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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16261788

Wait so...

Anonymous No. 16261829

Interesting topic but please provide proper context

Anonymous No. 16261836

bout fuckin time.

may god guide our scientists to his light

Anonymous No. 16261846

You can also look into Rupert Sheldrake and Levine's electric discoveries.
The hold that neo darwinism and determinism has over science is slowly being eroded

Anonymous No. 16261847

>Evolution is real but doesn't apply to human intelligence!
Why is mainstream science like this? Raise a puppy like a human and it doesn't gain human intelligence, thus intelligence is demonstrated to be in part genetic.

Anonymous No. 16261855


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Anonymous No. 16261934

Evolution has problems with combinatorics.

Anonymous No. 16261937

Every article I've seen like this has never actually been anything like that. Is there any reason this is any different?

Anonymous No. 16261956

>arguing over extra IQ points on bell curve
>doesn't realize that anything within the bell curve can be explained by random noise

If you give a puppy an IQ test, it will fall outside of the human IQ bell curve and we can confidently conclude that the puppy has non human intelligence.

Modern science is unbearable with midwits who think academia is a gamer chat where you can le ebin win by regurgitating the n word more than anyone else.

Anonymous No. 16261962

Not giving him any revenue, sorry anon.

Anonymous No. 16262032

When you are born a worm and the scientist is trying to convert your decapitation into flip-flop memory.

Anonymous No. 16262043

No it isn't. Old men vlogging on jewtube isn't science.

Anonymous No. 16262096

He didn't say IQ, he said intelligence. Dumbfuck.

Anonymous No. 16262128

Ehhh Iโ€™ll believe it when I see it.

Plus this old man looks like a schizo rambler.

He probably comments on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16262735

It's Over.