really showed how much he lost it. Meanwhile Witten is still going strong

Anonymous No. 16261461

I'm sure Penrose is interested in this. He's not only a physicist but also a mathematician.

So far he was right about microtubules.

Anonymous No. 16261469

I actually talked to him a few years back and he was the sharpest octogenarian (he wasn't yet 90, at the time) I've ever met, by far. Him talking to Jordan Peterson, which was by all accounts a terrible discussion and that was largely due to Peterson being a moron. In person he showed remarkably little sign of any cognitive decline at all, at least in my brief time chatting with him.
Witten might be a bit sharper at the moment, but he's also quite a bit younger, and my comment was tongue in cheek anyway.

Anonymous No. 16261479

holy fuck dont remind me of Peterson's interview. He couldn't stop himself from interrupting Penrose and making some long off-topic comment on something hardly related. It was painful listening to Penrose attempting to explain Godel incompleteness to Peterson and him just babbling over non-determinism.

Anonymous No. 16261484

>Him talking to Jordan Peterson, which was by all accounts a terrible discussion and that was largely due to Peterson being a moron
(meant to finish)... has little bearing on Roger's own mind, beyond his apparent inability to judge who's capable of holding a quality conversation and who isn't.

Anonymous No. 16261489

>string theory is le fake and gay
reality has inherent hidden degrees of freedom described by a degree-3 algebraic hyperkahler curve embedded in Kaluza-Klein-esque compact dimensions. We have literally shown this experimentally

Anonymous No. 16261501

>it has no applications even doe the US military is funding it

Anonymous No. 16261553

Get better filters

Anonymous No. 16261681


Anonymous No. 16261862

>KK shown experimentally
Meds. Now. Does your mom know you're in pain?

Anonymous No. 16261864

Post your nose, OP.

Anonymous No. 16261870

Everyone knows this
If i deploy a chan that lives on blockchain event logs would you pay to post?

Anonymous No. 16261872

>nose fetishist back at it

Anonymous No. 16261886

how come

Anonymous No. 16262475


Anonymous No. 16262549

Sure I'd pay to call you a faggot on the blockchain.

Anonymous No. 16262556

I like how you were THAT mad about not getting enough attention that you made two threads >>16261086

Anonymous No. 16262618

>l-let me talk about politics on a math and science board!!!
back to /pol/ with you, subhuman

Anonymous No. 16262823

I never talked about politics.

Anonymous No. 16262827

We have more pressing matters at hand such as Covid and why you should take ur Vaccine

Anonymous No. 16262939

Dropped out of school in 8th grade and have been a day laborer ever since reporting in

After clicking like 20 Wikipedia links my understanding of this conjecture is that it describes the "shapes" that arise from the boundaries and angles of "shapes" of both internal and external "shapes" relative to the empty space now defined as a "shape".

Is this right? Why does this matter? Is this not just measuring shit?

Anonymous No. 16263043

It is essentially a translation exercise, which reformulates one field of mathematics into another field. It's important because it reveals answers one field otherwise wouldn't have.

Anonymous No. 16263051

Trannys killed it not random Anons. Trust the science bro. Current year science is pozzed AF.

Anonymous No. 16263054

You should start studying again

Anonymous No. 16263064

Can you even describe it rather than just making a clickbait remark then linking it? I didn't click your link, btw.

Anonymous No. 16263085

bot post

Anonymous No. 16263093

congrats anon, youve figured it all out

Anonymous No. 16263095

He's right, you know

Anonymous No. 16263125

>A few weeks ago
That's a lifetime in maths. We've moved on. Sorry you missed it.
Maybe the arcives are more your speed than a real time discussion board.

Anonymous No. 16263129

>That's a lifetime in maths
You've got to be joking.

Anonymous No. 16263143

You're still going on about something we discussed minutes ago?!?
Please try and keep up. Maybe you'll find the introductory course more your speed.

Anonymous No. 16263153

learn to read. OP said /sci/ didnt care when the proof first came out which seems to be true as I can't find anything in the archives

Anonymous No. 16263191

this is what "culture war" gets you
everything of quality has moved into little enclaves and secret societies, except they aren't secret because they still rely on social media and communication infrastructure.
it's gonna get more and more impossible to just lurk, you'll have to prove yourself and meet standards to the point where you may as well just interact and live in the real world.
which isn't that bad of a fate, it's just a shame that the real point/utility of the internet was lost because some warlord freaks wanted more power.

Anonymous No. 16263196

"the pinnacle of warfare approaches the formless"
- sun tzu

Anonymous No. 16263303

Bitch, you learn to read. We have moved on.

Anonymous No. 16263634

How dare you

Anonymous No. 16263765

Nah he makes a fair point. If OP is upset about this result not getting any attention on /sci/, the least he could do is start the discussion by giving a little bit of an overview for people who are unfamiliar with it.

Anonymous No. 16263771

no it's not a good point at all. Just look it up, you'll find hundreds of posts on stackexchange if you want to be spoonfed that badly.
Besides, it is a major proof. OP shouldn't have to explain jack shit. A math board that doesn't know of geometric langlands isn't a math board at all

Anonymous No. 16263776

So why even bother making the thread? Just to complain?

Anonymous No. 16263779


Anonymous No. 16263783

I think one of the biggest improvements that could possibly be made to /sci/ would be to autoban anyone who posts with anything entered into the name field.
/sci/ namefags are invariably schizos who literally reply to themselves to converse with the voices in their heads. Namefags are shit on every board but it is absolutely fucking startling how much worse they are on here.
Another major improvement would be banning all discussions related to climate change, vaccines, IQ, and race.

Anonymous No. 16263786

No, we haven't. Cope harder

Anonymous No. 16263788

What the fuck did you read to come to that conclusion?

Anonymous No. 16263790

read the paper dumbfuck. The 5th paper even clearly outlines the importance of the proof

Anonymous No. 16263791

i have a masters in mathematics and even i didn't understand the paper

Anonymous No. 16263792

>I shouldn't have to explain why I'm upset, you should know why
Literally passive-aggressive women's logic. If you want to talk about the proof, actually talk about the proof (in /mg/ perhaps?). Don't just make a thread simply whining about how nobody else is talking about it.

Anonymous No. 16263793

Are you okay, anon? This has nothing to do with what I've said

Anonymous No. 16263795

because brainlets can't imagine shit like mathematicians do

Anonymous No. 16263796

Eric Weinstein got you. Just read the following books:
This will get you there in no time

Anonymous No. 16263798

best post ITT

Anonymous No. 16263799

There should be a health care or COVID board like on Komica

Anonymous No. 16263804

probably because you got it in applied math

Anonymous No. 16263808

>i am too retarded to understand it so it must have no use
good thing youre not an authority on math and will never be

Anonymous No. 16263809

i had both applied and pure, but never studied functors. the subject seems interesting

Anonymous No. 16263819

>muh conjecture
No one cares, nerd. There's nothing "important" about this irrelevant squiggle crap. This doesn't do anything to improve the state of the world or all the problems occurring. Talk about real science, not chalkboard playtime for virgins.

Anonymous No. 16263822

another filtered retard

Anonymous No. 16263826

>This doesn't do anything to improve the state of the world or all the problems occurring
the conjecture probably won't improve the state of the world right now, but it might in the future. mathematicians don't prove stuff for the better good of the world, they prove because they like to. it's like a challenge for mathematicians.

Anonymous No. 16263827

to be fair the people at bonn research a lot of very exotic topics.

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2010 sci meme.png

Anonymous No. 16263828

>There are no insightful discussion threads anymore
There never were. More revisionist history retard shit from newfags. I was on /sci/ in 2010, it was exactly the same.

Anonymous No. 16263830

>a conjecture claiming there are massive connections between geometry and algebra
>even studied by hundreds of physicists
>"b-but it has no use!!"

Anonymous No. 16263833

>for my shitty nerd masturbation ritual
oh nooo not the heccin matherinos
not the heccin conjecture that cant be used for anything
not the retard time wasting grabassery

>morons who spend all time masturbating over games they make up for themselves actually believe they're "cHaNgInG tHe wOrLd"
you spend all day playing the math equivalent of wordle and then get pissed that "THE BOARD IS DYING BECAUSE NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION TO MY SHIT ANYMORE!!"

Anonymous No. 16263834

>i-it's even studied by hundreds of OTHER time-wasting masturbating retards who don't contribute!!!! you have to listen to MUH AUTHORITY!

Anonymous No. 16263835

in 2010, you didn't have bots like >>16263833

Anonymous No. 16263837

Edward Witten does contribute though?

Anonymous No. 16263838

Holy shit, do consensus slaves really?

>You dared to criticize my irrelevant garbage? Y-you must be a bot!

Anonymous No. 16263839

why are you even on this board

Anonymous No. 16263842

don't reply to me, filth

Anonymous No. 16263878

I honestly don't think it would help. They already have appropriate boards to discuss politics and conspiracy theories, but it doesn't stop them doing it everywhere else. A lot of the posters shitting up this board and the rest of the website (outside of /pol/ and /x/ where they belong) with COVID/vax/etc stuff are doing it because they think they're going to redpill people or own the libtards.

Anonymous No. 16263996

Holy shit /sci/ is such a shit tier board. It's just a bunch of brain dead 5 year olds.

Anonymous No. 16264000

>to redpill people or own the libtards
Does this actually work?

Anonymous No. 16264030

Just fucking ban politics. Everyone knows that’s the #1 factor in terrible quality posts.

Anonymous No. 16264043

well nobody talks about it because even among legitimate mathematicians over 90% of people cannot comprahend it
its impact for the field may be quite big but in itself its a very narrow niche

Anonymous No. 16264102

>one of the most important conjectures in math
Conjectures in hyper-specialized fields that only six people in the world bother to tackle aren't sexy, especially when those conjectures are young.

Anonymous No. 16264115

/sci/ is just a bunch of political activists, schizos and high school science students. The implication being it doesn't have any top tier people in sciences or math anymore.

Anonymous No. 16264195

>Just look it up, you'll find hundreds of posts on stackexchange
Sounds like there's no reason for it to be here. Stay on stack exchange if you like it so much better there

Anonymous No. 16264202

90% of scientists and math nerds have already anon, and other smaller less well-known online spaces

Anonymous No. 16264209

I started with Laplands Conjecture and clicked most of the links related to that

Anonymous No. 16264211


see I don't even know what it's called

that'll give you a better idea

Anonymous No. 16264233

I just went to discord communities with friends or GitHub for colleagues. Calling people here retards is my outlet

Anonymous No. 16264821

Laughing at /sqt/ questions is mine

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Anonymous No. 16265385

>Create containment board for people with opinions you don't like.
>Get pissed off that they have their own board full of opinions you don't like, so pay libtard shills to drive them out.
>It works and they start coming here.

Anonymous No. 16266141

based retard

Anonymous No. 16266170

>newfag just discovered 4chan is a waste of time
And is that what passes for a reaction pic these days? Say it ain't so.

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Anonymous No. 16266182

>/pol/-covid-tourists have shitted up and killed the board.
>Making a thread on /pol/ will somehow be better.

Anonymous No. 16266194

Added "global warming" and "aliens"

Anonymous No. 16266201

Those spammers on /sci/ are not even genuine /pol/tards. They don't care about politics or political arguments, they just want to shit up /sci/ with lowest quality. The quality on /pol/ is much higher.

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Anonymous No. 16266209

>muh reaction pics
Go with the times, grandpa. We have tiktok now

Anonymous No. 16266227

yeah /g/ is on LTT niveau.
millions of cs students meet somewhere else..

Anonymous No. 16266413

yeah I doubt that kek

Anonymous No. 16266494

You should have translated it into simple english if you want us to care (I'm not even a mathematician, and I'm pretty sure that most of mathematicians are in some other fields, so they wouldn't understand it in the hardcore form as well)

Anonymous No. 16266500

you do understand that math only exists to describe reality, right?
Reality doesnt describe math, math describes reality
Its not real, like how the word "tiger" isnt literally a tiger, but a series of symbols used to describe an animal

Anonymous No. 16266505

>You should have translated it into simple english if you want us to care
intellectual welfare

Anonymous No. 16266508

t. Terrence Howard

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Anonymous No. 16266509

>Its not real, like how the word "tiger" isnt literally a tiger, but a series of symbols used to describe an animal
Surprisingly well said

Anonymous No. 16266513

new flavor of the month /sci/ tourist spam?
i saw 5 minutes of that guy on JRE and had to turn it off, have no idea how joe can platform an unironic schizo like that

Anonymous No. 16266530

Actually, since we pay their salaries, they should translate their stuff into human. With neuronets at hand it shouldn't be much of a trouble.

Anonymous No. 16266532

>Its not real, like how the word "tiger" isnt literally a tiger, but a series of symbols used to describe an animal
this is what you learn in high school math if you're not two digit IQ.
equations represent physical spaces in graphs

Edward Witten has already said geometric Langlands could be useful for S duality in quantum physics.

do you actually know any math?

Anonymous No. 16266537

>do you ACTUALLY know MATH bro??????
>but the MATH bro!
thinking math is real is the ultimate midwit trap, thanks for playing

Anonymous No. 16266542

lmao /his/ and /lit/ are far better academic boards than /sci/, /psg and a few other threads are the only reason why I come here, the rest is all global warming deniers that sit in their air-conditioned basement and act like all's right with the world as long as they get their Wendy's takeout

Anonymous No. 16266543

Tigers aren't real.

Anonymous No. 16266545

now youre thinking like a physicist!

Anonymous No. 16266569

The tiger has yellow and black stripes because he is an oscillating superposition of a lion and a black panther.

Anonymous No. 16266579

my prediction is that the black stripes are actually dark matter
brb gonna go write a paper about it

Anonymous No. 16266591

include me as co-author bro

Anonymous No. 16266605

co author?
bro youre the one reviewing it

Anonymous No. 16266624

If only you knew how bad things really are

Anonymous No. 16267040

>Edward Witten
Who the fuck cares what this grifter has to say? Not a single one of his physical models is falsifiable. Let me frame the question as followed: what, specifically does he do to benefit society?

Anonymous No. 16267052

It's not fake but mathematicians are indeed retarded symbol manipulators who usually can't explain what their symbols mean. Best I can tell is that they're like monkeys hammering at typewriters until some lucky monkey finds the right combination of symbols that makes the other monkeys nod

Anonymous No. 16267053

Lol you can't even explain what any of that jargon means without introducing more undefined jargon

Anonymous No. 16267134

The whole site is comped. The Riemann proof was posted multiple times, and no one cared. In fact, they purposefully let the thread slide. Sci would die if it wasn't astroturfed and kept alive day after day. Hardly anyone posts anything here, and most of what is posted is regurgitate. It's mostly an empty honey pot.

Anonymous No. 16267302

>most important conjectures in math
If it's so important then why its wiki page is so short? Checkmate, another nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 16267345

>s-spoonfeed me!!!

Anonymous No. 16267367

This, but unironically.
Spoonfeed us.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16267379

I don't think there is anybody smart enough to spoonfeed it unironically.

Anonymous No. 16267382

care to explain a bit what makes this important? any way this will affect regular ppl in their lifetime?

Anonymous No. 16267464

>Kaluza-Klein-esque compact dimensions. We have literally shown this experimentally
Lol. Lmao even.

Anonymous No. 16267467

Here I'll help, because the mathfags and crypto physicsfags (i.e. string theorists) are too embarrassed to answer honestly.
>Math problem too hard
>Show it's equivalent to potentially easier problem
>(N.B. Easier problem not even solved—begging question of how it's identified as easier)
That's literally all this is. It's a fucking nothing burger. They're treating it like the second coming of the cds/antidesitter correspondence. You know, the most widely cited paper in all of theoretical physics. The same topic that's string theory, has not been experimentally validated in any kind of way, and has more citations than ckm's landmark papers (theoretically predicting heavier generations of quarks), higgs landmark paper, feynmans papers, etc. all of whom are nobel laureates, induced paradigm shifts in theoretical physics... Yeah cited less than the cds/antideshitter paper. Why? Because the string theory grifters all cite each other and pass all their papers through peer review and don't give a shit about applications let alone actually modeling reality. These are the same fags crying that nobody is talking about the reimann proof, as if anyone other than they do gives a shit.

Anonymous No. 16267469

>string theory dominates theoretical physics
Yeah and it poisoned that well so badly that the OG theoretical physicists had to coin a new field of study called phenomenology just to divorce themselves from the cancer that theoretical physicists have become. Pheno is what physics theory USED to be because it got coopted by stringfags

Anonymous No. 16267472

>mathematicians don't prove stuff for the better good of the world, they prove because they like to
Remind me again why they deserve govt funding to jerk off?

Anonymous No. 16267782

I still need to memorize my times tables lol.

Anonymous No. 16268620

t. undergrsd that just learned of limits

Anonymous No. 16268907


Anonymous No. 16268916

>Starting to think youre getting paid to spread this nonsense... the fact that the us military funded this research makes this even more obvious
I think the massive influx of shit quality posts here isn't done by humans. I think it's actually an experimental deradicalisation campaign where people flood the chans with bots to lower the quality so much that people in spaces with anonymity are forced to leave due to how insufferable the discussion gets.

Anonymous No. 16268922

At the very least I can assure you anon that in this ocean of nonsense some folks read this and do care. I'm one of them.

Anonymous No. 16268932

>Wtf happened to this board?
People without a clue about the topics can't refuse to give their opinions.
Trolling is constant.
Uneducated just wants to dismiss what they don't like for what ever reason.
/sci/ guys with self-respect is just moving on as things are not getting better

Anonymous No. 16269346


Anonymous No. 16270006

I also think it's bots flooding /sci/

Anonymous No. 16270031

>the guy who screams about /pol/tards nonstop is actually a /pol/tard
Is anyone here surprised?

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Anonymous No. 16270082

>/sci/ is dead
It's not just /sci/. 4chan in general is dead. When was the last time this community created a new meme? I don't even remember. All the hot new memes like hawk tuah or skibidi toilet come from tiktok now.

Anonymous No. 16270143

It's not though. Other boards have significantly better quality than /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16270169

then spend time there instead of whining here