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Anonymous No. 16261748

Higher rejection rates for double blinded vs single blinded reviews prove illicit collusion occurs between authors and reviewers in at least a third of academic publications

Anonymous No. 16261867

reminder that any blind study can never be trusted

Anonymous No. 16262593

Actually kind of surprising the fraction mentioned is 1/3, I'd have guessed something closer to 100% given that academia is an entirely corrupted and morally bankrupt institution

Anonymous No. 16262785

>As the production of scientific manuscripts and journal options both increase, the peer review process remains at the center of quality control
Is this what they really think? Reproduction is the scientific quality control. Peer review is quality control of form: grammar, argument, etc.
Where direct reproduction is difficult or impossible, meta analysis could also act as scientific quality control.

Anonymous No. 16262820

I don't think that proves that strong of a conclusion even if this data is the opposite of what you would expect.

Anonymous No. 16262892

I think the data is exactly what I would expect, namely my guess is that people who are subject to experiments like this simply act more critically towards the material. Especially in a highly niche field where reviewers may just not be used to that sort of thing. Like if your boss asks you to review this mystery paper that's double sekrit today then at least I think
I would be more critical of that. Also depending on how they select which papers to double blind there could simply be a correlation vs causation error, namely that single blinded paper from a famous scientist may be more likely to be accepted (and perhaps added to the single blind pile in the first place) because of it's higher quality and not because it's so unfair while low quality spam may be thrown into the double blind pile.

Anonymous No. 16263195

OP is a lying sack of shit. The study does not claim this.

>Results: Data from 6,606 manuscripts from 2011–2021 showed significant increases in reviewer invitations. Specifically, four journals showed statistically significant increases in reviewer invitations while two showed no change. Review times changed relatively little (± 2 weeks), and we found no concerning patterns in reviewer agreement. However, we documented a consistently higher rejection rate—around 20% higher—of double-blinded manuscripts when compared to single-blinded manuscripts.

>Conclusions: Our findings likely represent broader trends across fisheries science publications, and possibly extend to other life science disciplines. Because peer review remains a primary tool for scientific quality control, authors and editors are encouraged to understand the process and evaluate its performance at whatever level can help in the creation of trusted science. Minimally, our findings can help the six journals we investigated to better understand and improve their peer review processes.

Oh yeah, OP also forgot to mention that the publications in question are six fisheries "science" journals.

Anonymous No. 16263957

>the publications in question are six fisheries "science" journals.
you'll find the same is true in any other field

Anonymous No. 16264077

[citation needed]
Also the paper doesn't even remotely conclude what you are claiming.

Anonymous No. 16264236

How should he know? He never read it.

Anonymous No. 16265136

>the paper doesn't even remotely conclude what you are claiming.
yes it does

Anonymous No. 16266273

>at least a third of academic publications
100% of academic publications are fake. People in academia are useless so they need to tell lies in order to justify their existence. Anyone who isn't useless ends up outside of academia

Anonymous No. 16267269

"peer review processes need improvement" is just a polite PC way of saying obvious collusion is rampant
its similar to calling the massive epidemic of outright fraud and lying in scientific publications "the replication crisis" as if its all a big accident

Anonymous No. 16268490

you never read it and you can't do math so you wouldn't understand the numerical content even if you did read it

Anonymous No. 16269740

are there any reasonable explanations for higher rejections rates with increased levels of anonymity other than collusion? "oy vey it was just a coincidence" isn't a reasonable explanation

Anonymous No. 16270836

No, collusion is the only way to explain it.

Anonymous No. 16271746

>science journal retracts 10 papers for compromised peer review

Anonymous No. 16273158

More evidence that the only articles which have not yet been retracted are the ones that don't get significant scrutiny.

Anonymous No. 16275165

The data is as expected, the only surprise is that the magnitude of cheating revealed isn't as severe as one would predict

Anonymous No. 16276288

>the magnitude of cheating revealed
this is only the magnitude of cheating revealed by comparing the results of peer reviews with different levels of anonymity, its not an all encompassing measure of academic fraud, its only a proof that some collusion between authors and reviews is commonplace

Anonymous No. 16276289

>food science
of course lol

Anonymous No. 16276909

theres tons of retractions in every discipline, they're all just a corrupt and dishonest as the one in that headline, goyslop science just happened to be the one that made retraction watch's headlines this week

Anonymous No. 16277472

Some high-profile scientists get their names in everything. I wouldn't be at all surprised if their names and their prestigious institutes also significantly helped their manuscripts get through peer review.

But another thing to remember is that peer review is just a small part of the process. In many journals, Nature for instance, the editor rejects an order of magnitude more articles than peer-review does.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16278287

>the editor rejects an order of magnitude more articles than peer-review does.
and those rejected articles are all rejected because the authors didn't give the editors the proper payoff or because the authors don't have the same alma mater as the editor

Anonymous No. 16279868

>vainly spend tens of thousands of dollars to get another worthless trash academic article published
>nobody even bothers to read it
imagine being conceited and self obsessed enough to waste your life doing that.

Anonymous No. 16281078

What do you expect from people who devote their lives to trying to pose as geniuses. Theres a massive difference between trying to pose as something and trying to legitimately become that something. The former is trying specifically to not become that something, but only trying to become fake version of that something

Anonymous No. 16282001

they wouldn't need to do the posturing if they really were what they were trying to pose as

Anonymous No. 16283310

of course there is tons of collusion and cheating in peer review. each subfield has small handful of people in it and they all meet several times a year at conferences even if its "blind" everyone doing the reviews know who the authors are and they all have "one hand washes the other" deals with each other.

Anonymous No. 16284524

Thats how it is in astronomy. Research proposals are peer reviewed, thats how telescope usage is assigned. So everyone knows what everyone else is researching and there is no possibility of legitimately anonymous peer review.

Anonymous No. 16286108

its like that in every field, the idea of anonymity in peer review is a farce, everyone knows its a lie

Anonymous No. 16286451

How do we build a system that avoids this inherent flaw?

Anonymous No. 16286716

What about reputation bias?

Anonymous No. 16288076

Racism, sexism and antisemitism. Thats how the system was built up in the first place back when it functioned.
Shitskins, jews, atheists and women are desperate to take it over because they too stupid to construct their own institutions so their only hope is trying to imitate the accomplishments of white Christians.

Anonymous No. 16289263

>everyone knows its a lie
The retarded soiyentism worshippers don't seem to be able to wrap their tiny little minds around the idea

Anonymous No. 16290524

dumb people are dumb, they do dumb things and have dumb beliefs

Anonymous No. 16291768

They're both pretty much the same thing

Anonymous No. 16292990

>illicit collusion
theres nothing illegal about it, thats why everyone does it. there is no penalty for cheating in academia, cheating is encouraged and rewarded

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Anonymous No. 16294273

>cheating is encouraged and rewarded
as long as it's done to promote the desired narratives, but don't get on the wrong side of those narratives, if you do then your cheating will come back to haunt you

Anonymous No. 16295606

>criticize Israel
>suddenly get accused of plagiarism

Anonymous No. 16296855

peer review is a corrupt gay circlejerk, everyone who has any experience with it already knows that

Anonymous No. 16298401

>peer review is a corrupt gay circlejerk
thats by design

Anonymous No. 16299820

"soviet" is Russian for "committee"

Anonymous No. 16301005

Nobody would ever bother publishing useful new information that they learned. Whenever a scientist learns something new and valuable they keep it secret so they can exploit it for personal financial gain. The only thing that ever gets published is useless trash and harmful misinformation