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🧵 Serious Question

Anonymous No. 16262567

What’s the science reason why you can eat lettuce leaf but you can’t eat tree leaf?

Anonymous No. 16262576

You can eat tree leaves, they just have zero nutritional value. There are only very few trees whose leaves are poisonous. Lettuce also has no nutritional value btw. It's only eaten for outdated cultural/historical reasons. I avoid this nonsense and stick to actual food.

Anonymous No. 16262578

Don’t you get a soar stomach though?
Also, the taste.

Anonymous No. 16262579


Anonymous No. 16262762

It makes sandwiches more tasty though

Anonymous No. 16262763

Lettuce on a sandwich is disgusting.

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Anonymous No. 16262766

Lattice on a deck is pretty

Anonymous No. 16263605

I second this.

Anonymous No. 16263975

You can eat a tree leaf but it has more indigestible polysaccharides (cellulose, hemicellulose, probably some lignin) and bitter compounds which make it hard to eat and not tasty. There are probably also some mildly toxic compounds produced to deter grazing from animals (including insects)

Anonymous No. 16264073

>you can’t eat tree leaf?
yes you can, many tree species have edible leaves
Banana leaves, for example.

Anonymous No. 16264161

You can eat tree leaves, they just don't taste that good. Tea made from new leaves and new needles can taste good. Both beeches and spruce make enjoyable tea. If you want to make some yourself, research a bit first so that you don't accidentally ingest any poisons. Herbal teas are easy and cheap to make, so have at it!

Anonymous No. 16264166

Technically, you can eat whatever you want. But you can't always get enough nutrients out of it.

Many herbivores literally spend their whole day eating.