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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Marijuana causes heart disease and stroke

Anonymous No. 16261662
>Cannabis use is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes, with heavier use (more days per month) associated with higher odds of adverse outcomes.

Anonymous No. 16261759

thats good news, potheads are all scum, so anything that shortens their lifespan is bound to improve society

Anonymous No. 16261842

>weed becomes legal and factory farmed
>immediately starts causing heart disease and stroke

Anonymous No. 16261851

Based. Hate weed junkies so much.

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Anonymous No. 16262201

I had a whole thing typed out as there are many fake and gay propaganda papers like this. But here is all you need to read from the "paper" to know it's bullshit.

>Dr Glantz serves as a consultant to the World Health Organization outside the submitted work. The remaining authors have no disclosures to report.

>Just trust The WHO goy, stop smoking weed and noticing things. Get in the pod and drink your Bud Light like a good homo.

Anonymous No. 16262225

you're a drug addict

Anonymous No. 16262436

Smoking anything carries the risk of damaging your heart and cardiovascular system. The benefit of legalization is that edibles are available now.
I'm sure cannabis is bad for your heart (many things are), but I'd like to see a study done that didn't involve smoking and controlled for things like anxiety.

Anonymous No. 16263347

ingesting marijuana in any form is bad for you, the fact that people who use the stuff are all bums and losers isn't a coincidence

Anonymous No. 16263568

That PR interval is really long. I think the OP may have a 1st degree AV block.

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Anonymous No. 16263571

I don't think you are in the position of calling anyone a bum or a loser when you've spent years making the same retarded shitposts over and over, you are one of the biggest losers here.

Anonymous No. 16263704

THC causes your heartrate to go insanely high even at rest. Having 140 resting heart rate episodes for several hours at a time multiple times a month can not be good for your heart.

Anonymous No. 16264582

but they should be executed, slow death from heart disease isn't efficient enough

Anonymous No. 16265527

all junkies are disgusting, but none reek worse than weed addicts do

Anonymous No. 16266694

Drug addicts' drug addiction will lead to them rationalizing away this information somehow or other, you can even see some of them doing that in this thread. Thats just how drug addiction works, the addict will always prioritize their drug addiction over everything else

Anonymous No. 16267839

Back in the old days pothead used to have their lifespans extended by being sent to jail for marijuana possession. Making marijuana illegal benefitted the potheads more than anyone else.

Anonymous No. 16267850

What a bullshit, numbers tell something different. It's literally saying that cannabis users have less combined incidents, and also cannabis makes you non have diabetes or obesity.

Learn to read more than title.

Anonymous No. 16267869

Yeah no shit consuming anything will damage your heart over time
Rather be high than have to spend my last 20 years crippled listening to you whackjobs

Anonymous No. 16267918

I tried weed two times and I still wonder why exactly people pay for such stuff.
It just stuns you for a while, what's the fun in that is beyond me.
Never tried cocaine, but I suspect that one would be more likable to me.

Anonymous No. 16267922

>look mom I posted it again!
When are you going to leave your mom's basement?

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Anonymous No. 16268071

Oy vey, stop noticing.

Anonymous No. 16268560

Literally said there, that switching from tobacco to weed decreases risk of stroke.

Anonymous No. 16269191

Hatred of weed is a clear sign of being an incel. This is obvious from the fact that these guys >>16261759 >>16261851 >>16262225 >>16263347 >>16265527 >>16267839 are all incense.

Lmao gottem

Anonymous No. 16269193

Yeah this isn't really news. The cannabinoid receptors play a decent role in actually lowering blood pressure. CB1 activation generally reduces heart contractility and blood pressure. Reducing inflammation too. Not even getting into hyperemesis and how it affects impulse control in the brain.

Anonymous No. 16269207

Every junkie should die

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Anonymous No. 16269365

I tried it once and it just had a mild euphoria feeling followed by being ravenously hungry, and I ended up eating half the stuff on my fridge. I have decided to not do it again since that would obviously turn me into a fat ass in short order. I wonder if that plays into the increased risk of heart disease found in the study?

Anonymous No. 16270481

people who are total losers take drugs as a means of avoiding thinking about what total losers they are.

Anonymous No. 16271162

The fact that they can just take drugs to artificially feel good about themselves without achieving anything is why they allow themselves to become such losers

Anonymous No. 16271249

WARNING - this is a thinly vieled pothead post or a low IQ person inadvertantly peddling pro cannabis views by conflating all drugs with weed. A dishonest tactic designed to steer the criticism of cannabis into a broader simpleton discussion that drugs are LE BAD. Some drugs are le bad and the worst ones are cannabinoids and alcohol. Hello? Why do you think the media hones says DUDE WEED LMAO snake oil yet meanwhile hammers down NOOOOOOO NOT THE HECKIN HARD DRUGS.