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Anonymous No. 16262444

upon looking at this board, it seemed that it was poorly moderated
but after deliberation it might not be moderated at all
if you are a moderator reading this post, please delete it, thank you

Anonymous No. 16262500

philosophy is allowed because /his/ is a bunch of narcissists
therefore any thread could be seen as philosophy
therefore mods are doing just fine

Anonymous No. 16262757

Absolute top kek that mods delete the threads talking about how people want the board to actually be about science yet this stays up. It’s so fucking over.

Anonymous No. 16262825

>any thread could be seen as philosophy
No, that's not what philosophy means.

Anonymous No. 16263451

I've never been here and I've been coming to 4chan for a while. This is total shit. Your going to have to resort to pizza to get their attention.

Anonymous No. 16263458

mods are philosophers

Anonymous No. 16263576

Fucking depressing

Anonymous No. 16263875

Is this good or bad?

Anonymous No. 16264036

mods aren’t real

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16264376


Anonymous No. 16264382

Op is the janny and further demoralizing sci. Dare I say fucking based. I kneel.

Anonymous No. 16264432

Wrong, they'll delete your post and ban you but the 25 threads of screencaps of twitter posts or clickbait articles and PETA retards will stay up

Anonymous No. 16264457

Mods are real and not real. They are very feline.

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Anonymous No. 16264596

>it might not be moderated at all
Good. The problem isn't moderation. The problem is that there is a dearth of actually intelligent people. I think that's mainly due to the fact that 99% of the heavy lifting here is done by bored grad school students procrastinating. Now that its summer, these people aren't visiting.
There was a thread last week about beam deflections and nobody could answer it. Its engineering 101. Yet years ago, this board itself was being cited in math papers for solving unsolved questions in combinatorics while discussing anime

Anonymous No. 16264605

>if you are a moderator reading this post, please delete it, thank you
Not your personal army, retard.

Anonymous No. 16264613

It was cited once for a simple result in a completely irrelevant paper. Also, why would summer affect grad students in any way?

Anonymous No. 16265096

There used to be. Guess why they left.

Anonymous No. 16265383

Why has this thread been up for days? They’re obviously on the board considering they deleted other threads complaining about how bad the board had become

Anonymous No. 16265396

this, someone saw a way to get a stupid publication without working for it so they did, it was a total waste, nobody cared, the paper has never been cited, except in the case when idiots with glaring personality disorders intentionally overstate the significance of the one incident in order to try and win an argument through dishonesty such as in >>16264596

Anonymous No. 16265427

I assume it's because it didn't mention /pol/, the mods fiscal incentive to allow /pol/tards outside of /pol/, or the compliance of the mods in the obvious destruction of /sci/ over the last decade or so.

I expect this post will be deleted by some faggot janny, but look around and you'll see openly racist posts and posts about jews that haven't been deleted in weeks. Check this thread on warosu and read the posts that were deleted, then ask yourself 'why those posts?'

Anonymous No. 16265454

OP probably got his asshole blown out because he wants (((science))) not science

Anonymous No. 16265618

There's been a general shift to other platforms. 4chan and the old web is dying. Anonymity is out, sharing information freely is out, probably because the young are encouraged to hold on to whatever advantage they can for personal benefit. It doesn't help that the norm is becoming a gated and monetized internet. We're oldfags now, even the ones who showed up
in 2015.

Anonymous No. 16265808

>fiscal incentive
Redpill me on this

Anonymous No. 16265811

Half of sci are NPC moaners and old farts working for academia suppressing good discussion. A quarter of sci is abstruse sounding retards making dumb assumptions about topics of which are merely scanned and agreed with immaturely. One fifth of sci are profound but not 300 IQ. The final percentile of sci users are 300 IQ.

Anonymous No. 16265841

How do you think this site makes money? Protip: their profit correlates to site traffic.

Anonymous No. 16265863

the pol-x crowd took covid as a call to come debate the merits of science in political and supernatural terms
because /pol/ is already an unusable garbage heap, they came to prefer it here
the board became less interesting, so some of the natives left
hide poltard threads, don't reply to poltard posts

Anonymous No. 16265882

That's the thing though. If you don't reply to /pol/tard posts then other /pol/tards reply to those posts in a giant circle jerk that justifies and reinforces their behavior and encourages them to post more. There's no winning. All filtering the posts does is let you watch the numbers of threads dwindle.

Anonymous No. 16265915

It's not even just fiscal incentives. The head mod, rapeape, who effectively runs the site is a massive /pol/tard and has fired mods and jannies, including ones who have been around since almost the beginning, for deleting or even just arguing for deletion of rule breaking content that he likes. There are leaked logs of him actively pushing for spreading /pol/ content on other boards and changing guidelines so GR3 is effectively unenforcable in most cases. He even specifically told mods to not punish users raiding /sci/ on one occasion.

Anonymous No. 16265941

>told mods not to punish users raiding /sci/
Where is some evidence for this? I believe you I just want to see it myself

Anonymous No. 16266029

I would also be interested in these logs.